===== polyDB REST API ===== The polyDB can be accessed via a REST API Base path: https://polydb.org/rest/current/ The API implements the following endpoints: * Info on collections * section * sections * collection * collections * Schema * schema * Querying the Database * find * find_one * count * distinct * id Some examples are below. The full documentation of all endpoints with examples for data and code **[[https://polymake.org/polytopes/paffenholz/polyDB-rest.html|is here]]**. ==== Some examples for the REST API ==== === Obtain info on available collections === == section == This returns section documentation and a list of subsections and collections in this section: https://polydb.org/rest/current/section///... with possible parameters recursive={0,1} and short={0,1}. Example: https://polydb.org/rest/current/section/Polytopes?recursive=1 returns { "description": "A collection of families of polytopes", "subsections": [ "Polytopes.Combinatorial", "Polytopes.Geometric", "Polytopes.Lattice" ], "collections": [ "Polytopes.Combinatorial.01Polytopes", "Polytopes.Combinatorial.CombinatorialTypes", "Polytopes.Combinatorial.FacesBirkhoffPolytope", "Polytopes.Combinatorial.SmallSpheresDim4", "Polytopes.Geometric.01Polytopes", "Polytopes.Lattice.01Polytopes", "Polytopes.Lattice.ExceptionalMaximalHollow", "Polytopes.Lattice.Reflexive", "Polytopes.Lattice.SmoothReflexive" ] } == sections == This returns a list of subsections of the given one == collection == This prints full information on a collection. The collection is given as /section///.../ Here is an example: https://polydb.org/rest/current/collection/Tropical/SchlaefliFan == collections == This lists all collections contained in a section. /section///.../ Example: https://polydb.org/rest/current/collections/Tropical/ returns [ "Tropical.Cubics", "Tropical.Polytropes", "Tropical.SchlaefliFan", "Tropical.TOM" ] === Query Data === == find == This endpoint does a general query on the given collection and returns a list of the results. You can set the options sort, limit, and skip. However, the query never returns more than 10 entries. Example: https://polydb.org/rest/current/find/Polytopes/Lattice/Reflexive?query={"N_VERTICES"%3A5}&limit=10&skip=100 will return at most 10 reflexive polytopes with 5 vertices, skipping the first 100 matches. == find_one == This works as find, but returns at most one match. The option limit does not apply here. Example: https://polydb.org/rest/current/find_one/Polytopes/Lattice/Reflexive?query={"N_VERTICES"%3A5} == distinct == == count == This counts the number of results that match a given query. Example: https://polydb.org/rest/current/count/Polytopes/Combinatorial/01Polytopes?query={"N_VERTICES"%3A15} returns 139983 == id == Returns a single document by its id. Example https://polydb.org/rest/current/id/Polytopes/Combinatorial/01Polytopes/5d.15v.10f.C8 === Obtain the JSON Schema for the data === == schema == Example https://polydb.org/rest/current/schema/Polytopes/Lattice/Reflexive