The latest release 4.9 should work on all Mac OS versions greater or equal to 11. The installation requires a couple of steps (of which you have maybe done some already for other reasons):
For all steps you need an open Terminal. You can find the Terminal app in the Subfolder Utilities of Applications.
If you don't want to install Homebrew, you can try to install dependencies yourself. Some instructions are here.
In the terminal type
xcode-select --install
Either this tells you that your command line tools are installed or opens a small window that asks you whether you want to install them. Confirm. It also offers to install the full XCode IDE. This is not necessary and not recommended (you then need to install the command line tools on top from within XCode).
Installation instructions are here. In most cases it should be sufficient to copy and execute the first code line on that page into your terminal, that is:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Installation instructions are here. In most cases it should be sufficient to copy and execute the first code line on that page into your terminal, that is:
\curl -L | bash
We have to add some variables to the shell environment. Recent macs usually use zsh
as their shell. You can check this with
echo $SHELL
If you use bash
, you have to
with .bashrc
in the terminal commands below if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi
at the end of the file $HOME/.bash_profile
if it is not already present
Now add some paths to your Terminal config and reload the config. For an Intel Mac type the following lines in the terminal:
echo "export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5${PERL5LIB+:$PERL5LIB}" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo 'export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"' >> $HOME/.zshrc source $HOME/.zshrc
and for a Silicon Mac use
echo "export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5${PERL5LIB+:$PERL5LIB}" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> $HOME/.zshrc echo 'export ARCHFLAGS="-arch arm64"' >> $HOME/.zshrc source $HOME/.zshrc
Run the following lines in your terminal:
brew install gmp brew install mpfr brew install boost brew install readline brew install ppl brew install flint brew install singular brew install python3 brew install ninja brew install ccache brew install mongo-c-driver brew install jupyterlab
Run the following lines in your terminal:
yes N | perlbrew install-cpanm cpanm --local-lib=~/perl5 local::lib && eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib) cpanm SVG cpanm JSON cpanm install Net::SSLeay cpanm Term::ReadLine::Gnu cpanm Term::ReadKey cpanm XML::SAX
You find the sources here. Get the source tarball from the Linux section of that page. Download to Downloads.
In the terminal do
cd Downloads tar -xvjf polymake-4.11.tar.bz2
Essentially, polymake is compiled and installed with the following commands. This will put the polymake binary into /usr/local
. You may have to use sudo
for installing.
cd ~/Downloads/polymake-4.11 ./configure --without-java ninja -C build/Opt -j2 install
However, we recommend to install into a directory in your $HOME
-folder. For this, create a folder with
mkdir $HOME/<polymake_install_folder>
where <polymake_install_folder>
is a name of your choice, e.g. polymake_bin
. Then compile and install with (replace with the correct folder name!)
cd ~/Downloads/polymake-4.11 ./configure --without-java --prefix=$HOME/<polymake_install_folder> ninja -C build/Opt -j2 install
You can then call polymake
or add $HOME/<polymake_install_folder>/bin/
to your path.
If you use Safari
as your default browser, then you need to switch to another one for polymake. Please do
set_custom $Visual::webbrowser="open -a Firefox";
inside the polymake shell. Replace Firefox
by Google Chrome
if you prefer this browser.