====== BigObject NormalToricVariety ====== //from application [[..:fulton|fulton]]//\\ \\ A normal toric variety given by a fan. ? derived from: : ''[[..:fan:PolyhedralFan |PolyhedralFan]]'' ? Specializations: :: ''NormalToricVariety::AffineNormalToricVariety'': A normal toric variety that is affine, i.e., given by a cone. ===== Properties ===== ==== Algebraic Geometry ==== Properties from algebraic geometry. ---- {{anchor:affine:}} ? **''AFFINE''** :: A toric variety is __affine__ if the fan consists of a single cone. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Bool |Bool]]'' ---- {{anchor:degenerate:}} ? **''DEGENERATE''** :: A toric variety is __degenerate__ if the fan is not ''[[..:fan:PolyhedralFan#FULL_DIM |FULL_DIM]]''. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Bool |Bool]]'' ---- {{anchor:divisor:}} ? **''DIVISOR''** :: ? Type: :''[[..:fulton:TDivisor |TDivisor]]'' ? Properties of DIVISOR: : ? **''MODULE_GENERATORS''** :: Exponents of the fractional ideal of global sections. This property only makes sense for affine toric varieties. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Matrix |Matrix]]<[[..:common#Integer |Integer]],[[..:common#NonSymmetric |NonSymmetric]]>'' ? depends on extension: : [[:external_software|4ti2 or libnormaliz]] ---- {{anchor:effective_cone:}} ? **''EFFECTIVE_CONE''** :: The cone of effective divisors in the rational class group. A class of divisors D is effective if the corresponding polytope PD is non-empty. ? Type: :''[[..:polytope:Cone |Cone]]<[[..:common#Rational |Rational]]>'' ---- {{anchor:fano:}} ? **''FANO''** :: A toric variety is __fano__ if the anticanonical divisor is ''[[..:fulton:TDivisor#AMPLE |AMPLE]]''. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Bool |Bool]]'' ---- {{anchor:mori_cone:}} ? **''MORI_CONE''** :: The dual of the ''[[..:fulton:NormalToricVariety#NEF_CONE |NEF_CONE]]''. ? Type: :''[[..:polytope:Cone |Cone]]<[[..:common#Rational |Rational]]>'' ---- {{anchor:nef_cone:}} ? **''NEF_CONE''** :: The cone of nef divisors in the rational class group. This is the closure of the cone of ample divisors, where a divisor of the variety is ample if the fan coincides with the normal fan of PD; equivalently, a divisor is nef if the inequalities it defines are tight on PD. ? Type: :''[[..:polytope:Cone |Cone]]<[[..:common#Rational |Rational]]>'' ---- {{anchor:projective:}} ? **''PROJECTIVE''** :: A toric variety is __projective__ if the corresponding fan is the [[..:fan#normal_fan |normal fan]] of some polytope. Alias for property ''[[..:fan:PolyhedralFan#REGULAR |REGULAR]]''. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Bool |Bool]]'' ---- {{anchor:rational_divisor_class_group:}} ? **''RATIONAL_DIVISOR_CLASS_GROUP''** :: The torsion free part of the class group. ? Type: :''[[..:fulton:RationalDivisorClassGroup |RationalDivisorClassGroup]]'' ---- {{anchor:smooth:}} ? **''SMOOTH''** :: A toric variety is __smooth__ if the fan is [[..:fan:PolyhedralFan#SMOOTH_FAN |smooth]]. Alias for property ''[[..:fan:PolyhedralFan#SMOOTH_FAN |SMOOTH_FAN]]''. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Bool |Bool]]'' ---- ==== Basic properties ==== Properties defining a normal toric variety. ---- {{anchor:generating_polytope:}} ? **''GENERATING_POLYTOPE''** :: Polytope such that the fan of the toric variety is the normal fan of this polytope. This does not necessarily exist. For determining existence and computation we use Shepards theorem. ? Type: :''[[..:polytope:Polytope |Polytope]]<[[..:common#Rational |Rational]]>'' ---- {{anchor:n_maximal_torus_orbits:}} ? **''N_MAXIMAL_TORUS_ORBITS''** :: The number of maximal torus orbits. Equals the number of rays of the fan. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Int |Int]]'' ---- {{anchor:orbifold:}} ? **''ORBIFOLD''** :: A toric variety is an __orbifold__ if the fan is ''[[..:fan:PolyhedralFan#SIMPLICIAL |SIMPLICIAL]]''. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Bool |Bool]]'' ---- ==== Combinatorics ==== These properties capture combinatorial information of the object. Combinatorial properties only depend on combinatorial data of the object like, e.g., the face lattice. ---- {{anchor:weight_cone:}} ? **''WEIGHT_CONE''** :: The weight cone of the algebra yielding the affine normal toric variety. I.e., intersect this cone with the lattice, take the semigroup algebra over it and take the spectrum. ? Type: :''[[..:polytope:Cone |Cone]]<[[..:common#Rational |Rational]]>'' ---- ==== no category ==== {{anchor:toric_ideal:}} ? **''TORIC_IDEAL''** :: The toric ideal defining the variety. ? Type: :''[[..:ideal:Ideal |Ideal]]'' ----