====== Polymake 3.0r2 ====== Release date July 22nd, 2016 ==== Changelog ==== -- distribution -- * support for perl 5.24 * support for gcc 6 (add no-delete-null-pointer-checks) * workaround for compile error under clang 3.8 / xcode 7.3 * warn when neither bliss nor nauty are enabled * include nauty interface in minimal tarball -- general -- * several small fixes in handling of subobjects and specializations * several other minor bugfixes -- fan -- * fix in regularity client (thanks: Sebastian Gutsche) -- matroid -- * fix in dual matroid client -- polytope -- * fix for degenerate hypersimplices (thanks: Charles Wang) * fix in separating hyperplane client ====== Polymake 3.0r1 ====== Release date January 25th, 2016 ==== Changelog ==== -- distribution -- * fix incompatibility of the Integer type with libnormaliz on 32bit platforms * fix several other minor compilation issues -- general * fixes for the TikZ visualization of pointsets: - for drawing PointConfigurations - for drawing lattice points in polytopes * fixes in handling of nested Ring types -- polytope -- * fixes in TOPCOM interface ====== Polymake 3.0 ====== Release date January 18th, 2016 ==== Changelog ==== -- distribution -- * support for libc++ * better support for compiling on MacOS X * support compilation with C++11 enabled * fix for gcc-5.x * fix rare build issues * support for perl 5.22 * fix build issue with gmp-6.1 * fixes for build-reproducibility -- general -- * significant improvement in rule scheduling * examples for various properties and clients: - in online help - in HTML documentation - focused on application polytope * various bugfixes and improvements, especially in documentation and visualization * fixes and improvements in TAB-completion and F1-help * merge github pull #2 (fix -Werror=format-security issues) * fix jReality visualization on various Intel HD Graphics (updated jogl) * fix jReality startup issues -- common -- * add new coordinate type PuiseuxFraction * new client for Hermite normal form * basic numerical linear algebra for double coordinates: - new client for QR-decomposition - new client for singular value decomposition - better solving of linear systems with double coordinates * improvements for FacetList type * matrix element access now via ->elem(,) -- fan -- * new client planar_net, including visualization and flaps generation * new clients for dual fans of graph associahedra and manipulating tubings * new objects SubdivisionOfPoints and -Vectors: - some refactoring of related properties -- group -- * refactored orbit and group action * new client for generic orbit computations * improvements / fixes for linear symmetries computation -- matroid -- * new client for rank of arbitrary sets * new client for minimum weight bases * new client for free extensions * new property transversal_presentation * new property splitting_flacets * fixed bug in check_basis_exchange_axiom -- polytope -- * clients for all Johnson solids: - with correct combinatorics - many with exact QuadraticExtension or Rational coordinates * clients and wrappers for Platonic, Archimedean and Catalan solids * new client to count triangulations for 2-dim. point configurations (Alvarez,Seidel) * new client long_and_winding * new client goldfarb_sit * new client for lattice width * new client for decomposing a polytope into direct summands * LatticePolytope is now a specialization of Polytope instead of a separate type * renamed several integer programming related clients to fractional_ * fixed some problems with Minkowski sum client * wythoff client now produces maximally symmetric polytopes whenever possible, i.e. except for G2 * fixes for h^*-vector and Ehrhart polynomial computation -- topaz -- * new client random_discrete_morse, used for improved heuristic sphere recognition * new header tools for dealing with posets (construction, homomorphisms, etc) * new properties UNIMODULAR and N_UNIMODULAR for GeomertricSimplicialComplex * renamed P_sum_triangulation client to sum_triangulation and improved functionality * new auxiliary clients for supporting sum-triangulations -- tropical -- * Major refactoring: - new object type Cycle, based on polyhedral complex - templated hypersurface client for Min/Max - renamed TropicalPolytope to Cone * added atint as a bundled extension for tropical intersection theory * added support for infinite coordinates * new client covector * new data type CovectorLattice * cleanup of obsolete functionality -- interfaces -- * new interface to LP-solver SoPlex 2.2.0 * update lrs to 6.0 * update cdd to 094h * update nauty to 2.5r9 * update libnormaliz to 3.0.90 * update threejs to 73 * singular: - division of polynomials by ideals - contains monomial test - access to singular polynomials as matrix / vector pair * sympol: - convex hull computation up to symmetry now supports ppl * improvements in TOPCOM interface * normaliz2 file based interface removed