====== Saving and Restoring an Array of Polytopes ======
If you want to deal with a whole family of polytopes at the same time, it will sometimes be convenient to save and restore them to a single file. polymake has a simple mechanism for this, storing your array of polytopes into a single tarball.
The necessary functions for this are contained in the script "tarballs" that you can load into your polymake session by calling
> script("tarballs");
It provides the two functions ''pack_tarball'' and ''unpack_tarball''.
===== Storing =====
Here is a simple example, where we create an array @a containing a cube and a simplex and save this to a file.
> @a = ();
> $a[0] = cube(3);
> $a[1] = simplex(3);
> pack_tarball("simple_polytopes.tgz",@a);
This creates a file ''simple_polytopes.tgz'' in the current directory that is a tarred (and gzipped) archive containing two polymake files. polymake detects whether you want the archive gzipped or not from the supplied file extension (''*.tar.gz'' or ''*.tgz''). You can verify this by calling ''tar tvfz simple_polytopes.tgz'' from the command line:
[nightingale]:~/temp>tar tvfz simple_polytopes.tgz
-rw------- xxx/yyy 1468 2009-07-01 17:20 1.poly
-rw------- xxx/yyy 854 2009-07-01 17:20 2.poly
If you want to get more descriptive names for your polymake files then you have to set a name for each polytope first.
> $a[0]->name = "my_cube";
> $a[1]->name = "my_simplex";
> pack_tarball("simple_polytopes.tgz",@a);
sets the names of the files in the tarball to ''my_cube.poly'' and ''my_simplex.poly'':
[nightingale]:~/temp>tar tvfz simple_polytopes.tgz
-rw------- xxx/yyy 952 2009-07-01 17:21 my_cube.poly
-rw------- xxx/yyy 650 2009-07-01 17:21 my_simplex.poly
===== Restoring the array =====
You can restore your saved array by using the function ''unpack_tarball'':
> @a=unpack_tarball("simple_polytopes.tgz");
> print $a[0]->name;
If you just want a specific polytope from your tarball, then you can supply its name in the command:
> @a=unpack_tarball("simple_polytopes.tgz","my_simplex.poly");
> print $a[0]->name;
You may supply more than one filename. However, wildcards are not supported. Note that changes in the files are not automatically stored in the archive, you have to call ''pack_tarball'' to update the files.
===== Packing archives outside polymake =====
You can of course apply ''tar'' to your favorite family of polymake files to create a tarball without using polymake. It can be read by polymake as long as the files are at the root of the archive (i.e. don't pack a whole directory tree). The archive also may not contain non-polymake files.