Table of Contents

Callable Library

polymake offers an alternative interface for integration with other software, a C++ callable library.

This page describes only those parts of the interface which are specific to the callable library. Software collaborating with polymake may (and in most cases even have to) use the Object and Function interfaces too; they are described on the Client Development page.

Benjamin Lorenz gave a presentation on the callable library with examples.

Main class

The polymake as a library must be initialized by creating an instance of class polymake::Main. This class is declared in the header polymake/Main.h . Special precaution prevents including this header in the polymake clients, it's designed exclusively for standalone programs.

An instance of the class polymake::Main is an empty placeholder, whose sole purpose is to pull the whole polymake machine into memory and make it ready to serve your requests. You can create as many instances as you please; important is only the chronologically first one. If you have linked your application with libpolymake, polymake will stay loaded until the very termination of your program; hence if you want to be able to completely unload the polymake library from memory during the runtime, you should use explicit dynamic loader functions dlopen and dlclose (under Linux; MacOS equivalents exist as well but have substantially longer names).

polymake::Main has one constructor:

Further methods:

Scope class

An instance of class polymake::perl::Scope represents (by its mere lifespan) one execution cycle within the polymake session. At the end of the cycle (when an instance of polymake::perl::Scope gets destroyed), some cleanup actions may occur; most important ones are discarding temporary properties from the Objects and restoring the preferences temporarily modified by prefer_now.

In the interactive running mode, one execution cycle comprises the evaluation of one complete input line. In the callable library mode, however, there are no natural cyclic events which can be used to perform the cleanup. Therefore, if you expect your program to run for longer time and work with many polymake Objects, you should consider regular creation of polymake::perl::Scope instances with limited lifespan.

The only available way to create a polymake::perl::Scope instance is the method Main::newScope(); the instances are not copyable nor assignable. If you create several polymake::perl::Scope instances, their lifespans must be properly nested, that is, the one born last has to die first. Violation of this rule leads to immediate program termination.


Building a program

You can use polymake callable library for building your programs only after having installed it at the final destination, that is, after ninja install . To facilitate the build process, polymake comes with a small utility polymake-config which resides side by side with the main script polymake in the binary installation directory. Calling this utility with various options you can obtain the compiler and linker options needed for successful build of your program. You can even insert the calls in your Makefile directly, using the GNU make $(shell) function or `backtick` shell substitution.

Following configuration parameters can be requested from polymake-config:

Please note that the options displayed by --cflags are more kind of a suggestion, you are free to change or omit most of them. Two options are mandatory, however: -DPOLYMAKE_DEBUG={0,1} (which controls a plenty of consistency checks in polymake library data structures) and -fPIC (or similar option, depending on your compiler, which provides for emitting a position-independent binary code). If you omit the latter one, data transfer between C++ and perl worlds, in particular all give() and take() methods, will not work properly in your program.


You can add an option --debug before --cflags, --ldflags, or --libs if you are going to debug your program together with polymake. Compiler options displayed without --debug provide for a build optimized for execution speed.