application: common
This artificial application gathers functionality shared by many "real" applications. While most users can probably do without looking into this, you may find some useful functions here.
This is the common base class of all `big' objects in polymake. It is included in the online help because it provides several useful methods for scripting and interactive use.
User Methods of Core::Object
apply_rule (pattern)
Executes the specified production rule. If the object does not possess enough initial properties to provide all required rule sources, or any of its preconditions are not satisfied, an exception is raised.
String pattern : either a label (see prefer) or a rule header. The rule header must exactly match the definition in the rulefile, up to white spaces around property names. If the given pattern matches headers of several rules, or the given label is associated with several rules, the rule chain with smallest total weight (including the rules supplying the source properties) is chosen. -
disable_rules (pattern)
Temporarily disable production rules matching given pattern for an object. Rules are re-enabled after the complete execution of the current script or input expression in interactive mode.
Works much like the user function disable_rules but only affecting the given object.
String pattern : either a label (see prefer) or a rule header. The rule header must exactly match the definition in the rulefile, up to white spaces around property names. If the given pattern matches headers of several rules, or the given label is associated with several rules, they all will be disabled regardless their precoditions, weights, or other attributes. -
dont_save ()
Clears the `changed' flag in the object, so that it won't be saved in the XML file it stems from. This method is primarily designed for unit tests, but could be also useful in interactive mode if you want to revert all recent changes and reload the object from the data file.
get_schedule (request) → Core::RuleChain
Compose an optimal chain of production rules providing all requested properties. The returned RuleChain object can be applied to the original object as well as to any other object with the same initial set of properties. If no feasible rule chain exists, `undef' is returned.
To watch the rule scheduler at work, e.g. to see announcements about tried preconditions, you may temporarily increase the verbosity levels
String request : name of a property with optional alternatives or a property path in dotted notation. Several requests may be listed.Returns
Core::RuleChain -
list_names ()
Returns the list of names of multiple subobject instances. This method can be applied to any instance. For a normal (non-multiple) subobject or a top-level object just returns its name.
list_properties (deep)
Returns the list of names of all properties kept in the object.
Bool deep : recursively descend in all subobjects and list their properties in dotted notation. -
set_as_default ()
Makes the multiple subobject instance the default one. Physically this means moving it at the 0-th position in the instance list.
The instance can be selected by give() or PROPERTY_NAME access method, e.g.:
by current position: > $p->TRIANGULATION->[$i]->set_as_default;
by subobject name: > $p->TRIANGULATION("placing")->set_as_default;
by checking for a specific property: > $p->TRIANGULATION(sub { defined($_->lookup("WEIGHTS")) })->set_as_default;
by analyzing all instances and picking the best one: > for (@{$p->TRIANGULATION}) { assign_min($min_facets, $_->N_FACETS) and $t=$_ } $t->set_as_default;
set_as_default_now ()
Temporarily make the multiple subobject instance the default one. The change is automatically reverted at the end of the current user cycle. Usage as set_as_default.
A rule chain to compute properties of an object.
User Methods of Core::RuleChain
Category: Visualizationderived from: Visual::Object
The common base class of all visual objects composed of several simpler objects. Instances of such classes can carry default decoration attributes applied to all contained objects.
Category: Visualization
The common base class of all visualization artifacts produced by various user methods like VISUAL, VISUAL_GRAPH, SCHLEGEL, etc. Visual objects can be passed to functions explicitly calling visualization software like jreality() or povray().
User Functions
These are functions that perform arithmetic computations.
denominator (a) → Integer
denominator (f) → Polynomial
denominator (f) → Polynomial
ext_gcd (a, b) → ExtGCD
Compute the greatest common divisor of two numbers (a,b) and accompanying co-factors.
Example:> $GCD = ext_gcd(15,6);
The GCD of the numbers can then be accessed like this:> print $GCD->g;
The ExtGCD type also stores the Bezout coefficients (thus integers p and q such that g=a*p+b*q)...> print $GCD->p;
print $GCD->q;-2
...and the quotients k1 of a and k2 of b by g.> print $GCD->k1;
> print $GCD->k2;
gcd (v) → Element
Compute the greatest common divisor of the elements of the given vector.
Example:> $v = new Vector<Int>(3,6,9);
> print gcd($v);
gcd (p, q) → UniPolynomial
Returns the greatest common divisor of two univariate polynomials.
Example:- We first create the polynomial ring with one variable, Rational coefficients and Int exponents. $r=new Ring<Rational, Int>(1); Then we create two UniPolynomials with said coefficient and exponent type:
> $p = new UniPolynomial<Rational,Int>([2,2],[3,2],$r);
> $q = new UniPolynomial<Rational,Int>([6,4],[4,2],$r);
Printing them reveals what the constructor does:> print $p;
2*x^3 + 2*x^2
> print $q;
4*x^4 + 6*x^2
Now we can calculate their gcd:> print gcd($p,$q);
lcm (v) → Element
Compute the least common multiple of the elements of the given vector.
Example:> $v = new Vector<Integer>(1,3,6,9);
> print lcm($v);
numerator (f) → Polynomial
numerator (f) → Polynomial
sum_of_square_roots_naive (a) → Map<Rational, Rational>
Make a naive attempt to sum the square roots of the entries of the input array.
Array<Rational> a list of rational numbers (other coefficents are not implemented).Returns
Map<Rational, Rational> coefficient_of_sqrt a map collecting the coefficients of various roots encountered in the sum. For example, {(3 1/2),(5 7)} represents sqrt{3}/2 + 7 sqrt{5}. If the output is not satisfactory, please use a symbolic algebra package.
This category contains combinatorial functions.
all_permutations (n) → ARRAY
Returns a list of all permutations of the set {0...n-1} as a perl-array
Example:- To store the result in the perl array @a, type this:
> @a = all_permutations(3);
The array contains pointers to arrays. To access the 0-th pointer, do this:> $a0 = $a[0];
To print the 0-th array itself, you have to dereference it as follows:> print @{ $a0 };
You can loop through @a by using foreach. The print statement gets the string obtained by dereferencing the current entry concatenated with the string " ".> foreach( @a ){
> print @{ $_ }," ";
> }
012 102 201 021 120 210
find_permutation (a, b) → Array<Int>
Returns the permutation that maps a to b.
Example:> $p = find_permutation([1,8,3,4],[3,8,4,1]);
> print $p;
2 1 3 0
permutation_cycles (p) → Array<List<Int>>
Returns the cycles of a permutation given by p.
Example:> print permutation_cycles([1,0,3,2]);
{0 1}{2 3}
permutation_matrix <Scalar> (p) → Matrix<Scalar>
Returns the permuation matrix of the permutation given by p.
Example:- The following prints the permutation matrix in sparse representation.
> print permutation_matrix([1,0,3,2]);
(4) (1 1)
(4) (0 1)
(4) (3 1)
(4) (2 1)
permutation_sign (p) → Int
Returns the sign of the permutation given by p.
Example:> print permutation_sign([1,0,3,2]);
This contains functions for data conversions and type casts.
cast <Target> (object) → Object
Change the type of the polymake object to one of its base types (aka ancestor in the inheritance hierarchy). The object loses all properties that are unknown in the target type.
cols ()
cols (A) → ARRAY<Vector>
Returns an array containing the columns of A.
Example:- The following saves the columns of the vertex matrix of a square in the variable $w and then prints its contents using a foreach loop and concatenating each entry with the string " ".
> $w = rows(cube(2)->VERTICES);
> foreach( @$w ){
> print @{$_}," ";
> }
1111 -11-11 -1-111
concat_rows (A) → Vector
Concatenates the rows of A.
Examples:- Make a vector out of the rows of the vertex matrix of a cube:
> $v = concat_rows(cube(2)->VERTICES);
> print $v;
1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1
- For a sparse matrix, the resulting vector is sparse, too.
> $vs = concat_rows(unit_matrix(3));
> print $vs;
(9) (0 1) (4 1) (8 1)
convert_to <Target> (s) → Target
convert_to <Target> (v) → Vector<Target>
Explicit conversion to a different element type.
Example:> $v = new Vector<Rational>(1/2,2/3,3/4);
> $vf = convert_to<Float>($v);
> print $vf;
0.5 0.6666666667 0.75
convert_to <Target> (m) → Matrix<Target>
Explicit conversion to a different element type.
Example:> $M = new Matrix<Rational>([1/2,2],[3,2/3]);
> $Mf = convert_to<Float>($M);
> print $Mf;
0.5 2
3 0.6666666667
dense <Element> (v) → Vector<Element>
Convert to an equivalent dense vector of the same element type.
dense <Element> (m) → Matrix<Element>
Convert to an equivalent dense matrix of the same element type.
dense (m) → Matrix<Int>
dense (s, dim) → Vector<Int>
index_matrix (m) → IncidenceMatrix
Get the positions of non-zero entries of a sparse matrix.
Example:> $S = new SparseMatrix([1,2,0,0,0,0],[0,0,5,0,0,32]);
> print index_matrix($S);
{0 1}
{2 5}
indices (v) → Set<Int>
Get the positions of non-zero entries of a sparse vector.
Example:> $v = new SparseVector(0,1,1,0,0,0,2,0,3);
> print indices($v);
{1 2 6 8}
lex_ordered (f) → PowerSet<Int>
Visit the facets of f sorted lexicographically.
Example:> $f = new FacetList(cube(2)->VERTICES_IN_FACETS);
> print lex_ordered($f);
{{0 1} {0 2} {1 3} {2 3}}
repeat_col (v, i)
repeat_row (v, i)
rows ()
rows (A) → ARRAY<Vector>
Returns an array containing the rows of A.
Example:- The following saves the rows of the vertex matrix of a square in the variable $w and then prints its contents using a foreach loop and concatenating each entry with the string " ".
> $w = rows(cube(2)->VERTICES);
> foreach( @$w ){
> print @{$_}," ";
> }
1-1-1 11-1 1-11 111
toMatrix <Scalar> (A) → SparseMatrix<Scalar>
Convert an IncidenceMatrix to a SparseMatrix.
Example:> $M = toMatrix<Int>(cube(2)->VERTICES_IN_FACETS);
> print $M->type->full_name;
SparseMatrix<Int, NonSymmetric>
toPolynomial (s, vars)
toTropicalPolynomial (s, vars) → Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Rational> >
This converts a string into a tropical polynomial. The syntax for the string is as follows: It is of the form "min(...)" or "max(...)" or "min{...}" or "max{...}", where ... is a comma-separated list of sums of the form "a + bx + c + dy + ...", where a,c are rational numbers, b,d are Ints and x,y are variables. Such a sum can contain several such terms for the same variable and they need not be in any order. Any text that starts with a letter and does not contain any of +-*,(){} or whitespace can be a variable. A term in a sum can be of the form "3x", "3*x", but "x3"will be interpreted as 1 * "x3". Coefficients should not contain letters and there is no evaluation of arithmetic, i.e. "(2+4)*x" does not work (though "2x+4x" would be fine). In fact, further brackets should only be used (but are not necessary!) for single coefficienst, e.g. "(-3)*x". Warning: The parser will remove all brackets before parsing the individual sums. If no further arguments are given, the function will take the number of occuring variables as total number of variables and create a ring for the result. The variables will be sorted alphabetically.
String s The string to be parsedString vars Optional. A list of variables. If this is given, all variables used in s must match one of the variables in this list.Returns
Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Rational> > , where Addition depends on whether min or max was used in the string. -
toTropicalPolynomial (s, r, match_variables_by_order) → Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Rational> >
Same as toTropicalPolynomial(String,...), except that the result will live in the specified ring.
String s The string to be parsedRing<TropicalNumber<Addition,Rational> > r The polynomial ring in which the result will live. By default, all variables in s must match variables of the ring (this can be changed with the next argument) and the ring must be over the TropicalNumbers.Bool match_variables_by_order Optional and false by default. If true, variables in s can be arbitrary, though their total number has to match the total number of ring variables. The variables of the string will be assigned to ring variables in alphabetical order.Returns
Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Rational> > -
vector2col (v) → Matrix
vector2row (v) → Matrix
Functions for pretty printing, labels or latex output of polymake types.
labeled (data, elem_labels) → String
Prepares a vector for printing, prepends each element with a label and a colon.
Vector data to be printedArray<String> elem_labels optional labels for elements; if data is a Set, or similar, each element will be replaced by its label.Returns
String Example:> $v = new Vector(0,1,2);
> print labeled($v,["zeroth","first","second"]);
zeroth:0 first:1 second:2
latex (data, elem_labels) → String
LaTeX output of a matrix.
Matrix data to be printedArray<String> elem_labels optional labels for elements; if data is an IncidenceMatrix, Array<Set>, or similar, each element will be replaced by its label.Returns
String to be used with \usepackage{amsmath} -
print_constraints (M)
Write the rows of a matrix M as inequalities (equations=0) or equations (equations=1) in a readable way. It is possible to specify labels for the coordinates via an optional array coord_labels.
Matrix<Scalar> M the matrix whose rows are to be writtenOptions
Array<String> coord_labels changes the labels of the coordinatesArray<String> row_labels changes the labels of the rowsBool homogeneous false if the first coordinate should be interpreted as right hand sideBool equations true if the rows represent equations instead of inequalitiesExample:> $M = new Matrix([1,2,3],[4,5,23]);
> print_constraints($M,equations=>1);
0: 2 x1 + 3 x2 = -1
1: 5 x1 + 23 x2 = -4
rows_labeled (data, row_labels, elem_labels) → Array<String>
Prepares a matrix for printing, prepends each row with a label and a colon.
Matrix data to be printedArray<String> row_labels labels for the rowsArray<String> elem_labels optional labels for elements; if data is an IncidenceMatrix, Array<Set>, or similar, each element will be replaced by its label.Returns
Array<String> each string ending with end-of-lineExample:> print rows_labeled(cube(2)->VERTICES,['a','b','c','d']);
a:1 -1 -1
b:1 1 -1
c:1 -1 1
d:1 1 1
rows_labeled (graph, elem_labels) → Array<String>
Like above, but specialized for Graphs (defined for convenience: a PTL Graph is not a container)
Graph graph to be printedArray<String> elem_labels labels for the elementsReturns
Array<String> each string ending with end-of-lineExample:> print rows_labeled(cycle_graph(4)->ADJACENCY,['a','b','c','d']);
a:b d
b:a c
c:b d
d:a c
rows_numbered (data) → Array<String>
Equivalent to rows_labeled with omitted row_labels argument. Formerly called "numbered".
Example:> print rows_numbered(cube(2)->VERTICES);
0:1 -1 -1
1:1 1 -1
2:1 -1 1
3:1 1 1
Operations on graphs.
adjacency_matrix (graph) → IncidenceMatrix
Returns the adjacency matrix of graph nodes. For a normal graph, it will be a kind of IncidenceMatrix, for multigraph, it will be a SparseMatrix<Int>, with entries encoding the number of parallel edges between two nodes.
induced_subgraph (graph, set) → Graph
node_edge_incidences <Coord> (graph) → SparseMatrix<Coord>
Returns the node-edge incidence matrix of a graph.
Type Parameters
Coord coordinate type for the resulting matrix, default: IntParameters
Graph graph Returns
SparseMatrix<Coord> Example:> print node_edge_incidences(cycle_graph(5)->ADJACENCY);
(5) (0 1) (3 1)
(5) (0 1) (1 1)
(5) (1 1) (2 1)
(5) (2 1) (4 1)
(5) (3 1) (4 1)
Functions for lattice related computations.
eliminate_denominators (v) → Vector<Integer>
Scale a vector with the least common multiple of the denominators of its coordinates.
Example:> $v = new Vector(1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5);
> $ve = eliminate_denominators($v);
> print $ve;
30 20 15 12
eliminate_denominators_entire (v) → Matrix<Integer>
Scales entire matrix with the least common multiple of the denominators of its coordinates.
Example:> $M = new Matrix([1/2,1/3],[1/5,7],[1/4,4/3]);
> $Me = eliminate_denominators_entire($M);
> print $Me;
30 20
12 420
15 80
eliminate_denominators_entire_affine (v) → Matrix<Integer>
Scales entire matrix with the least common multiple of the denominators of its coordinates (ignore first column).
Example:> $M = new Matrix([1,1/2,1/3],[1,1/5,7],[1,1/4,4/3]);
> $Me = eliminate_denominators_entire_affine($M);
> print $Me;
1 30 20 1 12 420 1 15 80
eliminate_denominators_in_rows (M) → Matrix<Integer>
Scale a matrix row-wise with the least common multiple of the denominators of its coordinates.
Example:> $M = new Matrix([1/2,1/3],[1/5,7],[1/4,4/3]);
> $Me = eliminate_denominators_in_rows($M);
> print $Me;
3 2
1 35
3 16
is_integral (v) → Bool
is_integral (m) → Bool
Checks whether all coordinates of a rational matrix are integral.
Example:- This rational matrix has only integral entries:
> $m = new Matrix<Rational>([1,2],[3,4]);
> print is_integral($m);
But if we multiply it with 1/2, that is not the case anymore.> print is_integral(1/2 * $m);
primitive (v) → Vector<Integer>
Scales the vector to a primitive integral vector.
Example:> print primitive(new Vector(3,3/2,3,3));
2 1 2 2
primitive (M) → Matrix<Integer>
Scales each row of the matrix to a primitive integral vector.
Example:> print primitive(new Matrix([1,3/2],[3,1]));
2 3
3 1
primitive_affine (v) → Vector<Integer>
Scales the affine part of a vector to a primitive integral vector.
Example:> print primitive_affine(new Vector(1,3/2,1,1));
1 3 2 2
primitive_affine (M) → Matrix<Integer>
Scales the affine part of each row of the matrix to a primitive integral vector.
Example:> print primitive_affine(new Matrix([1,1,3/2],[1,3,1]));
1 2 3
1 3 1
These functions are for algebraic computations and constructions of special matrices.
anti_diag (d) → SparseMatrix
Produces a SparseMatrix from its anti-diagonal.
anti_diag (m1, m2) → SparseMatrix
Returns a block anti-diagonal matrix with blocks m1 and m2.
basis (A) → Pair<Set<Int>, Set<Int>>
Computes subsets of the rows and columns of A that form a basis for the linear space spanned by A.
Matrix A Returns
Pair<Set<Int>, Set<Int>> The first set corresponds to the rows, the second to the columns.Example:- Here we have a nice matrix:
> $M = new Matrix([[1,0,0,0],[2,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0]]);
Let's print bases for the row and column space:> ($row,$col) = basis($M);
> print $M->minor($row,All);
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
> print $M->minor(All,$col);
1 0 0
2 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
basis_affine (A) → Pair<Set<Int>, Set<Int>>
Does the same as basis ignoring the first column of the matrix.
Matrix A Returns
Pair<Set<Int>, Set<Int>> The first set corresponds to the rows, the second to the columns. -
basis_cols (A) → Set<Int>
Computes a subset of the columns of A that form a basis for the linear space spanned by A.
Example:- Here we have a nice matrix:
> $M = new Matrix([[1,0,0,0],[2,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0]]);
Let's print a basis of its column space:> print $M->minor(All,basis_cols($M));
1 0 0
2 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
basis_rows (A) → Set<Int>
Computes a subset of the rows of A that form a basis for the linear space spanned by A.
Example:- Here we have a nice matrix:
> $M = new Matrix([[1,0,0,0],[2,0,0,0],[0,1,0,0],[0,0,1,0]]);
Let's print a basis of its row space:> print $M->minor(basis_rows($M),All);
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
diag (d) → SparseMatrix
Produces a SparseMatrix from its diagonal.
Example:> $v = new Vector(1,2,3,4);
> $D = diag($v);
> print $D;
(4) (0 1)
(4) (1 2)
(4) (2 3)
(4) (3 4)
diag (m1, m2) → SparseMatrix
Returns a block diagonal matrix with blocks m1 and m2.
Example:> $m1 = new Matrix([1,2],[3,4]);
> $m2 = new Matrix([1,0,2],[3,4,0]);
> $D = diag($m1,$m2);
> print $D;
(5) (0 1) (1 2)
(5) (0 3) (1 4)
0 0 1 0 2
0 0 3 4 0
equal_bases (M1, M2) → Bool
hadamard_product (M1, M2) → Matrix
hermite_normal_form (M) → List
Computes the (column) Hermite normal form of an integer matrix. Pivot entries are positive, entries to the left of a pivot are non-negative and strictly smaller than the pivot.
Matrix M Matrix to be transformed.Options
Bool reduced If this is false, entries to the left of a pivot are left untouched. True by defaultReturns
List (Matrix N, SparseMatrix R) such that M*R=N, R quadratic unimodular.Example:- The following stores the result for a small matrix M in H and then prints both N and R:
> $M = new Matrix<Integer>([1,2],[2,3]);
> @H = hermite_normal_form($M);
> print $H[0];
1 0
0 1
> print $H[1];
-3 2
2 -1
householder_trafo (b) → Vector
inv (A) → Matrix
Computes the inverse A-1 of an invertible matrix A using Gauss elimination.
Example:- We save the inverse of a small matrix M in the variable $iM:
> $M = new Matrix([1,2],[3,4]);
> $iM = inv($M);
To print the result, type this:> print $iM;
-2 1
3/2 -1/2
As we can see, that is in fact the inverse of M.> print $M * $iM;
1 0
0 1
lineality_space (A) → Matrix
moore_penrose_inverse (M) → Matrix<Float>
normalized (A) → Matrix<Float>
Normalize a matrix by dividing each row by its length (l2-norm).
Example:> $A = new Matrix<Float>([1.5,2],[2.5,2.5]);
> print normalized($A);
0.6 0.8
0.7071067812 0.7071067812
null_space (A) → Matrix
null_space (b) → Matrix
ones_vector <Element> (d) → Vector<Element>
Creates a vector with all elements equal to 1.
Type Parameters
Element default: Rational.Parameters
Int d vector dimension. If omitted, a vector of dimension 0 is created, which can adjust itself when involved in a block matrix operation.Returns
Vector<Element> Example:- To create the all-ones Int vector of dimension 3, do this:
> $v = ones_vector<Int>(3);
You can print the result using the print statement:> print $v;
1 1 1
pluecker (V) → Vector
Compute the vector of maximal minors of a matrix. WARNING: interpretation different in tropical::lifted_pluecker
project_to_orthogonal_complement (points, orthogonal)
Projects points into the orthogonal complement of a subspace given via an orthogonal basis. The given points will be overwitten.
qr_decomp (M) → Pair<Matrix,Matrix>
QR decomposition of a Matrix M with rows > cols
Example:> $M = new Matrix<Float>([23,4],[6,42]);
> $qr = qr_decomp($M);
> print $qr->first;
0.9676172724 0.2524218971
0.2524218971 -0.9676172724
> print $qr->second;
23.76972865 14.47218877
0 -39.63023785
> print $qr->first * $qr->second ;
23 4
6 42
singular_value_decomposition (M) → SingularValueDecomposition
SVD decomposition of a Matrix. Computes the SVD of a matrix into a diagonal Marix (S), orthogonal square Matrix (U), orthogonal square Matrix (V), such that U*S*V^T=M The first element of the output array is S, the second U and the thrid V.
Example:> $M = new Matrix<Float>([1,2],[23,24]);
> $SVD = singular_value_decomposition($M);
The following prints the three matrices, seperated by newline characters.> print $SVD->left_companion ,"\n", $SVD->sigma ,"\n", $SVD->right_companion;
0.06414638608 0.9979404998
0.9979404998 -0.06414638608
33.31011547 0
0 0.6604600341
0.6909846321 -0.7228694476
0.7228694476 0.6909846321
smith_normal_form (M, inv) → SmithNormalForm<Integer>
Compute the Smith normal form of a given matrix M.
Matrix M must be of integer typeBool inv optional, if true, compute the inverse of the companion matricesReturns
SmithNormalForm<Integer> Example:> $M = new Matrix<Integer>([1,2],[23,24]);
> $SNF = smith_normal_form($M);
The following line prints the three matrices seperated by newline characters.> print $SNF->left_companion ,"\n", $SNF->form ,"\n", $SNF->right_companion;
1 0
23 1
1 0
0 -22
1 2
0 1
totally_unimodular (A) → Bool
The matrix A is totally unimodular if the determinant of each square submatrix equals 0, 1, or -1. This is the naive test (exponential in the size of the matrix).
For a better implementation try Matthias Walter's polymake extension at
Example:> $M = new Matrix<Int>([-1,-1,0,0,0,1],[1,0,-1,-1,0,0],[0,1,1,0,-1,0],[0,0,0,1,1,-1]);
> print totally_unimodular($M);
transpose (A) → IncidenceMatrix
Computes the transpose AT of an incidence matrix A, i.e., (aT)ij = aji.
unit_matrix <Element> (d) → SparseMatrix<Element>
Creates a unit matrix of given dimension
Type Parameters
Element default: RationalParameters
Int d dimension of the matrixReturns
SparseMatrix<Element> Examples:- The following stores the 3-dimensional unit matrix (ones on the diagonal and zeros otherwise) in a variable and prints it:
> $M = unit_matrix(3);
> print $M;
(3) (0 1)
(3) (1 1)
(3) (2 1)
- The following stores the 3-dimensional unit matrix (ones on the diagonal and zeros otherwise) from type Int in a variable and prints it:
> $M = unit_matrix<Int>(3);
> print $M->type->full_name;
SparseMatrix<Int, Symmetric>
unit_vector <Element> (d, pos) → SparseVector<Element>
Creates a SparseVector of given length d with a one entry at position pos and zeroes elsewhere.
Type Parameters
Element default: RationalParameters
Int d the dimension of the vectorInt pos the position of the 1Returns
SparseVector<Element> # @example The following stores a vector of dimension 5 with a single 1 (as a Rational) at position 2: > $v = unit_vector(5,2); > print $v; | (5) (2 1)Examples:- The following stores a vector of dimension 5 with a single 1 (as a Int) at position 2:
> $v = unit_vector<Int>(5,2);
> print $v->type->full_name;
- The following concatenates a unit vector of dimension 3 with a 1 at position 2 and a unit vector of dimension 2 with a 1 at position 1:
> $v = unit_vector(3,2) | unit_vector(2,1);
> print $v;
(5) (2 1) (4 1)
zero_matrix <Element> (i, j) → SparseMatrix<Element>
Creates a zero matrix of given dimensions
Type Parameters
Element default: RationalParameters
Int i number of rowsInt j number of columnsReturns
SparseMatrix<Element> Examples:- The following stores a 2x3 matrix with 0 as entries (from type Rational) in a variable and prints it:
> $M = zero_matrix(2,3);
> print $M;
0 0 0
0 0 0
- The following stores a 2x3 matrix with 0 as entries from type Int in a variable and prints its type:
> $M = zero_matrix<Int>(2,3);
> print $M->type->full_name;
Matrix<Int, NonSymmetric>
zero_vector <Element> (d) → Vector<Element>
Creates a vector with all elements equal to zero.
Type Parameters
Element default: RationalParameters
Int d vector dimension. If omitted, a vector of dimension 0 is created, which can adjust itself when involved in a block matrix operation.Returns
Vector<Element> Examples:- The following stores a vector of dimension 5 with 0 as entries (from type Rational) in a variable and prints it:
> $v = zero_vector(5);
> print $v;
0 0 0 0 0
- The following stores a vector of dimension 5 with 0 as entries from type Int in a variable and prints its type:
> $v = zero_vector<Int>(5);
> print $v->type->full_name;
- The following concatenates a vector of dimension 2 of ones and a vector of length 2 of zeros:
> $v = ones_vector(2) | zero_vector(2);
> print $v;
1 1 0 0
This category contains functions performing operations on Sets.
scalar2set (s) → Set<SCALAR>
Returns the singleton set {s}.
Example:> print scalar2set(23);
select_subset (s, indices) → Set
Miscellaneous functions.
histogram (data) → Map<Element, Int>
Produce a histogram of an array: each different element value is mapped on the number of its occurences.
Example:> $H = histogram([1,1,2,2,2,3,3,2,3,3,1,1,1,3,2,3]);
> print $H;
{(1 5) (2 5) (3 6)}
index_of (array) → Map<Array<Set<Int>>, Int>
Return a map indexing an array of sets
Example:> $s1 = new Set(1,2,3);
> $s2 = $s2 - 1;
> $a = new Array<Set>($s1,$s2,$s1);
> print index_of($a);
{({1 2 3} 2) ({2 3} 1)}
perturb_matrix (M, eps, not_hom) → Matrix
Perturb a given matrix M by adding a random matrix. The random matrix consists of vectors that are uniformly distributed on the unit sphere. Optionally, the random matrix can be scaled by a factor eps.
Matrix M Float eps the factor by which the random matrix is multiplied default value: 1Bool not_hom if set to 1, the first column will also be perturbed; otherwise the first columns of the input matrix M and the perturbed one coincide (useful for working with homogenized coordinates); default value: 0 (homogen. coords)Options
Int seed controls the outcome of the random number generator; fixing a seed number guarantees the same outcome.Returns
Matrix -
rand_perm (n) → Array<Int>
These functions are for visualization.
compose (vis_obj ...) → Visual::Container
Create a composite drawing of several objects.
Visual::Object vis_obj ... objects to be drawn togetherOptions
String Title name of the whole drawing; per default the name of the first Object is taken.option list: Visual::Polygons::decorations Returns
Visual::Container if called in void context, immediately starts the preferred rendering program.Example:- Draw a pretty 8-pointed star:
> compose(cube(2)->VISUAL,cross(2,sqrt(2))->VISUAL,Title=>"A pretty star.",VertexLabels=>"hidden");
compose (vis_container, vis_obj ...) → Visual::Container
Add new objects to a composite drawing.
Visual::Container vis_container drawing produced by some visualization functionVisual::Object vis_obj ... objects to be addedOptions
String Title new name for the drawingany decorations to be applied to all components as default values.Returns
Visual::Container if called in void context, immediately starts the preferred rendering program. -
javaview (vis_obj ...)
Run JavaView with the given visual objects.
Contained in extensionbundled:javaview
Visual::Object vis_obj ... objects to displayOptions
String File "filename" or "AUTO" Store the object description in a JVX file without starting the interactive GUI. The.jvx
suffix is automatically added to the file name.Specify AUTO if you want the filename be automatically derived from the drawing title.You can also use any expression allowed for theopen
function, including "-" for terminal output, "&HANDLE" for an already opened file handle, or "| program" for a pipe. -
jreality (vis_obj ...)
Run jReality to display given visual objects.
Contained in extensionbundled:jreality
Visual::Object vis_obj ... objects to displayOptions
String File "filename" or "AUTO" Store the object description in a bean shell source file without starting the interactive GUI. The.bsh
suffix is automatically added to the file name.Specify AUTO if you want the filename be automatically derived from the drawing title.You can also use any expression allowed for theopen
function, including "-" for terminal output, "&HANDLE" for an already opened file handle, or "| program" for a pipe. -
postscript (vis_obj ...)
Create a Postscript (tm) drawing with the given visual objects.
Visual::Object vis_obj ... objects to drawOptions
String File "filename" or "AUTO" Store the drawing in a file without starting the viewer.
suffix is automatically added to the file name.Specify AUTO if you want the filename be automatically derived from the drawing title.You can also use any expression allowed for theopen
function, including "-" for terminal output, "&HANDLE" for an already opened file handle, or "| program" for a pipe. -
sketch (vis_obj ...)
Produce a Sketch input file with given visual objects.
Visual::Object vis_obj ... objects to displayOptions
String File "filename" or "AUTO"For the file name you can use any expression allowed for theopen
function, including "-" for terminal output, "&HANDLE" for an already opened file handle, or "| program" for a pipe. Real file names are automatically completed with
suffix if needed.An automatically generated file name is displayed in the verbose mode. -
static (vis_obj) → Visual::Object
Suppress creation of dynamic (interactive) scenes.
Visual::Object vis_obj drawing, e.g. created byVISUAL_GRAPH
Visual::Object if called in void context, immediately starts the preferred rendering program. -
threejs (vis_obj)
Produce an html file with given visual objects.
Visual::Object vis_obj object to displayOptions
String File "filename" or "AUTO"For the file name you can use any expression allowed for theopen
function, including "-" for terminal output, "&HANDLE" for an already opened file handle, or "| program" for a pipe. Real file names are automatically completed with the.html
suffix if needed.An automatically generated file name is displayed in the verbose mode. -
tikz (vis_obj)
Produce a TikZ file with given visual objects.
Visual::Object vis_obj object to displayOptions
String File "filename" or "AUTO"For the file name you can use any expression allowed for theopen
function, including "-" for terminal output, "&HANDLE" for an already opened file handle, or "| program" for a pipe. Real file names are automatically completed with the.tikz
suffix if needed.An automatically generated file name is displayed in the verbose mode.
Property Types
This category contains all "algebraic" types, such as matrices, vectors, polynomials, rings, ...
Use the keyword "All" for all rows or columns, e.g. when constructing a minor.
Matrix <Element, Sym>UNDOCUMENTED
Type Parameters
Element default: RationalSym default: NonSymmetricUser Methods of Matrix
- anti_diagonal (i) → Vector<Element>
Returns the anti-diagonal of the matrix.
Int i i=0: the main anti_diagonal (optional)i>0: the i-th anti_diagonal below the main anti_diagonali<0: the i-th anti_diagonal above the main anti_diagonalReturns
Vector<Element> - col (i) → Vector<Element>
- diagonal (i) → Vector<Element>
Returns the diagonal of the matrix.
Int i i=0: the main diagonal (optional)i>0: the i-th diagonal below the main diagonali<0: the i-th diagonal above the main diagonalReturns
Vector<Element> - row (i) → Vector<Element>
Plucker <Scalar>UNDOCUMENTED
Type Parameters
Scalar default: RationalUser Methods of Plucker
- coordinates ()
- permuted ()
Polynomial <Coefficient, Exponent>UNDOCUMENTED
User Methods of Polynomial
- coefficients_as_vector ()
- get_ring ()
- monomials_as_matrix ()
- print_ordered ()
- trivial ()
PuiseuxFraction <MinMax, Coefficient, Exponent>UNDOCUMENTED
User Methods of PuiseuxFraction
- evaluate (m, x, exp) → Matrix<Coefficient>
Evaluate all PuiseuxFractions in a Matrix at a Rational number (x^exp). Let explcm be the lcm of the denominators of all exponents. If there are no denominators or explcm divides exp, then the evaluation is computed exactly. Otherwise, some rational number close to the root (x^exp)^-explcm will be chosen via an intermediate floating point number.
- evaluate (v, x, exp) → Vector<Coefficient>
Evaluate all PuiseuxFractions in a Vector at a Rational number (x^exp). Let explcm be the lcm of the denominators of all exponents. If there are no denominators or explcm divides exp, then the evaluation is computed exactly. Otherwise, some rational number close to the root (x^exp)^-explcm will be chosen via an intermediate floating point number.
- evaluate (x, exp) → Coefficient
Evaluate a PuiseuxFraction at a Rational number (x^exp). Let explcm be the lcm of the denominators of all exponents. If there are no denominators or explcm divides exp, then the evaluation is computed exactly. Otherwise, some rational number close to the root (x^exp)^-explcm will be chosen via an intermediate floating point number.
- evaluate_float (x) → Float
- evaluate_float (m, x) → Float
- evaluate_float (v, x) → Float
- val () → TropicalNumber<MinMax>
RationalFunction <Coefficient, Exponent>
SparseMatrix <Element, Sym>derived from: Matrix
A SparseMatrix is a two-dimensional associative array with row and column indices as keys; elements equal to the default value (ElementType(), which is 0 for most numerical types) are not stored, but implicitly encoded by the gaps in the key set. Each row and column is organized as an AVL-tree.
Use dense to convert this into its dense form.
You can create a new SparseMatrix by entering its entries row by row, as a list of SparseVectors e.g.:
$A = new SparseMatrix<Int>(<< '.');(5) (1 1)(5) (4 2)(5)(5) (0 3) (1 -1).Type Parameters
Element Sym User Methods of SparseMatrix
- resize ()
Resize the matrix
- squeeze ()
Removes empty rows and columns. The remaining rows and columns are renumbered without gaps.
- squeeze_cols ()
Removes empty columns. The remaining columns are renumbered without gaps.
- squeeze_rows ()
Removes empty rows. The remaining rows are renumbered without gaps.
SparseVector <Element>derived from: Vector
A SparseVector is an associative container with element indices (coordinates) as keys; elements equal to the default value (ElementType(), which is 0 for most numerical types) are not stored, but implicitly encoded by the gaps in the key set. It is based on an AVL tree.
The printable representation of a SparseVector looks like a sequence (l) (p1 v1) ... (pk vk), where l is the dimension of the vector and each pair (pi vi) denotes an entry with value vi at position pi. All other entries are zero.
Use dense to convert this into its dense form.
You can create a new SparseVector by entering its printable encoding as described above, e.g.:
$v = new SparseVector<Int>(<< '.');(6) (1 1) (2 2).Type Parameters
Element User Methods of SparseVector
UniMonomial <Coefficient, Exponent>
UniPolynomial <Coefficient, Exponent>
A class for univariate polynomials.
User Methods of UniPolynomial
- deg ()
- evaluate ()
- evaluate_float ()
- lower_deg ()
- print_ordered ()
Vector <Element>
A type for vectors with entries of type Element.
You can perform algebraic operations such as addition or scalar multiplication.
You can create a new Vector by entering its elements, e.g.:
$v = new Vector<Int>(1,2,3);or
$v = new Vector<Int>([1,2,3]);Type Parameters
Element User Methods of Vector
These types are needed as return types of arithmetic computations.
TropicalNumber <Addition, Scalar>UNDOCUMENTED
Type Parameters
Addition Scalar default: RationalUser Methods of TropicalNumber
- orientation () → Int
The orientation of the associated addition, i.e. +1 if the corresponding 0 is +inf -1 if the corresponding 0 is -inf
These types are auxiliary artifacts helping to build other classes, primarily representing template parameters or enumeration constants. They should not be used alone as property types or function arguments. In the most cases they won't even have user-accessible constructors.
A perl array of whatever contents.
Type tag for a directed multigraph.
Iterator <Element>
An iterator over a sequence of objects. The objects may be stored in a container or be generated on the fly.
Type Parameters
Element -
Labels a Matrix or an IncidenceMatrix as non-symmetric.
A perl scalar of whatever contents.
Type Parameters
X -
Iterator over a sequence of objects having indexes. Examples are non-zero elements of a SparseVector or of a row/column of a SparseMatrix.
Labels a Matrix or an IncidenceMatrix as symmetric.
Type tag for an undirected Graph.
Type tag for an undirected multigraph.
This category contains all basic types, in particular those that wrap C++, GMP or perl types such as Int, Integer, Rational, Long, Float, Array, String, ...
Corresponds to the C++ type bool.
Corresponds to the C++ type int.
List <Element>
Corresponds to the C++ type std::list.
Type Parameters
Element -
Pair <First, Second>
Corresponds to the C++ type std::Pair.
Type Parameters
First Second -
QuadraticExtension <Field>
Realizes quadratic extensions of fields.
You can construct the value a+b\(\sqrt r\) via QuadraticExtension(a, b, r) (where a, b, r are of type Field).
Type Parameters
Field default: Rational -
Corresponds to the C++ type std::string.
Plain text without any imposed structure.
This contains all property types that are related to graphs.
EdgeHashMap <Dir, Element>derived from: GraphMap
Sparse mapping of edges to data items.
Type Parameters
Dir Element data associated with edgesUser Methods of EdgeHashMap
Type Parameters
Dir User Methods of Graph
- adjacent_nodes (node) → Set
- contract_edge (node1, node2)
- delete_all_edges (tail_node, head_node)
- delete_edge (tail_node, head_node)
- delete_edge (iterator)
- delete_node (node)
Deletes all edges incident to the given node and marks it as invalid. The numeration of other nodes stays unchanged.
Int node - edge_exists (tail_node, head_node) → Bool
- invalid_node (node) → Bool
- in_adjacent_nodes (node) → Set
- node_exists (node) → Bool
- node_out_of_range (node) → Bool
- out_adjacent_nodes (node) → Set
- out_degree (node) → Int
- squeeze ()
Renumbers the valid nodes as to eliminate all gaps left after deleting.
- squeeze_isolated ()
Deletes all nodes of degree 0, then renumbers the remaining nodes without gaps.
NodeHashMap <Dir, Element>derived from: GraphMap
Sparse mapping of nodes to data items.
Type Parameters
Dir Element data associated with nodes
These types are needed as return types of algebraic computations.
Complete result of the singular value decomposition of a matrix M, such that left_companion * sigma * transpose(right_companion) = M Contains the following fields:
Matrix<Float> sigma: the diagonalized matrixMatrix<Float> left_companion: matrix of left singular vectorsMatrix<Float> right_companion: matrix of right singular vectors -
Complete result of the Smith normal form computation. Contains the following fields:
SparseMatrix<Scalar> form: the Smith normal form S of the given matrix MList<Pair<Scalar, Int>> torsion: absolute values of the entries greater than 1 of the diagonal together with their multiplicityInt rank: rank of MSparseMatrix<Scalar> left_companion, right_companion: unimodular matrices L and R such thatM = LSR in normal case, or S = LMR in inverted case (as specified in the call to smith_normal_form function).
In this category you find all property types related to sets, such as Set, Map, HashMap, IncidenceMatrix, ...
A FacetList is a collection of sets of integral numbers from a closed contiguous range [0..n-1]. The contained sets usually encode facets of a simplicial complex, with set elements corresponding to vertices of a complex, therefore the name.
From the structural perspective, FacetList is interchangeable with IncidenceMatrix, but they significantly differ in supported operations and their performance. IncidenceMatrix offers fast random access to elements, while FacetList is optimized for finding, inserting, and deleting facets fulfilling certain conditions like all subsets or supersets of a given vertex set.
On perl side, FacetList behaves like a sequence of Set<Int> without random access to facets. Facets are visited in chronological order. Each facet has a unique integral ID generated at the moment of insertion. The IDs can be obtained via call to index() of iterators created by find() methods.
User Methods of FacetList
eraseSubsets (s) → Int
eraseSupersets (s) → Int
findSubsets (s) → Iterator
findSupersets (s) → Iterator
n_vertices () → Int
HashMap <Key, Value>
Similar to Map. HashMaps are associative containers that contain unique key/value pairs.
The values are stored in a hash table. Accessing and interserting a value by its key works in constant time O(1).
You can create a new HashMap mapping Ints to Strings by
$myhashmap = new HashMap<Int, String>([1, "Monday"], [2, "Tuesday"]);On the perl side HashMaps are treated like hashrefs. You can work with a HashMap like you work with a Map (keeping in mind differences in performance and memory demand).
Type Parameters
Key type of the key valuesValue type of the mapped value -
IncidenceMatrix <Sym>
A 0/1 incidence matrix.
Type Parameters
Sym User Methods of IncidenceMatrix
- col (i) → SparseVector<Int>
- minor (r, c) → IncidenceMatrix
Returns a minor of the matrix containing the rows in r and the columns in c. You can pass All if you want all rows or columns and ~ for the complement of a set. E.g.
$A->minor(All, ~[0]);will give you the minor of a matrix containing all rows and all but the 0-th column.
- row (i) → SparseVector<Int>
- squeeze ()
Removes empty rows and columns. The remaining rows and columns are renumbered without gaps.
- squeeze_cols ()
Removes empty columns. The remaining columns are renumbered without gaps.
- squeeze_rows ()
Removes empty rows. The remaining rows are renumbered without gaps.
Map <Key, Value>
Maps are sorted associative containers that contain unique key/value pairs. Maps are sorted by their keys.
Accessing or inserting a value needs logarithmic time O(log n), where n is the size of the map.
You can create a new Map mapping Ints to Strings by
$mymap = new Map<Int, String>([1, "Monday"], [2, "Tuesday"]);On the perl side Maps are treated like hashrefs. You can add a new key/value pair by
$mymap->{3} = "Wednesday";(If the key is already contained in the Map, the corresponding value is replaced by the new one.) or ask for the value of a key by
print $mymap->{1};Type Parameters
Key type of the key valuesValue type of the mapped value -
Set <Element>
A type for sets containing elements of type Element.
You can for example create a new Set by:
$s = new Set(2, 3, 5, 7);You can perform set theoretic operations:
$s1 + $s2 union$s1 * $s2 intersection$s1 - $s2 difference$s1 ^ $s2 symmetric differenceType Parameters
Element default: IntUser Methods of Set
These property_types are for visualization.
This is a pseudo-type for documentation purposes only. Many options of visualization functions modifying the appearance of some set of graphical elements like points, edges, facets, etc. accept a wide range of possible values, allowing for different grades of flexibility (and complexity):
SCALAR the same attribute value is applied to all elements ARRAY each element gets its individual attribute value HASH elements found in the hash get their individual attribute values, for the rest the appropriate default applies SUB a piece of code computing the attribute value for the given element
Unless specified explicitly in the detailed option description, the indices, keys, or subroutine arguments used for retrieval of the attribute values are just the zero-based ordinal numbers of the elements.
A color described as a Hue-Saturation-Value triple. Is convertible to and from an RGB representation.
A color described as a Red-Green-Blue triple. Can be constructed from a list of three integral values from the range 0..255, or a list of three floating-point values from the range 0..1, or one of symbolic names listed in the system-wide file
Common Option Lists
These options are for visualization.
Common attributes modifying the appearance of PointSets and all visual objects derived thereof. Please be aware that no one visualization program interfaced to polymake supports all of them. Unsupported options are normally ignored.
String Title the name of the drawingString Name the name of this visual object in the drawingBool Hidden if set to true, the visual object is not rendered (useful for interactive visualization programs allowing for switching details on and off) String if set to "hidden", no point labels are displayedenum PointLabels ("hidden"), String alias for PointLabelsenum VertexLabels ("hidden"),Flexible<Color> PointColor color of the spheres or rectangles representing the pointsFlexible<Color> VertexColor alias for PointColorFlexible<Float> PointThickness scaling factor for the size of the spheres or rectangles representing the pointsFlexible<Float> VertexThickness alias for PointThicknessFlexible<Color> PointBorderColor color of the border line of rectangles representing the pointsFlexible<Float> VertexBorderColor alias for PointBorderColorFlexible<Float> PointBorderThickness scaling factor for the thickness of the border line of rectangles representing the pointsFlexible<Float> VertexBorderThickness alias for PointBorderThicknessFlexible<String> PointStyle if set to "hidden", neither point nor its label is renderedFlexible<String> VertexStyle alias for PointStyleVector<Float> ViewPoint ViewPoint for Sketch visualizationVector<Float> ViewDirection ViewDirection for Sketch visualizationVector<Float> ViewUp ViewUp for Sketch visualizationFloat Scale scale for Sketch visualizationFlexible<String> LabelAlignment Defines the alignment of the vertex labels: left, right or center -
Visual::Polygon::decorationsimports from: Visual::PointSet::decorations
Attributes modifying the appearance of filled polygons.
Color FacetColor filling color of the polygonFloat FacetTransparency transparency factor of the polygon between 0 (opaque) and 1 (completely translucent)String FacetStyle if set to "hidden", the inner area of the polygon is not renderedColor EdgeColor color of the boundary linesFloat EdgeThickness scaling factor for the thickness of the boundary linesString EdgeStyle if set to "hidden", the boundary lines are not rendered -
Visual::Polygons::decorationsimports from: Visual::PointSet::decorations
Attributes modifying the appearance of a set of polygons (like a polygonal surface).
Flexible<Color> FacetColor filling color of the polygonsFlexible<Float> FacetTransparency transparency factor of the polygons between 0 (opaque) and 1 (completely translucent)Flexible<String> FacetStyle if set to "hidden", the inner area of the polygons are not rendered at allString FacetLabels if set to "hidden", the facet labels are not displayed (in the most cases this is the default behavior)Color EdgeColor color of the boundary linesFloat EdgeThickness scaling factor for the thickness of the boundary linesString EdgeStyle if set to "hidden", the boundary lines are not rendered -
Visual::Wire::decorationsimports from: Visual::PointSet::decorations
Attributes modifying the appearance of "wire frameworks". Unlike the rest, the flexible edge attributes are retrieved using the edge iterator as an index/key/argument.
Flexible<Color> EdgeColor color of the lines representing the edgesFlexible<Float> EdgeThickness scaling factor for the thickness of the lines representing the edgesEdgeMap<String> EdgeLabels textual labels to be placed along the edgesFlexible<String> EdgeStyle if set to "hidden", neither the edge nor its label is rendered