use Benchmark qw(:all); use File::Path qw(mkpath); use application 'polytope'; declare $printprops = 0; declare $pointprops; declare $facetprops; declare $vertexprops; # prints a progressbar # @param Int got : the amount of stuff you have already got # @param Int total : the total amount of stuff # @param String text : additional text behind the bar. sub progress_bar { my ( $got, $total, $text) = @_; my $width = 10; my $char = '='; local $| = 1; printf "|%-${width}s| $got/$total | %-80s \r", $char x (($width)*$got/$total). '>', $text; } # applies a permutation to a matrix # @param Matrix m # @param Array Permutation # @return Matrix Permuation(m) sub apply_permutation($$){ my ($m,$perm) = @_; my $rows = rows($m); for(my $i=0; $i<$m->rows(); ++$i){ if($i != $perm->[$i]){ $rows->[$perm->[$i]] = $m->row($i); } } new Matrix($rows); } # creates a certain knapsack polytope, where the coordinates from the normal vector # are the fibonacci sequence. Then it computes the vertices of the integer hull # @param String ch the prefered method # (possible options: beneath_beyond, lrs, cdd) # @param Int d the dimension # @param Int b the right hand side of the inequality # @param Int start the first element of the fibonacci sequnce # @param Int start the second element of the fibonacci sequnce # @option Int inputSort 0=default sorting, 1=random sorting, 2=good sorting sub time_knapsack($$$$$;$) { my ($ch, $d, $b, $first, $second, $options) = @_; my $sort_input = $options->{"inputSort"}; # sorting # set defaults for options if (!defined($options->{"inputSort"})) { $sort_input=0; } my @ineq = ($b, -$first, -$second); for (my $i=2; $i < $d; ++$i) { my $third = $first + $second; $first = $second; $second = $third; push @ineq, -$third; } my $k = knapsack(\@ineq); my $points = integer_points_projection($k); if ($sort_input != 0){ my $perm; if ($sort_input == 3){ $perm = rand_perm($points->rows()); $points = apply_permutation($points,$perm); } if ($sort_input == 1){ $perm = rand_perm($points->rows()); }elsif($sort_input == 2 || $sort_input == 3){ my $p = new Polytope(POINTS=>$points,BOUNDED=>1,POINTED=>1,FEASIBLE=>1); $perm = new Array(sequence(0,$points->rows())); prefer_now "ppl"; $p->FACETS; my $vert=$p->VERTICES; my %vhash=(); map { $vhash{"$_"} = 1, } @{rows($vert)}; my $i = 0; my $k = $vert->rows(); for (my $j=0; $j<$points->rows(); ++$j){ if(exists($vhash{$points->row($j).""})){ $perm->[$j] = $i; ++$i; } else { $perm->[$j] = $k; ++$k; } } } $points = apply_permutation($points,$perm); } my $p = new Polytope(POINTS=>$points,BOUNDED=>1,POINTED=>1,FEASIBLE=>1); prefer_now $ch; my $s = $p->get_schedule("FACETS"); #print "\n\n",join ("\n",$s->list),"\n\n"; # timing prefer_now $ch; my $t0=Benchmark->new; $s->apply($p); my $t1=Benchmark->new; my $t=timediff($t1,$t0); print $facetprops $p->N_FACETS,";" if ($printprops); print $pointprops $p->N_POINTS,";" if ($printprops); print $vertexprops $p->N_VERTICES,";" if ($printprops); #print timestr($t)."\n"; return $t->[1]; } # counts lattice points from several fibonacci knapsack polytopes # @param Array ch the prefered method # (possible options: beneath_beyond, lrs, cdd) # @param Int start_d the lower bound of the dimension # @param Int end_d the upper bound of the dimension # @param Int start_b the lower bound of the right hand side # @param Int end_b the upper bound of the right hand side # @param Int start the first element of the fibonacci sequnce # @param Int start the second element of the fibonacci sequnce # @option Int dimstep stepsize of the dimension # @option Int bstep stepsize of the right hand side # @option Int av number of experiments for one parameter set # @option String path output path # @option Hash only_once parameters that should run only once # @option Bool props print properties of the polytopes # @option Int inputSort 0=default sorting, 1=random sorting, 2=good sorting sub start_time_knapsack($$$$$$$;$) { my ($ch, $start_d, $end_d, $start_b, $end_b, $first, $second, $options) = @_; my $dimstep = $options->{"dimstep"}; # stepsize of the dimension my $bstep = $options->{"bstep"}; # stepsize of the right hand side my $av = $options->{"av"}; # number of experiements with the same parameterset my $props = $options->{"props"}; # print properties of the polytopes my $path = $options->{"path"}; # output path my $only_once = $options->{"only_once"}; # which parameters should run only once my $sort_input = $options->{"inputSort"}; # sorting # set defaults for options if (!defined($options->{"dimstep"})) { $dimstep=1; } if (!defined($options->{"bstep"})) { $bstep=10; } if (!defined($options->{"av"})) { $av=10; } if (!defined($options->{"path"})) { $path="."; } if (!defined($options->{"only_once"})) { $only_once = {}; } # create output path if (!-d $path){ mkpath $path or die "can't create ouput directory: $path"; } # convert $end_n to an array if (!(ref($end_b) eq "ARRAY")){ my @array=(); map { push @array, $end_b } ($start_d .. $end_d); $end_b = \@array; } # for pretty print for progress bar my $length_d = length $end_d; my $length_b = length $end_b->[0]; foreach my $chcode (@{$ch}) { my $sortingString =""; if ($sort_input == 1){ $sortingString = "_sort_random"; }elsif($sort_input == 2){ $sortingString = "_sort_good"; }elsif($sort_input == 3){ $sortingString = "_sort_goodRandom"; } my $file= "$path/knapsack_".$chcode.$sortingString.".csv"; if ($props) { open $pointprops,">","$path/npoints.csv" or die "can't create outputfile npoints: $!"; open $facetprops,">","$path/nfacets.csv" or die "can't create outputfile nfacets: $!"; open $vertexprops,">","$path/nvertices.csv" or die "can't create outputfile nvertices: $!"; } print $pointprops '"time(dimension x right side) where dimension starts from '.$start_d.' to '.$end_d.' and the right hand side from '. $start_b.' to '. $end_b->[0].' (steps are '.$bstep.')"'. "\n" if ($props); print $facetprops '"time(dimension x right side) where dimension starts from '.$start_d.' to '.$end_d.' and the right hand side from '. $start_b.' to '. $end_b->[0].' (steps are '.$bstep.')"'. "\n" if ($props); print $vertexprops '"time(dimension x right side) where dimension starts from '.$start_d.' to '.$end_d.' and the right hand side from '. $start_b.' to '. $end_b->[0].' (steps are '.$bstep.')"'. "\n" if ($props); # Open output file open OUTPUT_FILE, ">$file" or die "can't create outputfile $file: $!"; $|=1; OUTPUT_FILE->autoflush(1); print OUTPUT_FILE '"time(dimension x right side) where dimension starts from '.$start_d.' to '.$end_d.' and the right hand side from '. $start_b.' to '. $end_b->[0].' (steps are '.$bstep.')"'. "\n"; print OUTPUT_FILE '"Matlab Commands: dim = '.$start_d.':'.$end_d.' and b ='.$start_b.':'.$bstep.':'.$end_b->[0].' and mesh(points,b,import)"'."\n"; print "\n=== $chcode ===\n"; for(my $d = $start_d; $d <= $end_d; ++$d){ for(my $b = $start_b; $b <= $end_b->[$d-$start_d]; $b+=$bstep){ # first time without timing. Just to make sure no recompiling comes in the way #time_knapsack($chcode,$d,$b,$first,$second); # For every set of parameters do $av experiments and take the average my $t = 0; my $date=localtime(time); my $localav = exists($only_once->{ "$d,$b" }) ? 1: $av; progress_bar(0,$localav,(sprintf "($d,$b): $date")); for(my $i=0; $i < $localav; ++$i){ # only print statistics if enabled and first loop $printprops = $props && $i==1; my $time = time_knapsack($chcode,$d,$b,$first,$second, {inputSort=>$sort_input}); $t += $time; $date=localtime(time); progress_bar($i+1,$localav,(sprintf "($d,$b): %9.3f -- $date", $time)); } $t = sprintf "%.3f", $t/$localav; my $date=localtime(time); printf "(%${length_d}s,%${length_b}s): %9.3f -- %-80s\n", $d, $b, $t, $date; print OUTPUT_FILE $t.';'; } print OUTPUT_FILE "\n"; print $facetprops "\n" if ($props); print $vertexprops "\n" if ($props); print $pointprops "\n" if ($props); } close OUTPUT_FILE; close $facetprops if ($props); close $vertexprops if ($props); close $pointprops if ($props); } } ## If you want to trigger the run commands automatically just remove the next line return; $path = "/path/to/store/the/output/files"; start_time_knapsack(["beneath_beyond", "ppl"],4,6,40,100, 2,3, { path=>$path }); start_time_knapsack(["cdd"],4,6,40,[100,100,80],2,3, { path=>$path, only_once=>{"5,100"=>1} }); start_time_knapsack(["lrs"],4,6,40,[100,70,60],2,3, { path=>$path, only_once=>{"4,100"=>1,"5,70"=>1, "6,60"=>1} }); ## different kinds of input sorting ## 1=random sorting, 2=good sorting (vertices come first) start_time_knapsack(["beneath_beyond"],4,6,40,100, 2,3, { path=>$path, inputSort=>1 }); start_time_knapsack(["beneath_beyond"],4,6,40,100, 2,3, { path=>$path, inputSort=>2 }); start_time_knapsack(["lrs"],4,6,40,[100,100,90],2,3, { path=>$path, inputSort=>1 });