====== BigObject GeometricGraph ====== //from application [[..:graph|graph]]//\\ \\ An undirected graph with given node coordinates and a bounding box. ? Type Parameters: :: ''Scalar'': node coordinate type ? derived from: : ''[[..:graph:Graph |Graph]]'' ===== Properties ===== ==== no category ==== {{anchor:bounding_box:}} ? **''BOUNDING_BOX''** :: Since a Voronoi polyhedron is unbounded it must be artificially bounded for visualization purposes. Allowed is any set of hyperplanes which makes the projection onto the last d-1 coordinates bounded. By default, these are the vertical facets of a suitably scaled cube. ? Type: :''[[..:common#Matrix |Matrix]]'' ---- {{anchor:coordinates:}} ? **''COORDINATES''** :: The coordinates of the nodes of the graph. ? Type: :''[[..:common#NodeMap |NodeMap]]<[[..:common#Undirected |Undirected]],[[..:common#Vector |Vector]]>%%'' ----