Polymake Template Library (PTL): lib/core/include/Integer.h File Reference
Polymake Template Library (PTL)  4.2
Integer.h File Reference

Implementation of pm::Integer class. More...


class  pm::GMP::error
 Exception type A constructor of Integer or Rational from const char* throws an exception of this type in case of a syntax error. More...
class  pm::GMP::NaN
 Exception type: "not a number". More...
class  pm::GMP::ZeroDivide
 Exception type: "division by zero". More...
class  pm::GMP::BadCast
 Exception type: a number can't be casted to a smaller type without overflow or lost of data (e.g. non-integral Rational to Integer) More...
class  pm::Integer
 Integral number of unlimited precision. More...


 global namespace for all classes from the polymake project
 Wrapper classes for GMP's number types.
 namespace to be used for client code


constexpr bool pm::isfinite (const __mpz_struct &)
 data from third parties can't have infinite values

Detailed Description

Implementation of pm::Integer class.