Table of Contents

Source Installation (without using Homebrew)

For a source installation you should follow the instructions in the order given below.


You need a c++ compiler to build polymake. We recommend to install apple's command line tools. The standalone version of the tools suffices, but you can also install the full XCode IDE form the app store (but be aware that this uses around 8GB of disk space, compared to ~300MB for the command line tools).

Note that polymake needs perl to execute. We recommend to use the system perl, not one of the versions that you can install via fink or similar. The system perl should be picked automatically if you have not installed another one or edited $PATH. In case you have several versions of perl you have to make sure that polymake always finds the same perl as was used for compilation, so either provide an absolute path during configuration, or make sure that the correct version comes first in the $PATH.

Mac OS 10.11 and later:




xcode-select --install

in a terminal to trigger installation of the command line tools (Click install in the window that opens).


You need the ninja build system: Go to the ninja page and download and extract the mac binary on your mac (e.g. create a directory $HOME/bin, extract the dmg in this directory and add $HOME/bin to your path)

Install Dependencies

You need to install the following Linux packages (Follow the installation instructions given with each of the packages.)

Compiling polymake

With these preparations you are ready to compile polymake. You can now get the release version from github. You need the following steps:

Note that you might need additional options if your setup differs from a standard one.

Running polymake

Installation Script

For older versions we have prepared a Makefile that does a loacl installation of polymake resolving all dependencies. It is available from github. It might still work, or serve as inspiration.