==== Registration for the LEAN meets polymake and OSCAR workshop ====
Action pagemod workshops:attendees:lean_workshop1224 reg1224 Thanks "Thank you, your registration was successful. Note that you will **not** receive a confirmation email." FieldSet "Registration form" Textbox "Name" /^((?!<\/nowiki>).)*$/ Textbox "Affiliation" /^((?!<\/nowiki>).)*$/ email "Email" wiki "Note that you will **not** receive a confirmation email." Textbox "Interests" /^((?!<\/nowiki>).)*$/ static "e.g.: shell, rules, C++ clients, callable, application xyz, jupyter" textarea "Remarks" ! x4 /^((?!<\/nowiki>).|\n)*$/ textbox "Antispam: latest polymake release (just the version number, e.g. 5.17)" /^(?:4\.13)$/ submit "Submit Registration"