====== Release 2.14r1 ====== Release date: September 22nd, 2015 ===== Changelog ===== -- general -- * support for perl 5.22 * fix for gcc-5.x * fix rare build issues * fixes and improvements in TAB-completion and F1-help * merge github pull #2 (fix -Werror=format-security issues) * various other bug fixes -- polytope -- * several fixes in minkowski_sum_fukuda -- visualization -- * update to jogl to fix issues on intel graphics ====== Release 2.14 ====== Release date: March 4th 2015 ===== Changelog ===== -- General -- * support for perl 5.20 * support for MacOS 10.10 (Bundle) * utf-8 encoding for java build recipes (merges github pull request #1) * libpolymake improvements * fixed equal_bases (thanks to ChoF @polymake-forum) * new client for hadamard product of matrices * many minor bugfixes and improvements * documentation improvements * substantial further modularization of configuration and installation -- fan -- * new client for product of fans * new client for mixed subidivions * proper handling of empty and trivial fans -- graph -- * new client for Johnson graphs * new client for the complement of graphs -- group -- * new client for converting action on columns to action on rows -- matroid -- * new properties for matroids * renaming of some properties (e.g. POINTS is now called VECTORS) * lattice of flats * improvements on basis exchange test * new client for direct and 2-sum * new client for parallel and series extensions * new client for lexicographic extensions * new client for modular cut check * computation of circuits via 4ti2 -- polytope -- * added vector configurations * lp2poly returns a polytope with rational coordinates by default instead of float coordinates * new client for cayley embeddings * new client for regular simplex and fano simplex * new client for weighted digraph polyhedron * new client for archimedian solids * new client for quotient of triangulations * new client for del Pezzo and pseudo del Pezzo polytopes * corrected handling of COORDINATE_LABELS in print_constraints * added flag for computing the outer normal cone * added combinatorial versions of product and join * added E6 and E7 to wythoff client * new script for converting boolean circuits to polytopes * new script 'analyze_this'. Creates a .tex file with basic information about a polytope -- topaz -- * new client for calculating a P-Sum-Triangulation * new client for independence complex of a matroid -- tropical -- * new coordinate type TropicalNumber -- visualization -- * new visualization backend: ThreeJS (view in browser) * improvements in TikZ and Sketch interfaces * TikZ supports face lattices (it is the new default) * visualization for unbounded polyhedra * fixes in fan visualization -- interfaces -- * singular interface: * compatibility * support for more term orders * libnormaliz interface updated to v2.12.2 * TOSimplex: OpenMP support and other improvements * interfaces of cdd and lrs: * moved to bundled extensions * support for external cdd and lrs installations