====== Measure execution time ====== The benefit of using a standard programming language such as Perl is that one can use standard libraries for basic needs. For example, one can measure the runtime/execution time of a sequence of commands. Here is an example showing how to benchmark two different convex hull algorithms/codes on the same example. > use Benchmark qw(:all); > $r=rand_sphere(3,1000,seed=>1); $t=timeit(1,'$r->FACETS;'); print timestr($t), "\n"; > $r=rand_sphere(3,1000,seed=>1); $t=timeit(1,'prefer_now "beneath_beyond";$r->FACETS;'); print timestr($t); 1 wallclock secs ( 1.52 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.52 CPU) @ 0.66/s (n=1) 1 wallclock secs ( 0.38 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.38 CPU) @ 2.63/s (n=1) Note that if timing a user function, you have to provide the application your function lives in: > $t=timeit(1,'Polymake::polytope::rand_box(10,2000,1);'); print timestr($t); 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.01 CPU) @ 100.00/s (n=1) The above code does not work in a [[user_guide:howto:scripting|script]] file (.pl) because of polymake's modifications to Perl. You rather want to use something like this. > use Benchmark qw(:all); > use application 'polytope'; > > my $r=rand_sphere(3,100,seed=>1); > > sub getfacets{ > $r->FACETS; > } > > sub myBenchmark{ > my $t=Benchmark::timeit(1,"getfacets"); > print timestr($t); > } > myBenchmark; 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.00 sys = 0.02 CPU) @ 50.00/s (n=1) Or this: > use Benchmark qw(:all); > use application 'polytope'; > > sub myBenchmark2($$) { > my ($d,$n)=@_; > my $r=rand_sphere($d,$n,seed=>1); > > my $t0= Benchmark->new; > $r->FACETS; > my $t1=Benchmark->new; > my $td1=timediff($t1,$t0); > print "FACETS: ".timestr($td1)."\n"; > } > myBenchmark2(3,1000); FACETS: 1 wallclock secs ( 1.46 usr + 0.00 sys = 1.46 CPU)