====== 16th polymake conference and developer meeting ======
=== January 24, 2025 ===
===== polymake conference =====
On Friday there will be an invited talk and several tutorials, demos and helpdesk sessions for polymake users.
Participants are encouraged to use a laptop with an installed version of polymake in the tutorials. If you have any polymake problem you want to get help during the workshop please describe your problem during the sign up process.
The workshop will take place in the E-N building of TU Berlin in the rooms 058 and 057. See [[https://maps.app.goo.gl/t7fztRZ5JW22CF8WA|here]] for a pin.
Please fill out the [[workshops:workshop0125:registration|registration form]]!
===Preliminary Schedule===
^ **Friday** ^ ||
| 09:00-09:30 | **Registration** | ||
| 09:30-10:30 | **Talk: Polyhedral Computations using Linear Optimization Oracles ** ||
| ::: | // [[https://www2.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~pfetsch/index.en.html|Marc Pfetsch]] // ||
| 10:30-11:00 | **Break and Helpdesk** ||
| 11:00-12:00 | **Tut: polymake Basics ** E-N 058 | **Tut: TBA** E-N 057 ||
| ::: | // [[https://paulmuecksch.github.io/|Paul Mücksch]] & [[https://page.math.tu-berlin.de/~makhlin/|Igor]] // | //[[https://page.math.tu-berlin.de/~wack/|Marcel Wack]]// ||
| 12:00-14:00 | **Lunch and Coffee** ||
| 14:00-15:00 | **Tut: application tropical** | **Tut: TBA** |
| ::: | // [[https://page.math.tu-berlin.de/~weis/|Lena Weis]] // | // TBA // |
| 15:00-15:30 | **Break and Helpdesk** ||
| 15:30-16:30 | ** Use cases ** ||
| | ** Secondary fans ** ||
| | // [[https://kafe.dev/|Kamillo Ferry]] // ||
| | ** Algebraic shifting ** ||
| | // [[https://page.math.tu-berlin.de/~lenzen/|Fabian Lenzen]] // ||
| 16:30-18:15 | **Helpdesk** ||
| ~18:45 | **Dinner** (self paid, at [[http://cafe-hardenberg.com/|Café Hardenberg]]) ||
=== Abstracts ===
== Marc Pfetch: Polyhedral Computations using Linear Optimization Oracles ==
This talk will cover two topics in which polyhedral computations are
based on an indirect access to the underlying polyhedron via an oracle
that can solve linear optimization problems. In both cases, the oracle
is given by the (computationally expensive) solution of a mixed-integer
linear optimization problem.
The first topic deals with the computation of so-called local cuts.
These are inequalities that can be added during a branch-and-cut
algorithm to solve mixed-integer linear problems. The idea is to
generate these inequalities by using small (local) subproblems for which
the oracle is reasonably fast in practice. The inequalities can be
constructed using a so-called Frank-Wolfe algorithm, which computes a
projection onto the polyhedron.
The second topic is about sensitivity analysis of mixed-integer linear
optimization problems. We would like to compute the normal cone at a
particular vertex. Since the polyhedron is not directly accessible, an
algorithm that iteratively builds the cone is designed. In each main
iteration the cone is possibly extended by a ray that is computed using
the oracle and a beneath-and-beyond step is performed.
== TBA ==
=====Hotel recommendations in proximity of the Institute of Mathematics:=====
- [[https://www.hotel-bb.com/de/hotel/berlin-tiergarten|B&B Hotel Berlin-Tiergarten]], Englische Str. 1-4, Tel: +49 (0)30 33 00 66-0, Mail: berlin-tiergarten@hotelbb.com
- [[https://www.novum-hotels.com/hotel-gates-berlin|Novum Hotel Gates]], Knesebeckstraße 8-9, Buchung über die Hamburger Reservierungszentrale nicht empfehlenswert!
- [[https://www.ihg.com/hotelindigo/hotels/de/de/berlin/beriw/hoteldetail|Hotel Indigo Berlin - Ku’damm]], Hardenbergstrasse 15, Tel: +49 (0)30 860 90 90, Mail: info.indigoberlin@ihg.com
- [[https://www.motel-one.com/de/hotels/berlin/hotel-berlin-kudamm/|Hotel Motel One Berlin-Ku’Damm]], Kantstraße 10, Tel: +49 (0)30 315 17 36-0, Mail: berlin-kudamm@motel-one.com
- [[https://all.accor.com/hotel/3649/index.de.shtml|Novotel Berlin am Tiergarten]], Strasse des 17 Juni 106-108, Tel: +49 (0)30 60 03 50, Mail: h3649@accor.com
===== Developer meeting =====
The developer meeting takes place on Thursday and Saturday surrounding the conference. If you want to participate in the developer meeting as well, please let us know by email. Developers can find more information [[internal/developermeeting0125|here]].
===== Local organizers =====
- [[https://page.math.tu-berlin.de/~weis/|Lena Weis]]
Please contact us with any questions about the workshop. To email us, please use ''LASTNAME@math.tu-berlin.de''.