====== Polymake 3.3 ====== Release dates: * 3.3: February 12th, 2019 ==== Changelog ==== -- distribution -- * C++ wrappers refactored into json format * requires perl JSON module * Add option --with-ccache for using ccache when building polymake * Mac OS X * removed fink as the default package manager * included support for the brew package manager * improve JuPyMake support * support for clang 6, 7 and gcc 8 * support for java 10 * adapt to changes in boost 1.67 * improvements in java build/install process * improve callable library file structure * include INSTALL and COPYING in tarball again * fix JuPyMake installation for python3 older than 3.5 * several improvements for polymake-in-container -- interfaces -- * SCIP: Add interface for solving mixed integer linear programs * TOSimplex: Add interface for computing lattice points * soplex: Use soplex from SCIP, if available * mptopcom: Add interface for computing triangulations of point configurations, optionally with group action * TOPCOM: If mptopcom.rules is configured, topcom.rules can inherit from this * normaliz interface: two minor fixes, added support for EHRHART_QUASI_POLYNOMIAL, update normaliz version * support for lrslib 070 -- general -- * threejs is the default viewer if jreality is not configured * add x3d visualization (e.g. via blender) * matrix comparison is stricter now * various bug fixes -- graph -- * fix edge number of permuted graphs -- fulton -- * Migrate remaining code from Andreas Paffenholz to core. Add tests and bugfixes -- group -- * Add small object SwitchTable, used for finding lex-optimal vectors in orbits under permutation action * Add property SWITCH_TABLE to PermutationAction -- polytope -- * Add Billera-Lee construction for polytopes * Add property MILP to Polytope for mixed integer linear programs * Refactor covex hull solvers, introduce generic methods enumerate_facets and enumerate_vertices * Refactor LP solvers to generic interface * Add mptopcom.rules for interfacing mptopcom * vertex_figure: correct intermediate LP * BOUNDED_COMPLEX: correct ADJACENCY * Cone-VISUAL: fix incidences * tensor: dont compare example output (order depends on cdd version) * Introduce property EHRHART_POLYNOMIAL of type UniPolynomial * Change property EHRHART_POLYNOMIAL_COEFF into a user_method -- tropical -- * atint: Methods returning perl arrays for lines in tropical cubics now return BigObjectarrays * add tropical real hypersurfaces with geometrical realization method * improve implementations around tropical determinant