Available versions of this document: latest release, release 4.13, release 4.12, release 4.11, release 4.10, release 4.9, release 4.8, release 4.7, release 4.6, release 4.5, release 4.4, release 4.3, release 4.2, release 4.1, release 4.0, release 3.6, release 3.5, nightly master
Reference documentation for older polymake versions: release 3.4, release 3.3, release 3.2
Index of all things
Name | Application | Object class | Category |
_4ti2Circuits(Matrix A) | matroid | Functions | Combinatorics |
ABSTRACT_OBJECTIVE | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
AccurateFloat | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
Action | group | Objects | no category |
action<action_type>(Any g, Any O) | group | Functions | Utilities |
action_from_generators(Array<Array<Int>> gens, Group action) | group | Functions | Utilities |
action_inv<action_type>(Array<Int> p, Any O) | group | Functions | Utilities |
action_to_cyclic_notation(PermutationAction a) | group | Functions | Utilities |
add(String multi_property_name, Any subobject, Any properties) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
add_edge(Int tail_node, Int head_node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
add_index(String name, HASH index) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
add_index_from_property(String property) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
add_indices(ARRAY index) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
add_indices_from_properties(ARRAY property) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
add_morphisms(Morphism f, Morphism g) | tropical | Functions | Morphisms |
add_node() | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
add_user_to_collection(String user) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
ADJACENCY | graph | property of Graph | no category |
adjacency_matrix(GraphAdjacency graph) | common | Functions | Graph Operations |
adjacent_nodes(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
AFFINE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
affine_chart(Int chart) | tropical | method of Cycle | Affine and projective coordinates |
affine_float_coords(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Coordinate conversions |
AFFINE_HULL | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
AFFINE_HULL | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
AFFINE_HULL | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
affine_linear_space<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> lineality, Vector<Rational> translate, Integer weight) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
affine_representation(Int domain_chart, Int target_chart) | tropical | method of Morphism | Affine and projective coordinates |
affine_transform(Cycle<Addition> C, Matrix<Rational> M, Vector<Rational> T) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
affine_transform(Cycle<Addition> C, Morphism<Addition> M) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
AffineLattice<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | Geometry |
after(Morphism g) | tropical | method of Morphism | Morphisms |
ag23_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
ag32_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
ag32_prime_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
aggregate(HASH pipeline) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
alexander_dual(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
all_edges(Int tail_node, Int head_node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
all_families() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
ALL_GROUP_ELEMENTS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
all_group_elements<Scalar>(MatrixActionOnVectors<Scalar> action) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
all_group_elements(PermutationAction a) | group | Functions | Utilities |
all_isolated() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
all_permutations(Int n) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
all_rows_or_cols | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
all_spanningtrees(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
all_steiner_points(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
all_subsets(Any c) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
all_subsets_of_k(Any c, Int k) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
ALPHA_LATTICE | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
alternating_group(Int d) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
ALTSHULER_DET | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | no category |
ALTSHULER_DET | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
AMBIENT_DIM | fan | method of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
AMBIENT_DIM() | fan | method of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
AMBIENT_DIM() | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
AMBIENT_DIM | tropical | property of VoronoiDiagram | no category |
AMBIENT_DIM() | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
AMBIENT_DIM() | polytope | method of Cone | Geometry |
AMBIENT_DIM() | polytope | method of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
ambient_lattice_normalization(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
AMPLE | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
anti_diag(Vector d) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
anti_diag(Matrix M1, Matrix M2) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
anti_diagonal(Int i) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
application(String name) | core | Functions | Basic |
apply | common | method of Max | no category |
apply | common | method of Min | no category |
apply(Core::BigObject o) | core | method of Core::RuleChain | no category |
apply_rule(String pattern) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
ApproximateSet<Element> | common | Property_types | Set Types |
apropos(String pattern) | core | Functions | Interactive |
archimedean_solid(String s) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
archimedean_solid(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
are_in_same_orbit(PermutationAction a, Vector v1, Vector v2) | group | Functions | Orbits |
are_permuted(Array a, Array b) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
arrangement_from_cones(Cone C …) | fan | Functions | Producing a hyperplane arrangement |
Array<Element> | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
array_family_fixed_edge() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
array_family_fixed_vertex() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
array_family_moving_edge() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
array_family_moving_vertex() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
array_isolated_edge() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
array_isolated_no_edge() | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
associahedron(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
attach(String name, Any data, String constructor_arg) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
augmented_matroid_fan<Addition>(Matroid A) | tropical | Functions | Matroids |
auto_group_on_coordinates(IncidenceMatrix etv, Set<Int> marked_edges) | tropical | Functions | Symmetry |
automorphism_group(GraphAdjacency graph) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
automorphism_group(IncidenceMatrix I, Bool on_rows) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
AUTOMORPHISM_GROUP | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
automorphisms(GraphAdjacency graph) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
automorphisms(IncidenceMatrix<NonSymmetric> m) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
automorphisms(IncidenceMatrix<Symmetric> m) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
average(ARRAY array) | common | Functions | Utilities |
AVERAGE_DEGREE | graph | property of Graph | no category |
back() | common | method of Set | no category |
BALANCE | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
BALANCED | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
balanced_faces() | tropical | method of Cycle | Local computations |
BALL | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
ball(Int d) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
ball_lifting_lp(GeometricSimplicialComplex c, Int facet_index, Rational conv_eps) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
barycenter(Matrix<Scalar> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
BARYCENTER | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
barycentric_subdivision(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
barycentric_subdivision(Cone c) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
BASE | group | property of PermutationAction | no category |
BASEPOINT_FREE | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
BASES | matroid | property of Matroid | Axiom systems |
bases_from_revlex_encoding(String encoding, Int r, Int n) | matroid | Functions | Other |
bases_to_revlex_encoding(Array<Set> bases, Int r, Int n) | matroid | Functions | Other |
BasicDecoration | graph | Property_types | Combinatorics |
basis(Matrix A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
BASIS | ideal | property of Groebner | Commutative algebra |
BASIS | polytope | property of AffineLattice | no category |
basis_affine(Matrix A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
basis_cols(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
basis_rows(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
BB_VISUAL() | tropical | method of Cycle | Visualization |
before(Morphism g) | tropical | method of Morphism | Morphisms |
BETA_INVARIANT | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
betti_number() | topaz | method of HomologyGroup | no category |
betti_numbers<Coeff>(ChainComplex C) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
betti_numbers<Coeff>(SimplicialComplex S) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
BETTI_NUMBERS_Z2 | tropical | property of Patchwork | no category |
BICONNECTED_COMPONENTS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
billera_lee(Vector<Integer> H) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from other objects |
BINARY | matroid | property of Matroid | Realizability |
binary_markov_graph(Array<Bool> observation) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
binary_markov_graph(String observation) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
BINARY_VECTORS | matroid | property of Matroid | Realizability |
binomial(Int n, Int k) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
BINOMIAL | ideal | property of Ideal | no category |
BINOMIAL_BASIS | ideal | property of Ideal | no category |
BINOMIAL_GENERATORS | ideal | property of Ideal | no category |
BIPARTITE() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
BIPARTITE | graph | property of Graph | no category |
bipyramid(Polytope P, Scalar z, Scalar z_prime) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
bipyramidal_3_sphere(Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
birkhoff(Int n, Bool even) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
bistellar_d_sphere(Int D, Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
bistellar_simplification(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
Bitset | common | Property_types | Set Types |
BITSET_ACTION | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
blending(Polytope P1, Int v1, Polytope P2, Int v2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
Bool | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
BOTTOM_NODE | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
bound(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
BOUNDARY | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
BOUNDARY | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
BOUNDARY | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
BOUNDARY_LATTICE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
boundary_matrix(Int d) | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
boundary_matrix(Int d, Int t) | topaz | method of Filtration | no category |
boundary_matrix(Int d) | topaz | method of ChainComplex | no category |
BOUNDED | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
BOUNDED | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
BOUNDED | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
BOUNDED_COMPLEX | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
BOUNDED_DUAL_GRAPH | polytope | method of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
BOUNDED_FACETS() | polytope | method of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
BOUNDED_GRAPH | polytope | method of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
BOUNDED_HASSE_DIAGRAM | polytope | method of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
BOUNDED_VERTICES() | polytope | method of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
bounding_box(Matrix m) | common | Functions | Utilities |
BOUNDING_BOX | graph | property of GeometricGraph | no category |
bounding_box(Int chart) | tropical | method of Cycle | Visualization |
bounding_box_facets(Int offset, Int chart) | tropical | method of Cycle | Visualization |
bounding_box_facets(Matrix V) | polytope | Functions | Visualization |
bounding_facets(Matrix H, Matrix V) | polytope | Functions | Visualization |
bracket_ideal_pluecker(Matroid m) | ideal | Functions | Producing an ideal from scratch |
braid_arrangement(Int d) | fan | Functions | Producing a hyperplane arrangement |
broken_circuit_complex(Matroid M, Array<Int> O) | topaz | Functions | Producing a simplicial complex from other objects |
bs2quotient_by_equivalence(Polytope P) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
bs2quotient_by_equivalence(Polytope P, SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
bs2quotient_by_group(Polytope P) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
building_set(Array<Set> generators, Int n) | fan | Functions | Other |
building_set_ycoord_2_zcoord(Map<Set<Int>,Scalar> The) | polytope | Functions | Coordinate conversions |
CachedObjectPointer | common | Property_types | Artificial |
CANONICAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
canonical_form(GraphAdjacency g) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
canonical_hash(GraphAdjacency g, Int k) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
canonical_hash(IncidenceMatrix M, Int k) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
cap_product(CycleGroup<E> cocycles, CycleGroup<E> cycles) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
cartesian_product(Cycle cycles) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
CARTIER | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
CARTIER_DATA | fulton | property of TDivisor | Combinatorics |
cast<Target>(Core::BigObject object) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
catalan_solid(String s) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
catalan_solid(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
CATENARY_G_INVARIANT | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
cayley_embedding(Polytope P_0, Polytope P_1, Scalar t_0, Scalar t_1) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
cayley_embedding(Array<Polytope> A) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
cayley_polytope(Array<Polytope> P_Array) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
CD_INDEX() | polytope | method of Polytope | Combinatorics |
CD_INDEX_COEFFICIENTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
ceil(Rational a) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
Cell | topaz | Property_types | Topology |
cell(Int i) | fan | method of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
cell(Int i) | fan | method of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
cell_from_subdivision(Polytope P, Int cell) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
cells() | topaz | method of Filtration | no category |
cells_from_subdivision(Polytope<Scalar> P, Set<Int> cells) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
center(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
center_distance(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
CENTERED | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
CENTERED | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
CENTERED_ZONOTOPE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
CENTRALLY_SYMMETRIC | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
CENTROID | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
cf2rational(Vector<Integer> v) | fulton | Functions | Continued fractions |
CHAIN_COMPLEX_Z2 | tropical | property of Patchwork | no category |
chain_polytope(PartiallyOrderedSet L, Bool is_extended) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
ChainComplex<MatrixType> | topaz | Property_types | Topology |
CHAMBER_DECOMPOSITION | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Geometry |
chamber_decomposition_brute_force | fan | Functions | Geometry |
chamber_decomposition_rs | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
CHAMBER_SIGNATURES | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Combinatorics |
chamber_to_signature | fan | method of HyperplaneArrangement | Combinatorics |
change_password(String password) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
CHARACTER | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
CHARACTER_TABLE | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
CHARACTERISTIC_POLYNOMIAL | graph | property of Graph | no category |
check_basis_exchange_axiom(Array<Set> B) | matroid | Functions | Other |
check_circuits_axiom(Array<Set> C) | matroid | Functions | Other |
check_complex_objects(Array<Polytope> polytopes) | fan | Functions | Consistency check |
check_cycle_equality(Cycle<Addition> X, Cycle<Addition> Y, Bool check_weights) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
check_fan(Matrix rays, IncidenceMatrix cones) | fan | Functions | Consistency check |
check_fan_objects(Array<Cone> cones) | fan | Functions | Consistency check |
check_flat_axiom(Array<Set> F) | matroid | Functions | Other |
check_hyperplane_axiom(Array<Set> H) | matroid | Functions | Other |
check_inc(Matrix points, Matrix hyperplanes, String sign, Bool verbose) | polytope | Functions | Consistency check |
check_poly(IncidenceMatrix VIF) | polytope | Functions | Consistency check |
check_transversality(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Advanced properties |
check_valuated_basis_axioms(Array<Set<Int>> bases, Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> valuation) | matroid | Functions | Other |
check_valuated_circuit_axioms(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> M) | matroid | Functions | Other |
CHIROTOPE | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Matroid properties |
CHIROTOPE | polytope | property of Polytope | Matroid properties |
chirotope(Matrix M) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
circuit_completions(Matrix L, Matrix R) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
CIRCUITS | matroid | property of Matroid | Axiom systems |
CIRCUITS | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Matroid properties |
CIRCUITS | polytope | property of Polytope | Matroid properties |
circuits2matrix(Set<Pair<Set<Int>,Set<Int>>> co) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
clear(Int r, Int c) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
clip_graph(Graph G, Matrix V, Matrix BB) | graph | Functions | Visualization |
clique_complex(Graph graph) | topaz | Functions | Producing a simplicial complex from other objects |
CLOSED_PSEUDO_MANIFOLD | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
coarse_covectors(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> points, Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> generators) | tropical | Functions | Tropical covector decomposition |
coarse_covectors_of_scalar_vertices(Matrix<Scalar> points, Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> generators) | tropical | Functions | Tropical covector decomposition |
coarsen(Cycle<Addition> complex, Bool testFan) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
cocircuit_equation_of_ridge(Cone C, Set rho) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
COCIRCUIT_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
COCIRCUIT_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
COCIRCUIT_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
cocircuit_equations(Cone C, Array<Set> interior_ridge_simplices, Array<Set> interior_simplices) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
cocircuit_equations_support_reps(Matrix<Scalar> points, Array<Array<Int>> gens, Array<SetType> rirs, Array<SetType> rmis) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
COCIRCUITS | matroid | method of Matroid | Axiom systems |
COCIRCUITS | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Matroid properties |
COCIRCUITS | polytope | property of Polytope | Matroid properties |
COCUBICAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
COCUBICALITY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
COCYCLES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
codegree<Scalar>(Cone P) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
codegree<Scalar>(PointConfiguration P) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
CODIMENSION_ONE_POLYTOPES | tropical | property of Cycle | Combinatorics |
coeff() | topaz | method of CycleGroup | no category |
COEFFICIENTS | fulton | property of TDivisor | Combinatorics |
COEFFICIENTS | tropical | property of Hypersurface | no category |
coefficients_as_vector() | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
coefficients_as_vector() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
COEFFS | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
coherency_index(Polytope p1, Polytope p2, Matrix points, Vector w1, Vector w2) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
coherency_index(Matrix points, Vector w1, Vector w2) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
coherency_index(Polytope p1, Polytope p2) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
COHOMOLOGY | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
col(Int i) | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
col(Int i) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
col_to_row_action(Matrix M, Array<Array> p) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
collect(Element e) | common | method of Set | no category |
collection_exists(String collection) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
COLOOPS | matroid | method of Matroid | Axiom systems |
Color | common | Property_types | Visualization |
colored_ball_from_colored_sphere(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
COLORING | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
COLORING | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | no category |
cols() | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
cols() | common | method of Matrix | no category |
cols | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
cols(Matrix A) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
COMBINATORIAL_DIM | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
COMBINATORIAL_DIM | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
combinatorial_symmetries(SimplicialComplex sigma) | topaz | Functions | Symmetry |
combinatorial_symmetries(PolyhedralFan f) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
combinatorial_symmetries(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
combinatorial_symmetrized_cocircuit_equations(Cone P, Set<Int> comps) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
combinatorial_symmetrized_cocircuit_equations(Cone P, Array<SetType> rirs, Array<SetType> rmis, Set<Int> comps) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
commit | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
common_refinement(PolyhedralFan f1, PolyhedralFan f2) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
common_refinement(Matrix points, IncidenceMatrix sub1, IncidenceMatrix sub2, Int dim) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
common_refinement(Polytope p1, Polytope p2) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
COMPACTIFICATION | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
companion() | common | method of HermiteNormalForm | no category |
COMPARABILITY_GRAPH | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
complement_graph(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
COMPLETE | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
complete(Int n) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
complete_bipartite(Int k, Int l) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
complex_from_polytopes(Array<Polytope> polytopes) | fan | Functions | Producing a polyhedral complex |
complex_projective_plane() | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
COMPLEXITY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
compose(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
compose(Visual::Container vis_container, Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
COMPRESSED | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
concat_rows(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
cone(SimplicialComplex complex, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
cone(Int i) | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
Cone<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | no category |
CONE_AMBIENT_DIM | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
CONE_AMBIENT_DIM | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
CONE_DIM | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
CONE_DIM | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
cone_of_tubing(Graph G, Graph T) | fan | Functions | Other |
CONE_TORIC_IDEAL | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
cones_action(PolyhedralFan f, Int k) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
CONES_COMBINATORIAL_DIMS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
CONES_DIMS() | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
cones_of_dim(Int k) | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
CONES_ORBIT_SIZES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
congruent(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Comparing |
conjugacy_class<Element>(Action action, Element e) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
conjugacy_class<Scalar>(MatrixActionOnVectors<Scalar> action, Matrix<Scalar> e) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
CONJUGACY_CLASS_REPRESENTATIVES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
CONJUGACY_CLASS_SIZES | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
CONJUGACY_CLASSES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
CONNECTED | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
CONNECTED() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
CONNECTED | graph | property of Graph | no category |
CONNECTED_COMPONENTS | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
CONNECTED_COMPONENTS() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
CONNECTED_COMPONENTS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
connected_sum(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2, Int f1, Int f2) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
CONNECTIVITY() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
CONNECTIVITY | graph | property of Graph | no category |
connectivity(GraphAdjacency<Undirected> graph) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
CONNECTIVITY() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
constant_coefficient() | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
constant_coefficient() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
CONSTRUCTIBLE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
CONSTRUCTION() | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
contained_in_ball(Vector<Scalar> c, Scalar r) | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
Container | common | Property_types | Artificial |
containing_normal_cone(Cone P, Vector q) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
containing_outer_cone(Polytope P, Vector q) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
contains(Element e) | common | method of Set | no category |
contains | polytope | method of Cone | Geometry |
contains_ball(Vector<Scalar> c, Scalar r) | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
contains_in_interior(Vector<Scalar> v) | polytope | method of Cone | Geometry |
contains_monomial(String s) | ideal | method of Ideal | no category |
contains_point(Cycle A, Vector<Rational> point) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
CONTINUED_FRACTION | fulton | property of CyclicQuotient | Input properties |
CONTINUED_FRACTION | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
contract_edge(Int node1, Int node2) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
contracted_edge_incidence_matrix(IncidenceMatrix etv, Set<Int> contracted_edges) | tropical | Functions | Symmetry |
contraction(Matroid m, Set<Int> S) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
contraction(Matroid m, Int x) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
contraction(VectorConfiguration C, Int v) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
conv(Array<Polytope> P_Array) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
convert_to<Target>(Scalar s) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
convert_to<Target>(Vector v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
convert_to<Target>(Matrix m) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
convert_to<Target>(Polynomial m) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
convert_to<Target>(UniPolynomial m) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
convert_to<Coord>(Cone c) | polytope | Functions | Coordinate conversions |
convert_to<Coord>(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Coordinate conversions |
CONVEX | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
CONVEX | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
CONVEX_HULL | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
conway(Polytope P, String operations) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_ambo(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_CG(Polytope P, Int k, Int l) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_dual(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_gyro(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_kis(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_needle(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_propeller(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_seed() | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
conway_snub(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
COORDINATE_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
COORDINATE_ACTION | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
COORDINATE_LABELS | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
coordinates | common | method of Plucker | no category |
COORDINATES | topaz | property of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
COORDINATES | graph | property of GeometricGraph | no category |
COPHENETIC_MATRIX | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
Core::BigObject | core | Objects | no category |
Core::RuleChain | core | Objects | no category |
core_point_algo(Polytope p, Rational optLPvalue) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
core_point_algo_Rote(Polytope p, Rational optLPvalue) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
COTRANSVERSAL | matroid | method of Matroid | Advanced properties |
count(HASH query) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
count_distinct(HASH query, String property) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
count_mn_cones(Int n, Int k) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
count_mn_rays(Int n) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
CovectorDecoration | tropical | Property_types | no category |
CovectorLattice | tropical | Objects | Combinatorics |
COVECTORS | tropical | property of CovectorLattice | Combinatorics |
covectors(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> points, Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> generators) | tropical | Functions | Tropical covector decomposition |
covectors_of_scalar_vertices(Matrix<Scalar> points, Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> generators) | tropical | Functions | Tropical covector decomposition |
covering_relations(Graph<Directed> P) | graph | Functions | Posets |
coxeter_group(String type) | polytope | Functions | Producing other objects |
CP_INDICES | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
CQS_MATRIX | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
cramer(Matrix A, Vector b) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
cramer(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
create_permissive_schema(Any object …) | core | Functions | Schemas |
create_restrictive_schema(Any object) | core | Functions | Schemas |
create_user(String user, String password) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
CRITICAL_FACE_VECTOR | topaz | property of MorseMatching | no category |
CRITICAL_FACES | topaz | property of MorseMatching | no category |
cross<Scalar>(Int d, Scalar scale) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
cross_variety<Addition>(Int n, Int k, Rational h, Integer weight) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
crosscut_complex(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Producing other objects |
CRUST_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
CS_PERMUTATION | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
cs_quotient(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Quotient spaces |
cube<Scalar>(Int d, Scalar x_up, Scalar x_low) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
cube_complex(Array<Int> x) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
cube_group(Int d) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
CUBIC | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Defining properties |
CUBICAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
CUBICAL_H_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
CUBICALITY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
cuboctahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
Curve<Scalar> | tropical | Objects | no category |
CURVE_EDGE_LENGTHS() | tropical | method of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
cutting_functions(Cycle<Addition> F, Vector<Integer> weight_aim) | tropical | Functions | Inverse problems |
Cycle<Addition> | tropical | Objects | no category |
cycle_graph(Int n) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
CycleGroup<Scalar> | topaz | Property_types | Topology |
CYCLES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
cyclic<Addition>(Int d, Int n) | tropical | Functions | Producing a tropical polytope |
cyclic(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
cyclic_caratheodory(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
cyclic_group(Int d) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
CyclicQuotient | fulton | Objects | no category |
cylinder_2() | polytope | Functions | Quotient spaces |
davis_manifold() | polytope | Functions | Quotient spaces |
DCEL | topaz | property of HyperbolicSurface | no category |
decomposition_polytope(Cycle A) | tropical | Functions | Weight space |
DECORATION | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
deg() | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
deg() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
DEGENERATE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
degree(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
DEGREE | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
DEGREE | tropical | property of Cycle | Intersection theory |
degree(Cycle A) | tropical | Functions | Intersection theory |
degree<Scalar>(PointConfiguration P) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
DEGREE_ONE_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
DEGREE_SEQUENCE | graph | property of Graph | no category |
DELAUNAY_DIAGRAM | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
DELAUNAY_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
DELAUNAY_TRIANGULATION | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
delaunay_triangulation(VoronoiPolyhedron V) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
delete_all_edges(Int tail_node, Int head_node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
delete_edge | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
delete_node(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
deletion(Matroid m, Set<Int> S) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
deletion(Matroid m, Int x) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
deletion(SimplicialComplex complex, Set<Int> face) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
deletion(VectorConfiguration C, Int v) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
delocalize() | tropical | method of Cycle | Local computations |
delpezzo(Int d, Scalar scale) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
denominator(Rational a) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
denominator(RationalFunction f) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
denominator(PuiseuxFraction f) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
DENOMINATOR | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
dense(Vector v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
dense(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
dense<Element>(SparseVector<Element> v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
dense<Element>(SparseMatrix<Element> M) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
dense(IncidenceMatrix M) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
dense(Set S, Int dim) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
DEPTH | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
describe(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Combinatorics |
description | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
det(Matrix<Scalar> A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
diag(Vector d) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
diag(Matrix m1, Matrix m2) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
diagonal(Int i) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
DIAMETER | graph | property of Graph | no category |
DIAMETER() | polytope | method of Cone | Backward compatibility |
dihedral_angle(Vector<Scalar> H1, Vector<Scalar> H2) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
DIHEDRAL_ANGLES | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
dihedral_group(Int o) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
dim() | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
dim() | common | method of Vector | no category |
DIM | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
dim | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | no category |
dim() | topaz | method of Filtration | no category |
dim() | topaz | method of ChainComplex | no category |
DIM | fan | method of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
DIM() | fan | method of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
dim() | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
DIM() | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
dim | tropical | method of CovectorLattice | Combinatorics |
DIM | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
DIM | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
DIM() | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
dim() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
DIM() | polytope | method of Cone | Geometry |
DIM() | polytope | method of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
DIMENSION | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
DIMS | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
direct_sum(Matroid m_1, Matroid m_2) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
Directed | common | Property_types | Artificial |
DIRECTED_BOUNDED_GRAPH | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
DIRECTED_GRAPH(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
DIRECTED_GRAPH(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::PolytopeGraph | no category |
DIRECTED_GRAPH(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
DIRECTED_GRAPH | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
DirectedMulti | common | Property_types | Artificial |
disable_rules(String pattern) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
disable_rules(String pattern) | core | Functions | Basic |
disjoint_union(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
DisjointStackyFan<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Symmetry |
distance_matrix(Matrix S, CODE d) | common | Functions | Utilities |
distinct(HASH query, String property) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
Div<Scalar> | common | Property_types | Arithmetic |
div(Scalar a, Scalar b) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
div_exact(Int a) | common | method of Vector | no category |
div_exact(Int a) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
div_exact(Integer a, Integer b) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
division | ideal | method of Groebner | no category |
DIVISOR | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
divisor(Cycle C, TropicalRationalFunction F) | tropical | Functions | Divisor computation |
divisor_nr(Cycle C, TropicalRationalFunction F) | tropical | Functions | Divisor computation |
dodecahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
DOMAIN | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
DOMAIN | tropical | property of Morphism | Defining morphisms and functions |
DOMAIN_NAME | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
DOME | tropical | property of Hypersurface | no category |
DOME | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
dont_save | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
DoublyConnectedEdgeList | graph | Property_types | no category |
DUAL | matroid | property of Matroid | Duality |
dual(Matroid m) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
dual(ValuatedMatroid<Addition,Scalar> M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
dual_addition_version(Polytope<Addition,Scalar> polytope, Bool strong_conversion) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
dual_addition_version(TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar> number, Bool strong_conversion) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
dual_addition_version(Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> vector, Bool strong_conversion) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
dual_addition_version(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> matrix, Bool strong_conversion) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
dual_addition_version(Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> polynomial, Bool strong_conversion) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
dual_addition_version(Cycle<Addition> cycle, Bool strong_conversion) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
dual_addition_version(MatroidRingCycle<Addition> M) | tropical | Functions | Conversion of tropical addition |
DUAL_BIPARTITE() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
DUAL_BOUNDED_H_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
DUAL_CONNECTED() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
DUAL_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
DUAL_CONNECTIVITY() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
DUAL_CONNECTIVITY() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
DUAL_CONTINUED_FRACTION | fulton | property of CyclicQuotient | Input properties |
DUAL_DIAMETER() | polytope | method of Cone | Backward compatibility |
DUAL_EVEN() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
dual_faces() | graph | method of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
DUAL_GRAPH | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
DUAL_GRAPH | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
DUAL_GRAPH | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
DUAL_GRAPH | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
DUAL_GRAPH_SIGNATURE() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
DUAL_GRAPH_SIGNATURE() | polytope | method of Cone | Topology |
DUAL_H_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
dual_linear_program(Polytope P, Bool maximize) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
DUAL_MAX_CLIQUES() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
DUAL_SUBDIVISION | tropical | property of Hypersurface | Combinatorics |
dual_subdivision() | tropical | method of Hypersurface | Combinatorics |
DUAL_TREE | fan | property of PlanarNet | Combinatorics |
DUAL_TRIANGLE_FREE() | polytope | method of Cone | Backward compatibility |
dualOutitudePolynomials(Matrix<Int> dcel_data) | topaz | Functions | Other |
dwarfed_cube(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
dwarfed_product_polygons(Int d, Int s) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
edge(Int from, Int to) | common | method of EdgeHashMap | no category |
edge(Int from, Int to) | common | method of EdgeMap | no category |
edge(Int tail_node, Int head_node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
EDGE_COLORS() | polytope | method of Visual::PolytopeGraph | no category |
EDGE_COLORS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
edge_contraction(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
EDGE_DIRECTIONS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
EDGE_DIRECTIONS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
edge_exists(Int tail_node, Int head_node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
EDGE_LABELS | topaz | property of GrassPluckerCertificate | Geometry |
EDGE_LENGTHS | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
edge_lengths(GraphAdjacency<Directed> G, Matrix coords) | graph | Functions | Other |
EDGE_LENGTHS | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
EDGE_LENGTHS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
edge_middle(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
EDGE_ORIENTABLE | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
edge_orientable(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Other |
EDGE_ORIENTATION | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
EDGE_WEIGHTS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | no category |
EdgeHashMap<Dir, Element> | common | Property_types | Graph Types |
EdgeIterator | common | Property_types | Artificial |
EdgeList | common | Property_types | Artificial |
EdgeMap<Dir, Element> | common | Property_types | Graph Types |
edges() | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
edges(GraphAdjacency graph) | common | Functions | Graph Operations |
EDGES() | graph | method of Graph | Combinatorics |
EDGES_THROUGH_VERTICES | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
EFFECTIVE | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
EFFECTIVE_CONE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
EHRHART_POLYNOMIAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
EHRHART_POLYNOMIAL_COEFF() | polytope | method of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
EHRHART_QUASI_POLYNOMIAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
eigenvalues(Matrix<Float> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
EIGENVALUES_LAPLACIAN | graph | property of Graph | no category |
eigenvalues_laplacian(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
eigenvalues_laplacian(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
elem(Int r, Int c) | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
elem(Int r, Int c) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
eliminate_denominators(Vector v) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
eliminate_denominators_entire(Matrix v) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
eliminate_denominators_entire_affine(Matrix v) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
eliminate_denominators_in_rows(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
embed(Int nvars) | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
empty_cycle<Addition>(Int ambient_dim) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
ENVELOPE | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
EPSILON | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
equal_bases(Matrix M1, Matrix M2) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
equal_polyhedra(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Comparing |
EQUATIONS | polytope | property of Polytope | Input property |
EQUATIONS | polytope | property of Cone | Input property |
EQUATIONS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
EQUIDISTANT | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
erase(Int from, Int to) | common | method of EdgeHashMap | no category |
erase(Set f) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
eraseSubsets(Set s) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
eraseSupersets(Set s) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
ESSENTIALLY_GENERIC | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
EULER_CHARACTERISTIC | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
evaluate(Coefficient x, Exponent exp) | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
evaluate(PuiseuxFraction f, Coefficient x, Int exp) | common | Functions | no category |
evaluate(Matrix m, Coefficient x, Int exp) | common | Functions | no category |
evaluate(Vector v, Coefficient x, Int exp) | common | Functions | no category |
evaluate_float(Float x) | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
evaluate_float(PuiseuxFraction f, Float x) | common | Functions | no category |
evaluate_float(Matrix m, Float x) | common | Functions | no category |
evaluate_float(Vector v, Float x) | common | Functions | no category |
evaluation_map<Addition>(Int n, Matrix<Rational> Delta, Int i) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
evaluation_map<Addition>(Int n, Int r, Int d, Int i) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
EVEN() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
EXCESS_FACET_DEGREE | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
EXCESS_RAY_DEGREE | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
EXCESS_VERTEX_DEGREE | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
exit | core | Functions | Interactive |
expand(Map<Integer,Int> factorization) | common | Functions | Utilities |
EXPLICIT_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE_MATRIX | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
EXPLICIT_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
explicit_zonotope(Matrix zones) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
export_configured(String filename) | core | Functions | Interactive |
ext_gcd(Scalar a, Scalar b) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
extend_application(String extension, String app_name) | core | Functions | Interactive |
ExtGCD<Scalar> | common | Property_types | Arithmetic |
F2_VECTOR | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
F2_VECTOR | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
F2_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
F2_VECTOR | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
f8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
F_VECTOR | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
F_VECTOR | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
F_VECTOR | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
F_VECTOR | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
F_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
F_VECTOR | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
fac(Int n) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
face() | graph | method of BasicDecoration | no category |
face(Cone P, Set S) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
FACE_CLASSES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
face_fan<Coord>(Polytope p, Vector v) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
face_fan<Coord>(Polytope p) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
FACE_ORBITS | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
face_pair(Cone P, Set S) | polytope | Functions | Other |
FACE_SIMPLICITY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
FACES(String PROPERTY_NAME) | topaz | method of Visual::SimplicialComplex | no category |
FACES(Array<Set> faces) | topaz | method of Visual::SimplicialComplexLattice | no category |
faces() | topaz | method of CycleGroup | no category |
FACES | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
FACES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
faces_of_dim(Int d) | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
faces_of_dim(PointConfiguration p) | polytope | method of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
FACET | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
facet(Cone P, Int facet) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
facet_arrangement | fan | Functions | Producing a hyperplane arrangement |
FACET_DEGREES() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
FACET_LABELS | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
FACET_LABELS | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
facet_normal(Int i, Int j) | tropical | method of Cycle | Combinatorics |
FACET_NORMALS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
FACET_NORMALS_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
FACET_NORMALS_BY_PAIRS | tropical | property of Cycle | Combinatorics |
FACET_POINT | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
FACET_POINT_LATTICE_DISTANCES(Vector<Rational> v) | polytope | method of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
FACET_SIZES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
facet_to_infinity(Polytope P, Int i) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
FACET_TRIANGULATIONS | polytope | property of Cone | no category |
FACET_TRIANGULATIONS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
FACET_VERTEX_LATTICE_DISTANCES | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
FACET_VOLUMES | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
FACET_WIDTH | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
FACET_WIDTHS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
FacetList | common | Property_types | Set Types |
FACETS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
FACETS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
FACETS_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
FACETS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
FACETS_THRU_INPUT_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
FACETS_THRU_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
FACETS_THRU_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
FACETS_THRU_VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
factor(Integer n) | common | Functions | Utilities |
FAN_AMBIENT_DIM | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
fan_decomposition(Cycle<Addition> C) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
FAN_DIM | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
fan_from_cones(Array<Cone> cones) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
FANO | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
fano_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
fano_simplex(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
FAR_FACE | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
FAR_HYPERPLANE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
FAR_POINTS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
FAR_PSEUDOVERTICES | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
FAR_VERTICES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
FATNESS | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
FEASIBLE | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
FEASIBLE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
fiber_polytope(PointConfiguration pc, PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
fiber_polytope(PointConfiguration pc, Polytope pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
fiber_polytope(PointConfiguration P, Matrix pi) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
fibonacci(Int n) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
fibonacci2(Int n) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
fibonacci_numbers(Int m) | common | Functions | Utilities |
Filtration<MatrixType> | topaz | Property_types | Topology |
find(HASH query) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
find(Int from, Int to) | common | method of EdgeHashMap | no category |
find(Set f) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
find_facet_vertex_permutations(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Comparing |
find_facet_vertex_permutations(Cone P1, Cone P2) | polytope | Functions | Comparing |
find_lattice_permutation(PartiallyOrderedSet L1, PartiallyOrderedSet L2, Permutation permutation) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
find_node_permutation(GraphAdjacency graph1, GraphAdjacency graph2) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
find_one(HASH query) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
find_permutation(Array a, Array b) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
find_row_col_permutation(IncidenceMatrix<NonSymmetric> m1, IncidenceMatrix<NonSymmetric> m2) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
find_transitive_lp_sol(Matrix Inequalities) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
findSubsets(Set s) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
findSupersets(Set s) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
FLAG_VECTOR | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
FLAPS() | fan | method of Visual::PlanarNet | no category |
FLAPS | fan | property of PlanarNet | Combinatorics |
Flexible | common | Property_types | Visualization |
flip_tube(Graph G, Graph T, Int t) | fan | Functions | Other |
FLIP_WORDS | topaz | property of HyperbolicSurface | no category |
flips_to_canonical_triangulation(Matrix<Int> DCEL_data, Vector<Rational> A_coords) | topaz | Functions | Other |
Float | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
floor(Rational a) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
flow_polytope<Scalar>(GraphAdjacency<Directed> G, EdgeMap<Directed,Scalar> Arc_Bounds, Int source, Int sink) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
flow_polytope<Scalar>(Graph<Directed> G, Array<Scalar> Arc_Bounds, Int source, Int sink) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
FOLDABLE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
FOLDABLE_COCIRCUIT_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
foldable_max_signature_ilp(Int d, Matrix points, Rational volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
FOLDABLE_MAX_SIGNATURE_UPPER_BOUND | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
foldable_max_signature_upper_bound(Int d, Matrix points, Rational volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
foldable_prism(GeometricSimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
forgetful_map<Addition>(Int n, Set<Int> S) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
form() | common | method of SmithNormalForm | no category |
found_application(String extension, String app_name) | core | Functions | Interactive |
found_extension(String dirname) | core | Functions | Interactive |
fractional_cut_polytope(Graph G) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
fractional_knapsack(Vector<Rational> b) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
fractional_matching_polytope(Graph G) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
free_extension(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
free_sum(VectorConfiguration P1, VectorConfiguration P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
free_sum(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
free_sum_decomposition(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
free_sum_decomposition_indices(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
front() | common | method of Set | no category |
FTR_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
FTV_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
FULL_DIM | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
FULL_DIM | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
FULL_DIM | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
FULL_DIM | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
fundamental2gap(String filename) | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
FUNDAMENTAL_GROUP | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
FUNDAMENTAL_GROUP_GEN_LABELS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
fw_set(Matrix V) | tropical | Functions | Phylogenetics |
g() | common | method of ExtGCD | no category |
G_DIM | topaz | property of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
G_INVARIANT | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
G_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
GALE() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
GALE_TRANSFORM | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
GALE_TRANSFORM | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
GALE_VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
gc_closure(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
gcd(Int a, Int b) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
gcd(Vector<Scalar> v) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
gcd(UniPolynomial p, UniPolynomial q) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
gelfand_tsetlin<Scalar>(Vector<Scalar> lambda) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
gelfand_tsetlin_counting<Scalar>(Vector<Scalar> lambda) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
gelfand_tsetlin_diagrams<Scalar>(Vector<Scalar> lambda) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
generalized_johnson_graph(Int n, Int k, Int i) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
generalized_permutahedron<Scalar>(Int d, Map<Set<Int>,Scalar> z) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
GENERATING_HASSE_DIAGRAM | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
GENERATING_MAXIMAL_CONES | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
generating_polyhedron_facets(PolyhedralFan P) | fan | Functions | Geometry |
GENERATING_POLYTOPE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Basic properties |
GENERATING_RAYS | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
GENERATORS | ideal | property of Ideal | Input properties |
GENUS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
GENUS | tropical | method of Hypersurface | Topology |
GENUS | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
GeometricGraph<Scalar> | graph | Objects | Combinatorics |
GeometricSimplicialComplex<Scalar> | topaz | Objects | no category |
geomview(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
get_attachment(String name) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
get_client_id | common | method of PolyDB::Client | no category |
get_collection(String name) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Access |
get_index_names | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
get_indexes | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
get_map() | graph | method of InverseRankMap | Combinatorics |
get_schedule(String property_name) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
get_schema() | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Access |
get_user_names | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
get_users(ARRAY usernames) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
get_var_names | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
get_var_names | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
get_var_names() | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
GF2 | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
gfan_secondary_fan(Matrix M) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
gfan_secondary_fan(PointConfiguration P) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
gfan_tropicalbruteforce(Ideal I) | tropical | Functions | gfan |
gfan_tropicalhypersurface(Polynomial<Rational> p) | tropical | Functions | gfan |
gfan_tropicalintersection(Ideal I) | tropical | Functions | gfan |
gfan_tropicalvariety_of_prime(Ideal I) | tropical | Functions | gfan |
give(String property_name, Any multi_choice) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
gkz_dome(Int k, Int depth) | topaz | method of HyperbolicSurface | Other |
GKZ_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
GKZ_VECTOR | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
GKZ_VECTORS(Int depth) | topaz | method of HyperbolicSurface | Other |
goldfarb(Int d, Scalar e, Scalar g) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
goldfarb_sit(Int d, Scalar eps, Scalar delta) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
GORENSTEIN | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Toric Varieties |
GORENSTEIN | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
GORENSTEIN_CONE | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
GORENSTEIN_INDEX | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
GORENSTEIN_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
GRAPH | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
GRAPH | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
Graph<Dir> | graph | Objects | Combinatorics |
GRAPH | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
GRAPH | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
GRAPH | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
GRAPH | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
GRAPH | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
graph_associahedron_fan(Graph G) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
GRAPH_EDGE_LENGTHS | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
graph_from_cycles | graph | Functions | no category |
graph_from_edges(Array<Set<Int>> edges) | graph | Functions | Other |
graph_homomorphisms(Graph G, Graph H) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
GRAPH_SIGNATURE() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
GRAPH_SIGNATURE() | polytope | method of Cone | Topology |
GraphAdjacency<Dir> | common | Property_types | Graph Types |
GraphMap<Dir, Element> | common | Property_types | Graph Types |
graphviz(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | graph | Functions | Visualization |
grass_plucker(SimplicialComplex S) | topaz | Functions | Other |
GRASS_PLUCKER_CERTIFICATE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Geometry |
GrassPluckerCertificate | topaz | Objects | Geometry |
GROEBNER | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
Groebner | ideal | Objects | no category |
groebner_fan(Ideal I) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
Group | group | Objects | no category |
GROUP | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Symmetry |
GROUP | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
GROUP | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
GROUP | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Symmetry |
GROUP | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
GROUP | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
GROUP | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
group_from_cyclic_notation0(String generators) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
group_from_cyclic_notation1(String generators) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
group_from_permlib_cyclic_notation(Array<String> gens, Int degree) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
group_left_multiplication_table(Group G) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
group_right_multiplication_table(Group G) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
gudkov_curve() | tropical | Functions | no category |
h_induced_quotient(SimplicialComplex C, Set<Int> vertices) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
H_STAR_POLYNOMIAL | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
H_STAR_VECTOR | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
H_VECTOR | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
H_VECTOR | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
H_VECTOR | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
hadamard_product(Matrix M1, Matrix M2) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
halfspace_subdivision<Addition>(Rational a, Vector<Rational> g, Integer w) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
harnack_curve(Int d) | tropical | Functions | no category |
has_gaps() | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
HashMap<Key, Value> | common | Property_types | Set Types |
HashSet<Element> | common | Property_types | Set Types |
HASSE_DIAGRAM | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
HASSE_DIAGRAM | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
HASSE_DIAGRAM | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
HASSE_DIAGRAM | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
hd_embedder(Array label_width) | graph | Functions | Visualization |
help(String item) | core | Functions | Interactive |
hermite_normal_form(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
HermiteNormalForm<Scalar> | common | Property_types | Linear Algebra |
higgs_lift(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
HILBERT_BASIS() | polytope | method of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
HILBERT_BASIS_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
HILBERT_POLYNOMIAL | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
HILBERT_SERIES | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
hirzebruch_surface(Integer r) | fulton | Functions | Producing a normal toric variety |
histogram(ARRAY data) | common | Functions | Utilities |
history | core | Functions | Interactive |
hnf() | common | method of HermiteNormalForm | no category |
hom_poset(Graph<Directed> P, Graph<Directed> Q) | graph | Functions | Posets |
hom_poset(Array<Array<Int>> homs, Graph<Directed> Q) | graph | Functions | Posets |
homogeneous() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
HOMOGENEOUS | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
HOMOGENEOUS | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
HOMOGENEOUS_COORDINATE_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
HOMOLOGY | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
homology(Array<Set<Int>> complex, Bool co) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
homology(ChainComplex CC, Bool co) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
HOMOLOGY | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Topology |
homology_and_cycles(Array<Set<Int>> complex, Bool co) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
homology_and_cycles(ChainComplex<SparseMatrix<Integer>> CC, Bool co) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
homology_flint(Array<Set<Int>> complex, Bool co) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
homology_flint(ChainComplex CC, Bool co) | topaz | Functions | Topology |
HomologyGroup<Scalar> | topaz | Property_types | Topology |
householder_trafo(Vector<Float> b) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
HSV | common | Property_types | Visualization |
hurwitz_cycle<Addition>(Int k, Vector<Int> degree, Vector<Rational> points) | tropical | Functions | Hurwitz cycles |
hurwitz_marked_cycle<Addition>(Int k, Vector<Int> degree, Vector<Rational> pullback_points) | tropical | Functions | Hurwitz cycles |
hurwitz_pair<Addition>(Int k, Vector<Int> degree, Vector<Rational> points) | tropical | Functions | Hurwitz cycles |
hurwitz_pair_local<Addition>(Int k, Vector<Int> degree, RationalCurve local_curve) | tropical | Functions | Hurwitz cycles |
hurwitz_subdivision<Addition>(Int k, Vector<Int> degree, Vector<Rational> points) | tropical | Functions | Hurwitz cycles |
HyperbolicSurface | topaz | Objects | no category |
hyperplane<Addition>(Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition>> coeffs) | tropical | Functions | Producing a tropical hypersurface |
HYPERPLANE_AMBIENT_DIM | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Geometry |
HYPERPLANE_LABELS | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | no category |
HyperplaneArrangement<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Geometry |
HYPERPLANES | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Geometry |
hypersimplex<Addition>(Int d, Int k) | tropical | Functions | Producing a tropical polytope |
hypersimplex(Int k, Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
hypersimplex_vertex_splits(Int k, Int d) | fan | Functions | Producing a hyperplane arrangement |
Hypersurface<Addition> | tropical | Objects | no category |
hypertruncated_cube<Scalar>(Int d, Scalar k, Scalar lambda) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
icosahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
icosidodecahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
Ideal | ideal | Objects | no category |
IDENTICALLY_SELF_DUAL | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
IDENTIFICATION_ACTION | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Basic properties |
IMAGES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
implicit_character(ImplicitActionOnSets A) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
IMPLICIT_SET_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
ImplicitActionOnSets | group | Objects | no category |
import_extension(String dirname, String options) | core | Functions | Interactive |
in_adjacent_nodes(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
in_degree(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
in_edges(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
incidence_matrix(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
incidence_matrix(GraphAdjacency G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
IncidenceMatrix<Sym> | common | Property_types | Set Types |
incl(Set s1, Set s2) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
include(String rulefile) | core | Functions | Basic |
included_polyhedra(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Comparing |
independence_complex(Matroid matroid) | topaz | Functions | Producing a simplicial complex from other objects |
index_matrix(SparseMatrix M) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
index_of(Array<Set<Int>> array) | common | Functions | Utilities |
INDEX_OF | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
indices | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
indices(SparseVector v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
induce_implicit_action(PermutationAction original_action, String property) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induce_set_action(Cone c, PermutationAction a, String domain) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_action(PermutationAction a, Array<Set<Int>> domain) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_lattice_basis(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
induced_permutations(Array<Array<Int>> gens, Matrix M) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_permutations(Array<Matrix<Scalar>> gens, Matrix M) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_permutations(Array<Array<Int>> gens, Array<DomainType> S) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_permutations(Array<Array<Int>> a, IncidenceMatrix M) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_permutations_set_set(Array<Array<Int>> gens, Array<Set<Set>> domain) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_rep(Cone C, PermutationActionOnSets A, Array<Int> g) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
induced_subcomplex(SimplicialComplex complex, Set<Int> vertices) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
induced_subdivision<Scalar>(VectorConfiguration<Scalar> pc, Matrix<Scalar> R, Set I) | fan | Functions | Geometry |
induced_subdivision | fan | Functions | Geometry |
induced_subgraph(GraphAdjacency graph, Set set) | common | Functions | Graph Operations |
INEQUALITIES | tropical | property of Polytope | Input property |
INEQUALITIES | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
INEQUALITIES | polytope | property of Polytope | Input property |
INEQUALITIES | polytope | property of Cone | Input property |
INEQUALITIES_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
INEQUALITIES_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
INEQUALITIES_THRU_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
INEQUALITIES_THRU_VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
INEQUALITY_LABELS | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
INEQUALITY_LABELS | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
inf | common | method of Float | no category |
inf | common | method of Rational | no category |
inf | common | method of Integer | no category |
info() | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Access |
initial_form(Vector<Exponent> v) | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
INITIAL_FORMS | ideal | property of Groebner | Commutative algebra |
INITIAL_IDEAL | ideal | property of Groebner | Commutative algebra |
inner_cone(Cone p, Set<Int> F) | polytope | Functions | Producing a cone |
INNER_DESCRIPTION() | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
INNER_POINT | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
inner_point(Matrix points) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
INPUT_COEFFS | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Input property |
INPUT_CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Input property |
INPUT_CONES_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
INPUT_FACES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Input property |
INPUT_LINEALITY | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Input property |
INPUT_LINEALITY | polytope | property of Cone | Input property |
INPUT_LINEALITY_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
INPUT_POLYTOPES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Input property |
INPUT_POLYTOPES_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
INPUT_RAY_LABELS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Visualization |
INPUT_RAY_LABELS | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
INPUT_RAYS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Input property |
INPUT_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Input property |
INPUT_RAYS_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
INPUT_RAYS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
INPUT_RAYS_IN_FACETS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
INPUT_SETS | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Input property |
INPUT_STRING | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Input property |
insert(Set f) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
insert_leaves(RationalCurve curve, Vector<Int> nodes) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
insert_many(Core::BigObject array) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
insert_one(Core::BigObject object) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
insert_rays(Cycle<Addition> F, Matrix<Rational> R) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
insertMax(Set f) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
insertMin(Set f) | common | method of FacetList | no category |
Int | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
Integer | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
integer_hull(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
integer_points_bbox(Polytope<Scalar> P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
INTEGER_VARIABLES | polytope | property of MixedIntegerLinearProgram | no category |
INTEGRAL | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
interior_and_boundary_ridges(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
INTERIOR_LATTICE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
INTERIOR_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
INTERIOR_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
internal_activity() | matroid | Functions | Other |
intersect(Cycle X, Cycle Y) | tropical | Functions | Intersection theory |
intersect_check_transversality(Cycle X, Cycle Y, Bool ensure_transversality) | tropical | Functions | Intersection theory |
intersect_container(Cycle cycle, Cycle container, Bool forceLatticeComputation) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
intersect_in_smooth_surface(Cycle<Addition> surface, Cycle<Addition> A, Cycle<Addition> B) | tropical | Functions | Intersection theory |
intersection(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
intersection(PolyhedralFan F, Matrix H) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
intersection(Cone C …) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
INTERSECTION_COMPLEX | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Topology |
intersection_extremals(Matrix<TropicalNumber> G, Vector<TropicalNumber> a, Vector<TropicalNumber> b) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
INTERSECTION_FORM | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
IntersectionForm | topaz | Property_types | Topology |
inv(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
invalid_node(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
invariant_polynomials(MatrixActionOnVectors a, Int d) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
INVERSE_RANK_MAP | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
InverseRankMap<SeqType> | graph | Property_types | Combinatorics |
IRREDUCIBLE_DECOMPOSITION | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
irreducible_decomposition<Scalar>(Vector<Scalar> character, Group G) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
is_B_nested(Set<Set<Int>> check_me, Set<Set<Int>> B) | fan | Functions | Other |
IS_BALANCED | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
is_balanced(Cycle C) | tropical | Functions | Weights and lattices |
is_building_set(Set<Set<Int>> check_me, Int n) | fan | Functions | Other |
is_contained(Matrix<TropicalNumber> apices, Array<Set<Int>> sectors) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
is_empty | tropical | Functions | Degeneracy tests |
is_fan(Bool allow_translations) | tropical | method of Cycle | Basic polyhedral operations |
is_generalized_shelling(Array<Set> FaceList) | topaz | Functions | Other |
IS_GLOBALLY_AFFINE_LINEAR | tropical | property of Morphism | Defining morphisms and functions |
IS_GLOBALLY_DEFINED | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
is_integral(Vector v) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
is_integral(Matrix m) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
IS_IRREDUCIBLE | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
is_isomorphic_to(Matroid M) | matroid | method of Matroid | Advanced properties |
is_modular_cut(Matroid M, Array<Set> C) | matroid | Functions | Other |
is_nested_matroid(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Advanced properties |
is_nonnegative(ARRAY data) | common | Functions | Utilities |
is_one(Scalar s) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
is_regular(Matrix points, Array<Set<Int>> subdiv) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
is_smooth(Cycle<Addition> a) | tropical | Functions | Matroids |
is_subdivision(Matrix points, Array<Set<Int>> faces) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
is_unimodal(ARRAY data) | common | Functions | Utilities |
is_vertex_decomposition(SimplicialComplex complex, Array<Int> vertices) | topaz | Functions | Other |
is_zero(Scalar s) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
isa(Any type) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
isfinite(Scalar a) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
isinf(Scalar a) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
isomorphic(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Comparing |
isomorphic(IncidenceMatrix IncidenceMatrix1, IncidenceMatrix IncidenceMatrix2) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
isomorphic(GraphAdjacency graph1, GraphAdjacency graph2) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
isomorphic(Cone P1, Cone P2) | polytope | Functions | Comparing |
isomorphic_curves(IncidenceMatrix etv, Array<Int> vertex_weights, Vector<Scalar> v, Vector<Scalar> w) | tropical | Functions | Symmetry |
isomorphic_curves(Curve<Scalar> G, Curve<Scalar> H) | tropical | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_basis(Group G, PermutationActionOnSets A, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_basis(Group G, PermutationAction A, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_basis<Scalar>(Group G, MatrixActionOnVectors<Scalar> A, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
ISOTYPIC_COMPONENTS | polytope | property of SymmetrizedCocircuitEquations | no category |
isotypic_configuration(Polytope P, Int i) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_projector(Group G, PermutationAction A, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_projector<Scalar>(Group G, MatrixActionOnVectors<Scalar> A, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_supports(PermutationActionOnSets a, Array<Set> A) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
isotypic_supports(PermutationActionOnSets a, SparseMatrix M) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
iterated_barycentric_subdivision(SimplicialComplex complex, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
iterated_barycentric_subdivision(Cone c, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
ITERATED_DELAUNAY_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
ITERATED_VORONOI_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
Iterator<Element> | common | Property_types | Artificial |
j_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
javaview(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
jockusch_3_ball(Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
jockusch_3_sphere(Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
johnson_graph(Int n, Int k) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
johnson_solid(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
johnson_solid(String s) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
join_complexes(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
join_polytopes(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
jreality(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
k1() | common | method of ExtGCD | no category |
k2() | common | method of ExtGCD | no category |
k_cyclic(Int n, Vector s) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
k_skeleton(SimplicialComplex complex, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
k_skeleton(GeometricSimplicialComplex complex, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
k_skeleton<Coord>(PolyhedralFan F, Int k) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
klee_minty_cube(Int d, Scalar e) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
klein_bottle() | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
kneser_graph(Int n, Int k) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
KNOT | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
l8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
labeled(Vector data, Array<String> elem_labels) | common | Functions | Formatting |
LABELED_FACETS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
LABELED_FACETS | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
LABELED_ORIENTATION | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
labeled_vertices(String label …) | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
labeled_vertices(String label …) | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
LABELS | matroid | property of Matroid | Other |
LABELS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Visualization |
LABELS | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
LABELS | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Visualization |
LAMINAR | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
laplacian(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
laplacian(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
latex(Matrix data, Array<String> elem_labels) | common | Functions | Formatting |
LATTICE() | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
LATTICE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
LATTICE_ACCUMULATED_EDGE_LENGTHS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
lattice_automorphisms_smooth_polytope(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
LATTICE_BASES | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
lattice_basis(Matrix<Integer> A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
LATTICE_BASIS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
lattice_bipyramid(Polytope P, Vector v, Vector v_prime, Rational z, Rational z_prime) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
LATTICE_CODEGREE | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
LATTICE_COLORED() | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
LATTICE_DEGREE | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
LATTICE_EDGE_LENGTHS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
LATTICE_EMPTY | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
LATTICE_GENERATORS | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
LATTICE_HOLLOW | polytope | method of Polytope | no category |
lattice_index(Matrix<Integer> m) | tropical | Functions | Lattices |
lattice_isomorphic_smooth_polytopes(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Comparing |
lattice_normal(Int i, Int j) | tropical | method of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
LATTICE_NORMAL_FCT_VECTOR | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
LATTICE_NORMAL_SUM | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
LATTICE_NORMAL_SUM_FCT_VECTOR | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
LATTICE_NORMALS | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
lattice_of_chains(PartiallyOrderedSet<Decoration> lattice) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
LATTICE_OF_CYCLIC_FLATS | matroid | property of Matroid | Axiom systems |
LATTICE_OF_FLATS | matroid | property of Matroid | Axiom systems |
LATTICE_POINTS() | polytope | method of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
LATTICE_POINTS_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
lattice_pyramid(Polytope P, Rational z, Vector v) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
LATTICE_VOLUME | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
LATTICE_WIDTH | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
LATTICE_WIDTH_DIRECTION | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
lawrence(Cone P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
lawrence_matrix(Matrix M) | polytope | Functions | Other |
LayeredPermutationAction | group | Objects | no category |
lc() | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
lc() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
lcm(Int a, Int b) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
lcm(Vector<Scalar> v) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
LEAVES | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
lecture_hall_simplex(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
LEDA_graph(GraphAdjacency G) | graph | Functions | Visualization |
left_companion() | common | method of SmithNormalForm | no category |
left_companion() | common | method of SingularValueDecomposition | no category |
lex_extension(Matroid M, Array<Set> C) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
lex_maximal | group | method of PermutationAction | Orbits |
lex_min_representative(Group G, Set S) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
lex_minimal | group | method of PermutationAction | Orbits |
lex_ordered(FacetList f) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
lifted_pluecker(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition>> V) | tropical | Functions | Other |
LIFTING | fulton | property of RationalDivisorClassGroup | Algebraic Geometry |
lin_solve(Matrix A, Vector b) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
line_graph(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
LINEALITY_DIM | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
LINEALITY_DIM | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
lineality_space(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
LINEALITY_SPACE | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Geometry |
LINEALITY_SPACE | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
LINEALITY_SPACE | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
LINEALITY_SPACE_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
LINEALITY_VALUES | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
LINEALITY_VALUES | tropical | property of Morphism | Defining morphisms and functions |
LINEAR_OBJECTIVE | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
LINEAR_OBJECTIVE | polytope | property of MixedIntegerLinearProgram | no category |
linear_space(ValuatedMatroid<Addition,Rational> A) | tropical | Functions | Tropical linear spaces |
LINEAR_SPAN | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
LINEAR_SPAN | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
LINEAR_SPAN | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
LINEAR_SPAN_NORMALS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
linear_symmetries(Matrix M) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
linear_symmetries(Cone C) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
LinearProgram<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | Optimization |
lines_in_cubic(Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition>> p) | tropical | Functions | Lines in surfaces |
LinesInCubic<Addition> | tropical | Objects | no category |
link_subcomplex(SimplicialComplex complex, Set<Int> face) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
List<Element> | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
list | core | method of Core::RuleChain | no category |
list_attachments | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
list_collections(String section) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Access |
LIST_FAMILY_FIXED_EDGE | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
LIST_FAMILY_FIXED_VERTEX | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
LIST_FAMILY_MOVING_EDGE | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
LIST_FAMILY_MOVING_VERTEX | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
LIST_ISOLATED_EDGE | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
LIST_ISOLATED_NO_EDGE | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
list_names | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
list_new_properties | core | method of Core::RuleChain | no category |
list_properties(Bool deep) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
list_sections(String section) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Access |
lm() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
load(String filename) | core | Functions | Basic |
load_commands(String filename) | core | Functions | Interactive |
load_data(String filename) | core | Functions | Basic |
load_schema(String filename) | core | Functions | Schemas |
load_singular_library(String s) | ideal | Functions | Singular interface |
local_codim_one(Cycle<Addition> complex, Int face) | tropical | Functions | Local computations |
local_m0n<Addition>(RationalCurve R …) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
local_point(Cycle<Addition> complex, Vector<Rational> v) | tropical | Functions | Local computations |
local_restrict(Cycle<Addition> complex, IncidenceMatrix cones) | tropical | Functions | Local computations |
LOCAL_RESTRICTION | tropical | property of Cycle | Local computations |
local_var_names(String names …) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
local_vertex(Cycle<Addition> complex, Int ray) | tropical | Functions | Local computations |
LocalFloatEpsilon | common | Property_types | Artificial |
LOCALLY_STRONGLY_CONNECTED | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
long_and_winding(Int r) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
lookup(String property_name, Any multi_choice) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
LOOPS | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
lower_deg() | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
lower_lattice_points | fulton | Functions | Commutative Algebra |
LP | polytope | property of Polytope | Optimization |
lp2poly<Scalar>(String file, Vector testvec, String prefix) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
m0n<Addition>(Int n) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
m_sequence(Vector<Int> h) | polytope | Functions | Other |
MAHLER_VOLUME | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
make_hyperplanes_unique_in_support | fan | Functions | no category |
make_totally_dual_integral(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
make_user_database_admin() | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
MANIFOLD | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
Map<Key, Value> | common | Property_types | Set Types |
mapping_polytope(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
mapvars(Array<Int> indices, Int nvars) | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
MARKED_EDGES | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
markov_basis(Set<Vector<Integer>> S) | fulton | Functions | no category |
markov_basis(Matrix<Integer> M) | fulton | Functions | no category |
markov_basis(Polytope<Rational> P) | fulton | Functions | no category |
MASSIVE_GKZ_VECTOR | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
MATCHING | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | no category |
Matrix<Element, Sym> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
MATRIX | tropical | property of Morphism | Defining morphisms and functions |
MATRIX_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
MATRIX_ACTION | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Symmetry |
MATRIX_ACTION | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
MATRIX_ACTION | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
MATRIX_ACTION | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
MATRIX_ACTION_ON_COMPLEX | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
MatrixActionOnVectors | group | Objects | no category |
matrixPair2apexSet(Matrix<TropicalNumber> G, Matrix<TropicalNumber> A) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
Matroid | matroid | Objects | no category |
matroid_coordinates_from_curve<Addition>(RationalCurve r) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
matroid_fan<Addition>(Matroid m) | tropical | Functions | Matroids |
matroid_fan<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> m) | tropical | Functions | Matroids |
matroid_fan_from_flats<Addition>(Matroid A) | tropical | Functions | Matroids |
matroid_from_characteristic_vector(Vector<Integer> v, Int r, Int n) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from other objects |
matroid_from_cyclic_flats(Array<Set<Int>> F, Array<Set<Int>> R, Int N) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from other objects |
matroid_from_fan(Cycle<Addition> A) | tropical | Functions | Matroids |
matroid_from_graph(Graph g) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from other objects |
matroid_from_matroid_polytope(Polytope p) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from other objects |
MATROID_HYPERPLANES | matroid | property of Matroid | Axiom systems |
matroid_indices_of_hypersimplex_vertices() | polytope | Functions | Other |
matroid_plueckervector(Matroid m) | matroid | Functions | Other |
matroid_polytope<Addition, Scalar>(Matroid m, Scalar v) | tropical | Functions | Producing a tropical polytope |
matroid_ring_cycle<Addition>(Matroid M, Int scale) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
matroid_ring_linear_space(MatroidRingCycle L) | tropical | Functions | Matroid ring cycle arithmetics |
matroid_ring_product(MatroidRingCycle A, MatroidRingCycle B) | tropical | Functions | Matroid ring cycle arithmetics |
matroid_ring_sum(MatroidRingCycle A, MatroidRingCycle B) | tropical | Functions | Matroid ring cycle arithmetics |
MatroidRingCycle<Addition> | tropical | Objects | no category |
max | common | method of Int | no category |
Max | common | Property_types | Arithmetic |
MAX_BOUNDARY_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
MAX_BOUNDARY_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
MAX_CLIQUES() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
MAX_CLIQUES | graph | property of Graph | no category |
max_GC_rank(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
MAX_INDEPENDENT_SETS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
MAX_INTERIOR_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
MAX_INTERIOR_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
max_interior_simplices(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
max_interior_simplices(PointConfiguration P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
max_metric(Int n) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
MAXIMAL_ANTI_CHAINS | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_AT_CODIM_ONE | tropical | property of Cycle | Combinatorics |
maximal_ball(Polytope<Rational> P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
MAXIMAL_CELLS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_CHAINS | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
maximal_chains_of_lattice(PartiallyOrderedSet F) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_CONE_LABELS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Visualization |
MAXIMAL_CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_CONES_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
MAXIMAL_CONES_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
MAXIMAL_CONES_COMBINATORIAL_DIMS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_CONES_FACETS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
MAXIMAL_CONES_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
MAXIMAL_CONES_INCIDENCES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_CONES_LINEAR_SPAN_NORMALS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
MAXIMAL_CONES_THRU_RAYS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_COVECTOR_CELLS | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_COVECTORS | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_FACE | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_AFFINE_HULL_NORMALS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_COMBINATORIAL_DIMS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_FACETS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_INCIDENCES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES_THRU_VERTICES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
maximal_ranked_poset(Array<Int> tau) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
MAXIMAL_SOLUTION | polytope | property of MixedIntegerLinearProgram | no category |
MAXIMAL_TRANSVERSAL_PRESENTATION | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
MAXIMAL_VALUE | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
MAXIMAL_VALUE | polytope | property of MixedIntegerLinearProgram | no category |
MAXIMAL_VERTEX | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
maximum(ARRAY array) | common | Functions | Utilities |
median(ARRAY array) | common | Functions | Utilities |
metapost(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | graph | Functions | Visualization |
metric_cone(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
metric_extended_tight_span(Matrix<Rational> M) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
metric_polytope(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
metric_tight_span(Matrix<Rational> M) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
metric_vector | tropical | method of RationalCurve | Conversion |
MILP | polytope | property of Polytope | Optimization |
min | common | method of Int | no category |
Min | common | Property_types | Arithmetic |
MIN_MAX_FACE(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
MIN_MAX_FACE(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::PolytopeLattice | no category |
MIN_MAX_FACE(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::PolytopeGraph | no category |
MIN_MAX_FACE(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
min_metric(Int n) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
MIN_WEIGHTS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
MINIMAL_BALL | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
minimal_base(Matroid matroid, Vector weights) | matroid | Functions | Other |
MINIMAL_FACE | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
MINIMAL_NON_FACES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
MINIMAL_NON_FACES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
MINIMAL_SOLUTION | polytope | property of MixedIntegerLinearProgram | no category |
MINIMAL_VALUE | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
MINIMAL_VALUE | polytope | property of MixedIntegerLinearProgram | no category |
MINIMAL_VERTEX | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
MINIMAL_VERTEX_ANGLE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
minimal_vertex_angle(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
minimum(ARRAY array) | common | Functions | Utilities |
MINKOWSKI_CONE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
MINKOWSKI_CONE_COEFF(Vector<Rational> coeff) | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
MINKOWSKI_CONE_POINT(Vector<Rational> point) | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
minkowski_sum(TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar> lambda, Polytope<Addition,Scalar> P, TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar> mu, Polytope<Addition,Scalar> Q) | tropical | Functions | Producing a tropical polytope |
minkowski_sum(PointConfiguration P1, PointConfiguration P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a point configuration |
minkowski_sum(Scalar lambda, PointConfiguration P1, Scalar mu, PointConfiguration P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a point configuration |
minkowski_sum(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
minkowski_sum(Scalar lambda, Polytope P1, Scalar mu, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
minkowski_sum_fukuda(Array<Polytope> summands) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
minor(Set r, Set c) | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
minor(Set r, Set c) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
minus_inf | common | method of Float | no category |
minus_inf | common | method of Rational | no category |
minus_inf | common | method of Integer | no category |
MIXED_GRAPH | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
mixed_graph(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Other |
mixed_integer_hull(Polytope P, Array<Int> int_coords) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
mixed_subdivision(Polytope P_0, Polytope P_1, Array<Set> VIF, Scalar t_0, Scalar t_1) | fan | Functions | Producing a polyhedral complex |
mixed_subdivision(Int m, Polytope C, Array<Set> a) | fan | Functions | Producing a polyhedral complex |
mixed_subdivision(Array<Polytope> A, Array<Set> VIF) | fan | Functions | Producing a polyhedral complex |
mixed_volume(Polytope<Scalar> P1, Polytope<Scalar> P2, Polytope<Scalar> Pn) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
MixedIntegerLinearProgram<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | Optimization |
MODULE_GENERATORS | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Combinatorics |
MODULI_CELL | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
moduli_cell(Curve G) | tropical | Functions | Weights and lattices |
moduli_cell_of_curve | tropical | Functions | Symmetry |
moduli_space(Curve<Scalar> G1, Curve<Scalar> G2, Curve<Scalar> Gn) | tropical | Functions | Symmetry |
MOEBIUS_STRIP_EDGES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
MOEBIUS_STRIP_QUADS | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
MONOID_GRADING | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
monomial | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
monomial(Int var_index, Int n_vars) | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
MONOMIAL | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
monomial_cone_lattice(Matrix M) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
monomial_dual_description(Matrix monomial_generators) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
monomials<Coefficient, Exponent>(Int n) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
MONOMIALS | tropical | property of Hypersurface | no category |
monomials_as_matrix() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
monomials_as_vector() | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
moore_penrose_inverse(Matrix<Float> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
MORI_CONE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
Morphism<Addition> | tropical | Objects | no category |
morphism_from_affine<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> A, Vector<Rational> v, Int domain_chart, Int target_chart) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
MORSE_MATCHING | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
MORSE_MATCHING() | topaz | method of Visual::SimplicialComplex | no category |
MORSE_MATCHING() | topaz | method of Visual::SimplicialComplexLattice | no category |
MorseMatching | topaz | Objects | Topology |
mps2poly<Scalar>(String file, String prefix, Bool use_lazy) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
multi_associahedron_sphere(Int n, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
MULTIPLE_POINTS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
MULTIPLE_VECTORS | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
multiplex(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
N | fulton | property of CyclicQuotient | Input properties |
n1_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
n2_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
N_01POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
N_AUTOMORPHISMS | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
n_automorphisms(GraphAdjacency graph) | graph | Functions | Comparing |
N_BASES | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_BOUNDARY_LATTICE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
N_BOUNDED_VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
n_cells() | topaz | method of Filtration | no category |
N_CIRCUITS | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_COCIRCUITS | matroid | method of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_COLOOPS | matroid | method of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
N_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
N_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
N_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
N_CRITICAL_FACES | topaz | property of MorseMatching | no category |
N_CYCLIC_FLATS | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_EDGES | graph | property of Graph | no category |
N_EDGES | tropical | property of Curve | Combinatorics |
N_EDGES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
N_ELEMENTS | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_ELEMENTS | tropical | property of MatroidRingCycle | Matroid data |
N_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
N_EQUATIONS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_FACET_NORMALS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
N_FACETS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
N_FACETS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
N_FACETS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_FAMILIES | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Counts of lines |
n_fine_triangulations(Matrix M, Bool optimization) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
n_fixed_points(Array<Int> p) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
N_FLAGS(Int type …) | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
N_FLATS | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
n_frames() | topaz | method of Filtration | no category |
N_GENERATING_RAYS | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
n_gon(Int n, Rational r, Rational alpha_0) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
N_GON_TRIANGULATION | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
n_graph_homomorphisms(Graph G, Graph H) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
N_HILBERT_BASIS | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
N_HYPERPLANES | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Combinatorics |
N_INEQUALITIES_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_INPUT_LINEALITY | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
N_INPUT_LINEALITY_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_INPUT_RAYS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
N_INPUT_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
N_INPUT_RAYS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_INTERIOR_LATTICE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
N_ISOLATED | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Counts of lines |
N_LATTICE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in polytopes |
N_LATTICE_POINTS_IN_DILATION(Int n) | polytope | method of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
N_LEAVES | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
N_LINEALITY_SPACE_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_LOOPS | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_MATROID_HYPERPLANES | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
N_MAX_BOUNDARY_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
N_MAX_INTERIOR_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
N_MAXIMAL_CELLS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Combinatorics |
N_MAXIMAL_CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
N_MAXIMAL_CONES_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
N_MAXIMAL_TORUS_ORBITS | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Basic properties |
N_MINIMAL_NON_FACES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
N_NESTED_SUMMANDS | tropical | property of MatroidRingCycle | Matroid data |
N_NODES | graph | property of Graph | no category |
N_ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_ORBITS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_POINTS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
N_POINTS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
N_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
N_POINTS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
N_POINTS_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
N_POINTS_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
N_POINTS_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
N_POLYTOPES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
n_poset_homomorphisms(Graph<Directed> P, Graph<Directed> Q) | graph | Functions | Posets |
N_RAY_FACET_INC | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
N_RAYS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
N_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
N_RAYS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
N_REPRESENTATIVE_CERTIFIERS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
N_REPRESENTATIVE_CORE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
N_RIDGES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
N_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
N_SITES | tropical | property of VoronoiDiagram | no category |
N_SITES | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
N_STRONG_GENERATORS | group | property of PermutationAction | no category |
N_TAXA | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
N_UNIMODULAR | topaz | property of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
N_VARIABLES | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
n_vars | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
n_vars() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
N_VECTORS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
N_VECTORS | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
N_VERTEX_FACET_INC | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
n_vertices() | common | method of FacetList | no category |
N_VERTICES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
N_VERTICES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
N_VERTICES | tropical | property of Curve | Combinatorics |
N_VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
N_VERTICES_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
N_VERTICES_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
N_VERTICES_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
name | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | no category |
name | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
nearest_point(Polytope<Addition,Scalar> C, Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> x) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
NEF | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
NEF_CONE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
NEIGHBOR_FACETS_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
NEIGHBOR_RAYS_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
NEIGHBOR_VERTICES_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
neighborhood_graph(Matrix<Rational> D, Rational delta) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
NEIGHBORLINESS | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
NEIGHBORLY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
neighborly_cubical(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
NESTED | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
NESTED_COEFFICIENTS | tropical | property of MatroidRingCycle | Matroid data |
nested_matroids | tropical | method of MatroidRingCycle | Matroid data |
NESTED_PRESENTATIONS | tropical | property of MatroidRingCycle | Matroid data |
nestedOPGraph(Vector gen_point, Matrix points, Matrix lattice_points, Group group, Bool verbose) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
new_collection() | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
NEWICK | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
newton(Polynomial p) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
NN_CRUST_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
NN_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
NODE_DEGREES | graph | property of Graph | no category |
NODE_DEGREES | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
node_edge_incidences<Coord>(GraphAdjacency graph) | common | Functions | Graph Operations |
node_exists(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
NODE_HEIGHTS | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
NODE_IN_DEGREES | graph | property of Graph | no category |
NODE_LABELS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
NODE_OUT_DEGREES | graph | property of Graph | no category |
node_out_of_range(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
NodeHashMap<Dir, Element> | common | Property_types | Graph Types |
NodeMap<Dir, Element> | common | Property_types | Graph Types |
nodes() | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
nodes(GraphAdjacency graph) | common | Functions | Graph Operations |
NODES_BY_LEAVES | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
NODES_BY_SETS | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_dim | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | no category |
nodes_of_dim(Int d) | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_dim | tropical | method of CovectorLattice | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_dim(Int d) | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_dim_range | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | no category |
nodes_of_dim_range(Int d1, Int d1) | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_dim_range | tropical | method of CovectorLattice | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_dim_range(Int d1, Int d2) | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_rank(Int r) | graph | method of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_rank(Int r) | graph | method of InverseRankMap | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_rank_range(Int r1, Int r2) | graph | method of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
nodes_of_rank_range(Int r1, Int r2) | graph | method of InverseRankMap | Combinatorics |
NON_BASES | matroid | property of Matroid | Axiom systems |
non_fano_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
non_p8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
non_pappus_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
NON_REALIZABLE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Geometry |
NON_SATURATED | ideal | property of SlackIdeal | no category |
non_vamos_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
NON_VERTICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
Nonsequential | graph | Property_types | Artificial |
NonSymmetric | common | Property_types | Artificial |
NOP_GRAPH | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
norm(Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> v) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
NORMAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
normal_cone(PointConfiguration p, Set<Int> F) | polytope | Functions | Producing a cone |
normal_cone(Cone p, Set<Int> F) | polytope | Functions | Producing a cone |
normal_fan<Coord>(Polytope p) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
normaliz_compute(Cone C) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
normalized(Matrix<Float> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
NormalToricVariety | fulton | Objects | no category |
null_space(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
null_space(Vector v) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
null_space_integer(Matrix A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
numbered(Vector data) | common | Functions | Formatting |
numerator(Rational a) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
numerator(RationalFunction f) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
numerator(PuiseuxFraction f) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
NUMERATOR | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
nz_4_ball(Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
nz_4_sphere(Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
o7_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
obliterate_extension(String extension) | core | Functions | Interactive |
occluding_cone(Cone P, Set F) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
octahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
ODD_SUBCOMPLEX | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
on_cols | group | Property_types | no category |
on_container | group | Property_types | no category |
on_elements | group | Property_types | no category |
on_nonhomog_cols | group | Property_types | no category |
on_nonhomog_container | group | Property_types | no category |
on_rows | group | Property_types | no category |
ONE_RAY | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
ONE_VERTEX | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
ones_matrix<Element>(Int m, Int n) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
ones_vector<Element>(Int d) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
optimal_contains(Polytope P_in, Polytope P_out) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
optimal_permutations(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
optimal_transport_plan(Matrix m, Vector m, Vector n) | graph | Functions | no category |
optimal_transport_plan(Matrix m, Vector m, Vector n) | graph | Functions | no category |
ORBIFOLD | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Basic properties |
orbit<action_type>(Array G, Any O) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbit<action_type>(Group G, Any C) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbit<Scalar>(Array<Matrix<Scalar>> G, Vector<Scalar> V) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbit_complex(PolyhedralComplex input_complex, Array<Array<Int>> gens) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_complex(PolyhedralComplex input_complex, PermutationAction a) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_fan(PolyhedralFan input_fan, Array<Array<Int>> gens) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_fan<Scalar>(PolyhedralFan input_fan, Array<Matrix<Scalar>> gens) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_permlib(PermutationAction G, Set S) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbit_permlib(PermutationAction G, Set<Set> S) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbit_polytope(Vector input_point, PermutationAction a) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_polytope(Matrix input_points, PermutationAction a) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_polytope(Vector input_point, Group g) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_polytope(Matrix input_points, Group g) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_polytope(Matrix input_points, Array<Array<Int>> gens) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_polytope<Scalar>(Vector input_point, MatrixActionOnVectors a) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orbit_polytope<Scalar>(Matrix<Scalar> input_points, MatrixActionOnVectors<Scalar> a) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVE_LABELS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
ORBIT_REPRESENTATIVES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
orbit_representatives(Array<GeneratorType> G) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbit_reps_and_sizes<Container>(Array<Array<Int>> generators, Container S) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
ORBIT_SIZES | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
ORBITS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
ORBITS_F_VECTOR | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
orbits_in_orbit_order(PermutationAction a, Matrix M) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbits_of_action(PermutationAction a) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbits_of_coordinate_action(PermutationAction a, Matrix<Scalar> M) | group | Functions | Orbits |
orbits_of_induced_action(PermutationAction a, IncidenceMatrix I) | group | Functions | Orbits |
ORDER | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
ORDER_MATRIX | ideal | property of Groebner | Input properties |
ORDER_NAME | ideal | property of Groebner | Input properties |
order_polytope(PartiallyOrderedSet L, Bool is_extended) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
ORDER_VECTOR | ideal | property of Groebner | Input properties |
orientation | common | method of Max | no category |
orientation | common | method of Min | no category |
orientation() | common | method of TropicalNumber | no category |
ORIENTATION | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
ORIENTED_PSEUDO_MANIFOLD | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
ORIGIN | polytope | property of AffineLattice | no category |
ORIGINAL_RAYS_ACTION_GENERATORS | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
ORTH_LINEALITY_SPACE | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
orthant_subdivision<Addition>(Vector<Rational> point, Int chart, Integer weight) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
orthantify(Polytope P, Int v) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
ortho_project(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
orthonormal_col_basis(Matrix M) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
orthonormal_row_basis(Matrix M) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
out_adjacent_nodes(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
out_degree(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
out_edges(Int node) | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
OUTER_DESCRIPTION() | polytope | method of Polytope | Geometry |
outitudePolynomials(Matrix<Int> dcel_data) | topaz | Functions | Other |
outitudes(Matrix<Int> DCEL_data, Vector<Rational> A_coords) | topaz | Functions | Producing other objects |
p() | common | method of ExtGCD | no category |
p7_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
p8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
P_RESOLUTION | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
Pair<First, Second> | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
pappus_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
parallel_extension(Matroid m_1, Int e_1, Matroid m_2, Int e_2) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
parallel_extension(Matroid m, Int e) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
PartiallyOrderedSet<Decoration, SeqType> | graph | Objects | Combinatorics |
partition_representatives(Array<Array<Int>> gens, Set<Int> S) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
PATCHWORK | tropical | property of Hypersurface | Combinatorics |
Patchwork | tropical | Objects | no category |
path_graph(Int n) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
PAVING | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
PENNER_COORDINATES | topaz | property of HyperbolicSurface | no category |
perles_irrational_8_polytope() | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
PermBase | common | Objects | Combinatorics |
permutahedron(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
PERMUTATION | common | property of PermBase | no category |
PERMUTATION_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
permutation_cycle_lengths(Array<Int> p) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
permutation_cycles(Array<Int> p) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
permutation_matrix<Scalar>(Array<Int> p) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
permutation_order(Array<Int> p) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
permutation_sign(Array<Int> p) | common | Functions | Combinatorics |
PERMUTATION_TO_ORBIT_ORDER | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
PermutationAction | group | Objects | no category |
PermutationActionOnSets | group | Objects | no category |
permute_inv_nodes | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
permute_nodes | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
permuted | common | method of Plucker | no category |
persistent_homology(Filtration<Matrix<Scalar>> F, Int i, Int p, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Other |
persistent_homology(Filtration F) | topaz | Functions | Other |
perturb_matrix(Matrix M, Float eps, Bool not_hom) | common | Functions | Utilities |
perturbed_long_and_winding(Int r) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
petersen() | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
pg23_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
PhylogeneticTree<Scalar> | graph | Objects | Phylogenetics |
piecewise_divisor(Cycle<Addition> F, IncidenceMatrix cones, Vector<Integer> coefficients) | tropical | Functions | Divisor computation |
PIF_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Visualization |
pile(Vector<Int> sizes) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
pitman_stanley<Scalar>(Vector<Scalar> y) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
pl_homeomorphic(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Comparing |
placing_triangulation(Matrix Points) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
planar_net(Polytope p) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
PlanarNet<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Geometry |
plantri_list(Int number, String options) | polytope | Functions | Data Conversion |
platonic_solid(String s) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
platonic_solid(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
Plucker<Scalar> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
PLUCKER_RELATIONS | topaz | property of GrassPluckerCertificate | Geometry |
pluecker(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
pluecker_ideal(Int d, Int n) | ideal | Functions | Producing an ideal from scratch |
poincare_sphere() | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
point_collection<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> points, Vector<Integer> weights) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
point_functions<Addition>(Vector<Rational> A) | tropical | Functions | Intersection theory |
POINT_LABELS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Visualization |
POINT_LABELS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Visualization |
POINT_LABELS | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
POINT_LABELS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Visualization |
PointConfiguration<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | no category |
POINTED | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
POINTED | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
POINTED | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
pointed_part(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
POINTS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
POINTS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Input property |
POINTS | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Input property |
POINTS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Input property |
points2hypersurface(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition>> points) | tropical | Functions | Producing a tropical hypersurface |
points2metric(Matrix points) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
POINTS_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
POINTS_ACTION | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
POINTS_ACTION | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
POINTS_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
POINTS_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
POINTS_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
POINTS_IN_FACETS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
points_in_pseudovertices(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> points, Matrix<Scalar> pseudovertices) | tropical | Functions | Other |
POINTS_ORBITS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
POLAR_SMOOTH | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
polarize(Cone C) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
polarized_toric_variety(Polytope<Rational> P, String name) | fulton | Functions | Producing a normal toric variety |
poly2lp(Polytope P, LinearProgram LP, Bool maximize, String file) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
poly2metric(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
poly2mps(Polytope P, LinearProgram LP, Set<Int> br, String file) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
poly2porta(Polytope<Rational> p, String file) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
polyDB(String host) | common | Functions | Database Access |
PolyDB::Client | common | Objects | Database Access |
PolyDB::Collection | common | Objects | Database Access |
PolyDB::Cursor | common | Objects | Database Query Operations |
PolyDBClient | common | Property_types | no category |
PolyDBCollection | common | Property_types | no category |
PolyDBCursor | common | Property_types | no category |
PolyDBSection | common | Property_types | no category |
POLYHEDRAL_COMPLEX | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
PolyhedralComplex<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Geometry |
PolyhedralFan<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Geometry |
Polynomial<Coefficient, Exponent> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
POLYNOMIAL | tropical | property of Hypersurface | no category |
POLYNOMIAL | tropical | property of LinesInCubic | Defining properties |
polynomial_support<Addition, Scalar>(Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> p, Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> pt) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
polynomial_vanishes<Addition, Scalar>(Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> p, Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> pt) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
POLYTOPAL_SUBDIVISION(Int index) | polytope | method of Visual::PointConfiguration | no category |
POLYTOPAL_SUBDIVISION | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
POLYTOPAL_SUBDIVISION | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
POLYTOPE | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
POLYTOPE | fan | property of PlanarNet | Geometry |
polytope(Int i) | fan | method of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
Polytope<Addition, Scalar> | tropical | Objects | no category |
Polytope<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | no category |
POLYTOPE_COVECTOR_DECOMPOSITION | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
POLYTOPE_IN_STD_BASIS(Polytope<Rational> P) | polytope | method of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
POLYTOPE_MAXIMAL_COVECTOR_CELLS | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
POLYTOPE_MAXIMAL_COVECTORS | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
polytope_of_divisor_class | fulton | Functions | Combinatorics |
polytope_subdivision_as_complex(Int chart) | tropical | method of Polytope | Geometry |
POLYTOPES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Combinatorics |
POLYTOPES_ORBIT_SIZES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
POLYTROPE_PARTITION | tropical | property of VoronoiDiagram | no category |
porta2poly(String file) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
porta_dual | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
porta_primal | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
poset_by_inclusion(Array<T> P) | graph | Functions | Posets |
poset_homomorphisms(Graph<Directed> P, Graph<Directed> Q) | graph | Functions | Posets |
POSITIVE | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
POSITIVE | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
positive_circuits(Polytope or, Set<Int> S) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
POSITIVE_VALUATION | matroid | property of ValuatedMatroid | Valuation |
POSITROID | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
positroid_from_decorated_permutation(Array<Int> perm, Set<Int> loops) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from other objects |
postscript(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
povray(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
POWER | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
prefer(String label_expression) | core | Functions | Basic |
prefer_now(String label_expression) | core | Functions | Basic |
prescribe_property_types(Any properties) | core | method of Schema | no category |
PRIMARY | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
PRIMARY_DECOMPOSITION | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
PRIME | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
primitive(Vector v) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
primitive(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
primitive_affine(Vector v) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
primitive_affine(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Lattice Tools |
PRINCIPAL | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
principal_extension(Matroid M, Set<Int> F) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
principal_lift(Matroid M, Set<Int> F) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
principal_solution(Matrix<TropicalNumber> A, Vector<TropicalNumber> b) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
principal_truncation(Matroid M, Set<Int> F) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
print_constraints(Matrix<Scalar> M) | common | Functions | Formatting |
print_constraints(Cone<Scalar> C) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
print_face_lattice(IncidenceMatrix VIF, Bool dual) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
print_ordered(Exponent x) | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
print_ordered(Matrix m) | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
prism(Polytope P, Scalar z1, Scalar z2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
product(PolyhedralFan F1, PolyhedralFan F2) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
product(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
PROJ_DICTIONARY | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
PROJ_ORBITS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
project() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
project_full(PolyhedralFan P) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
project_full<Scalar>(VectorConfiguration P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
project_full(Cone P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
project_out<Scalar>(VectorConfiguration V, Matrix B) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
project_out<Scalar>(Cone C, Matrix B) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
project_to<Scalar>(VectorConfiguration V, Matrix B) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
project_to<Scalar>(Cone C, Matrix B) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
project_to_orthogonal_complement(Matrix M, Matrix N) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
PROJECTED_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of SymmetrizedCocircuitEquations | no category |
PROJECTION | fulton | property of RationalDivisorClassGroup | Algebraic Geometry |
projection<Scalar>(VectorConfiguration P, Array<Int> indices) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
projection(Cone P, Array<Int> indices) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
projection_map<Addition>(Int n, Set<Int> s) | tropical | Functions | Creation function for specific morphisms and functions |
projection_map(Int n, Int m) | tropical | Functions | Creation function for specific morphisms and functions |
projection_preimage<Scalar>(Array<VectorConfiguration> P_Array) | polytope | Functions | Producing a vector configuration |
projection_preimage(Array<Cone> P_Array) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
PROJECTIVE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
PROJECTIVE_AMBIENT_DIM | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
PROJECTIVE_AMBIENT_DIM | tropical | property of Cycle | Affine and projective coordinates |
PROJECTIVE_CODIMENSION | tropical | property of Cycle | Affine and projective coordinates |
PROJECTIVE_DIM | tropical | property of Cycle | Affine and projective coordinates |
projective_plane(Integer p) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
projective_potato(Matrix<Int> DCEL_data, Vector<Rational> A_coords, Matrix<Rational> first_two_vertices, Int depth) | topaz | Functions | Producing other objects |
projective_space(Int d) | fulton | Functions | Producing a normal toric variety |
projective_symmetries(Cone C) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
projective_torus<Addition>(Int n, Integer w) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
PROJECTIVE_VERTICES | tropical | property of Cycle | Input property |
PropagatedPolytope<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | no category |
properties() | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
provide(String property_name) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
pseudo_delpezzo(Int d, Scalar scale) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
PSEUDO_MANIFOLD | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
PSEUDO_REGULAR | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
pseudopower(Integer l, Int i) | polytope | Functions | Other |
PSEUDOVERTEX_COARSE_COVECTORS | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
PSEUDOVERTEX_COVECTORS | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
PSEUDOVERTICES | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
psi_class<Addition>(Int n, Int i) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
psi_product<Addition>(Int n, Vector<Int> exponents) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
PuiseuxFraction<MinMax, Coefficient, Exponent> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
pullback(Morphism m, TropicalRationalFunction r) | tropical | Functions | Intersection theory |
PURE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
PURE | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
pyramid(Polytope P, Scalar z) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
PYRAMID_LATTICE | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
q() | common | method of ExtGCD | no category |
Q | fulton | property of CyclicQuotient | Input properties |
q3_gf3_star_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
q8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
Q_CARTIER | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
Q_GORENSTEIN | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Toric Varieties |
Q_GORENSTEIN_CONE | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
Q_GORENSTEIN_CONE_INDEX | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
Q_GORENSTEIN_INDEX | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Toric Varieties |
qr_decomp(Matrix<Float> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
QuadraticExtension<Field> | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
quarter_turn_manifold() | polytope | Functions | Quotient spaces |
quot() | common | method of Div | no category |
QUOTIENT_SPACE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
quotient_space_simplexity_ilp(Int d, Matrix V, Scalar volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
quotient_space_simplexity_lower_bound(Int d, Matrix V, Scalar volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
QuotientSpace | polytope | Objects | Symmetry |
r10_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
r8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
r9a_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
r9b_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
RADICAL | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
ragsdale_counterexample() | tropical | Functions | no category |
rand01(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_aof(Polytope P, Int start) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
rand_box(Int d, Int n, Int b) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_cyclic(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_inner_points(Polytope P, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
rand_knot(Int n_edges) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
rand_metric<Scalar>(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_metric_int<Scalar>(Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_normal(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_perm(Int n) | common | Functions | Utilities |
rand_sphere<Num>(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
rand_vert(Matrix V, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
random_discrete_morse(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Other |
RANDOM_EDGE_EPL | polytope | property of LinearProgram | no category |
random_edge_epl(Graph<Directed> G) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
random_graph(Int n) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
random_matroid(Int n) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
random_spanningtree(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
randomInteger(Int max_arg, Int n) | tropical | Functions | Lattices |
range(Int a, Int b) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
range_from(Int a) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
rank() | common | method of SmithNormalForm | no category |
rank() | common | method of HermiteNormalForm | no category |
rank(Matrix A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
RANK | matroid | property of Matroid | Enumerative properties |
rank() | matroid | method of Matroid | Axiom systems |
rank() | graph | method of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
rank() | graph | method of BasicDecoration | no category |
RANK | tropical | property of MatroidRingCycle | Matroid data |
rank_mod_p(Matrix M, Integer p) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
Rational | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
rational2cf(Rational r) | fulton | Functions | Continued fractions |
rational_curve_from_cone(Cycle<Addition> X, Int n_leaves, Int coneIndex) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
rational_curve_from_matroid_coordinates<Addition>(Vector<Rational> v) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
rational_curve_from_metric(Vector<Rational> v) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
rational_curve_from_rays<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> rays) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
rational_curve_immersion<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> delta, RationalCurve type) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
rational_curve_list_from_matroid_coordinates<Addition>(Matrix<Rational> m) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
rational_curve_list_from_metric(Matrix<Rational> m) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
RATIONAL_DIVISOR_CLASS_GROUP | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
rational_fct_from_affine_denominator(Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition>> p, Int chart) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
rational_fct_from_affine_denominator(String p, Int chart) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
rational_fct_from_affine_numerator(Polynomial<TropicalNumber<Addition>> p, Int chart) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
rational_fct_from_affine_numerator(String p, Int chart) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
RationalCurve | tropical | Objects | no category |
RationalDivisorClassGroup | fulton | Objects | no category |
RationalFunction<Coefficient, Exponent> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
RAY_LABELS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Visualization |
RAY_LABELS | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
RAY_SEPARATORS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
RAY_SIZES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
RAYS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
RAYS_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
RAYS_GENERATORS | group | property of Action | Symmetry |
RAYS_IN_FACETS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
RAYS_IN_HYPERPLANES | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Combinatorics |
RAYS_IN_INEQUALITIES | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
RAYS_IN_RIDGES | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
RAYS_ORBITS | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REAL_FACETS | tropical | property of Patchwork | no category |
REAL_PHASE | tropical | property of Patchwork | no category |
real_projective_plane() | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
realize(String method) | tropical | method of Patchwork | no category |
recession_cone(Polytope<Scalar> P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a cone |
recession_fan(Cycle complex) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
reconfigure(String rulename) | core | Functions | Interactive |
reconfigure_extension(String extension, String options) | core | Functions | Interactive |
reduce(Matrix A, Vector b) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
reduce | ideal | method of Groebner | no category |
reduced(Rational t, Rational x, Rational s, Rational h, Rational r) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
REDUNDANT_MONOMIALS | tropical | property of Hypersurface | no category |
REFINED_SPLITS | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
REFINED_SPLITS | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
REFINED_SPLITS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
REFINED_SPLITS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
REFLEXIVE | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
REGIONS | tropical | property of Hypersurface | no category |
REGULAR | matroid | property of Matroid | Realizability |
REGULAR | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
REGULAR | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Geometry |
REGULAR | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
REGULAR | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
regular_120_cell() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
regular_24_cell() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
regular_600_cell() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
REGULAR_REPRESENTATION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
regular_representation(PermutationAction a) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
regular_simplex(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
regular_subdivision(Matrix points, Vector weights) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
regularity_lp(Matrix points, Array<Set<Int>> subdiv) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
REL_INT_POINT | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
RELATIVE_VOLUME | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
rem() | common | method of Div | no category |
remove(String property_name) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
remove_all | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
remove_attachment(String name) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
remove_collection() | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
remove_one(String id) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
remove_section() | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
remove_user(String user) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
remove_user_from_collection(String user) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
remove_zero_rows(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
repeat_col(Vector v, Int i) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
repeat_row(Vector v, Int i) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
replace_one(Core::BigObject object) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
replay_history | core | Functions | Interactive |
representation_conversion_up_to_symmetry(Cone c) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
representative | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
representative | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
representative | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
representative | tropical | method of LinesInCubic | Lists of lines |
REPRESENTATIVE_BOUNDARY_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_BOUNDARY_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_CERTIFIERS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
REPRESENTATIVE_COMBINATORIAL_DIMS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_CORE_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
REPRESENTATIVE_F_VECTOR | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_FACETS | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_INEQUALITIES | polytope | method of Polytope | no category |
REPRESENTATIVE_INEQUALITIES() | polytope | method of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_INPUT_CONES | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_INPUT_RAYS | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_INPUT_RAYS() | polytope | method of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_INTERIOR_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
REPRESENTATIVE_INTERIOR_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_INTERIOR_RIDGE_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAX_BOUNDARY_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAX_BOUNDARY_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAX_BOUNDARY_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAX_INTERIOR_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAX_INTERIOR_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAX_INTERIOR_SIMPLICES | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAXIMAL_CONES | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_RAYS | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_RAYS | polytope | property of Cone | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_VERTICES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
REPRESENTATIVE_VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
reset_custom(Any variable) | core | Functions | Basic |
reset_preference(String label_expression) | core | Functions | Basic |
reset_var_names | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
reset_var_names | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
resize(Int r, Int c) | common | method of SparseMatrix | no category |
resize(Int r, Int c) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
restrict(Cycle<Addition> C) | tropical | method of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
restrict(Cycle Some) | tropical | method of Morphism | Morphisms |
revert(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
REVLEX_BASIS_ENCODING | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
RGB | common | Property_types | Visualization |
rhombicosidodecahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
rhombicuboctahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
RIDGES | polytope | property of SymmetrizedCocircuitEquations | no category |
RIF_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Cone | Visualization |
right_companion() | common | method of SmithNormalForm | no category |
right_companion() | common | method of SingularValueDecomposition | no category |
root_system(String type) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
ROTATION | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
row(Int i) | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
row(Int i) | common | method of Matrix | no category |
row_support_sizes(SparseMatrix M) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
rows() | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
rows() | common | method of Matrix | no category |
rows | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
rows(Matrix A) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
rows_labeled(Matrix data, Array<String> row_labels, Array<String> elem_labels) | common | Functions | Formatting |
rows_labeled(GraphAdjacency graph, Array<String> elem_labels) | common | Functions | Formatting |
rows_numbered(Matrix data) | common | Functions | Formatting |
rss_associahedron(Int l) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
sample_one(HASH query) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Query Operations |
SATURATION | ideal | method of Ideal | no category |
save(Core::BigObject object, String filename) | core | Functions | Basic |
save_data(Any data, String filename) | core | Functions | Basic |
save_history(String filename) | core | Functions | Interactive |
save_schema(Schema schema, String filename) | core | Functions | Schemas |
scalar2set(Scalar s) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
scale(Polytope P, Scalar factor, Bool store) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
Schema | core | Objects | no category |
SCHLEGEL() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
SCHLEGEL_DIAGRAM | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
SchlegelDiagram<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | no category |
script(String filename, Any Arguments) | core | Functions | Basic |
second_barycentric_subdivision(PartiallyOrderedSet L) | topaz | Functions | Other |
second_barycentric_subdivision(Polytope P) | topaz | Functions | Other |
second_tdet_and_perm(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
secondary_cone() | fan | method of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
secondary_configuration(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
secondary_configuration(Polytope pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
SECONDARY_FAN | topaz | property of HyperbolicSurface | no category |
secondary_fan(VectorConfiguration V) | fan | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
secondary_fan | fan | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
secondary_polyhedron(HyperbolicSurface s, Int depth) | topaz | Functions | Producing other objects |
secondary_polytope(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
secondary_polytope(Polytope pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
section_exists(String section) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
SECTION_POLYTOPE | fulton | property of TDivisor | Combinatorics |
SedentarityDecoration | fan | Property_types | no category |
select_subset(Set s, Set<Int> indices) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
SELF_DUAL | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
SELF_DUAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
SELF_DUAL | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
SEMIAMPLE | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
separable(Vector q, Cone P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
SEPARATED_CODIMENSION_ONE_POLYTOPES | tropical | property of Cycle | Defining morphisms and functions |
SEPARATED_CONVERSION_VECTOR | tropical | property of Cycle | Defining morphisms and functions |
SEPARATED_MAXIMAL_POLYTOPES | tropical | property of Cycle | Defining morphisms and functions |
SEPARATED_VERTICES | tropical | property of Cycle | Defining morphisms and functions |
separating_hyperplane(Vector q, Matrix points) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
separating_hyperplane(Polytope p1, Polytope p2) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
sequence(Int a, Int c) | common | Functions | Set Operations |
Sequential | graph | Property_types | Artificial |
Serialized<X> | common | Property_types | Artificial |
series_extension(Matroid m_1, Int e_1, Matroid m_2, Int e_2) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
series_extension(Matroid m, Int e) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
SERIES_PARALLEL | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
Set<Element> | common | Property_types | Set Types |
SET_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
set_as_default | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
set_as_default_now | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
set_custom(Any assignment) | core | Functions | Basic |
set_doc(HASH doc) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
set_info(HASH info, String id) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
set_preference(String label_expression) | core | Functions | Basic |
set_rank(Int r, Int n) | graph | method of InverseRankMap | Combinatorics |
set_schema(HASH schema, String id) | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | Database Collection Administration |
set_section_doc(String section, HASH doc) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
set_theoretic_intersection(Cycle A, Cycle B) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
set_var_names | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
set_var_names | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
set_var_names(String names …) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
SETS | tropical | property of RationalCurve | Combinatorics |
SHELLABLE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
SHELLING | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
shift_cycle(Cycle<Addition> C, Vector<Rational> T) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
SHIFTED | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
shortest_path_dijkstra(Graph G, EdgeMap weights, Int source, Int target, Bool if) | graph | Functions | no category |
show_credits | core | Functions | Interactive |
show_extensions | core | Functions | Interactive |
show_preferences | core | Functions | Interactive |
show_unconfigured | core | Functions | Interactive |
sigma() | common | method of SingularValueDecomposition | no category |
SIGNATURE | topaz | property of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
SIGNATURE | graph | property of Graph | no category |
signature_to_chamber | fan | method of HyperplaneArrangement | Combinatorics |
SIGNED_INCIDENCE_MATRIX | graph | property of Graph | no category |
signed_incidence_matrix(Graph G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
signed_incidence_matrix(GraphAdjacency G) | graph | Functions | Combinatorics |
signed_permutahedron(Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
SIGNS | tropical | property of Patchwork | no category |
SIM_body<Scalar>(Vector<Scalar> alpha) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
SIMPLE | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
SIMPLE | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
SIMPLE | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
SIMPLE_POLYHEDRON | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
simple_polytope_vertices_rs(Polytope<Scalar> P, Vector<Scalar> min_vertex) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
simple_roots_type_A(Int index) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_B(Int index) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_C(Int index) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_D(Int index) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_E6() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_E7() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_E8() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_F4() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_G2() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_H3() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simple_roots_type_H4() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
simplex(Int d) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
simplex(Int d, Scalar scale) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
simplexity_ilp(Int d, Matrix points, Array<Set> MIS, Scalar volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
simplexity_ilp_with_angles(Int d, Matrix V, Matrix F, IncidenceMatrix VIF, IncidenceMatrix VIR, Array<Array<Int>> gens, Array<Set> MIS, Scalar volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
SIMPLEXITY_LOWER_BOUND | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
SIMPLEXITY_LOWER_BOUND | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
SIMPLEXITY_LOWER_BOUND | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
SIMPLEXITY_LOWER_BOUND | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
simplexity_lower_bound(Int d, Matrix points, Scalar volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
SIMPLICES | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
SIMPLICIAL | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Combinatorics |
SIMPLICIAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
SIMPLICIAL | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
SIMPLICIAL_COMPLEX | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
SIMPLICIAL_CONE | polytope | property of Cone | Combinatorics |
simplicial_diagonal_system(Cycle<Addition> fan) | tropical | Functions | Inverse problems |
simplicial_piecewise_system(Cycle<Addition> F) | tropical | Functions | Inverse problems |
simplicial_product(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
simplicial_product<Scalar>(GeometricSimplicialComplex complex1, GeometricSimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
simplicial_with_diagonal(Cycle<Addition> F) | tropical | Functions | Inverse problems |
SimplicialComplex | topaz | Objects | no category |
SIMPLICIALITY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
SIMPLICITY | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
singular_eval(String s) | ideal | Functions | Singular interface |
singular_get_var(String s) | ideal | Functions | Singular interface |
SINGULAR_IDEAL | ideal | property of Groebner | Singular interface |
singular_value_decomposition(Matrix<Float> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
SingularIdeal | ideal | Property_types | Singular interface |
SingularValueDecomposition | common | Property_types | Linear Algebra |
SITE_LABELS | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
SITES | tropical | property of VoronoiDiagram | no category |
SITES | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
size() | common | method of Array | no category |
size() | common | method of FacetList | no category |
size() | common | method of Set | no category |
size() | common | method of HashSet | no category |
size() | common | method of HashMap | no category |
size() | common | method of SparseVector | no category |
SIZE | topaz | property of MorseMatching | no category |
skeleton_complex(Cycle<Addition> C, Int k, Bool preserveRays) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
sketch(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
SLACK_IDEAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
slack_ideal_non_saturated | ideal | Functions | Singular interface |
SLACK_MATRIX | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
SlackIdeal | ideal | Objects | no category |
slice(Set s) | common | method of Vector | no category |
smith_normal_form(Matrix M, Bool inv) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
smith_normal_form_flint(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
SmithNormalForm<Scalar> | common | Property_types | Linear Algebra |
SMOOTH | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Algebraic Geometry |
SMOOTH | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
SMOOTH_CONE | polytope | property of Cone | Lattice points in cones |
SMOOTH_FAN | fan | property of PolyhedralFan | Toric Varieties |
SOLID() | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
SOLIDS | topaz | property of GrassPluckerCertificate | Geometry |
SOLVE | ideal | method of Ideal | no category |
solve_left(Matrix A, Matrix B) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
solve_right(Matrix A, Matrix B) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
source() | core | method of Schema | no category |
space_of_stable_maps<Addition>(Int n, Int d, Int r) | tropical | Functions | Moduli of rational curves |
span_same_subspace(Array<HashMap<SetType,Rational>> S1, Array<HashMap<SetType,Rational>> S2) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
SPANNING | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
spans_invariant_subspace(ImplicitActionOnSets a, Array<HashMap<Bitset,Rational>> S) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
sparse_isotypic_basis(PermutationActionOnSets rep, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
sparse_isotypic_spanning_set(PermutationActionOnSets rep, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
sparse_isotypic_support(PermutationActionOnSets rep, Int i) | group | Functions | Symmetry |
SPARSE_PAVING | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
SparseMatrix<Element, Sym> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
SparseVector<Element> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
SPECIAL_FACETS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
special_matroid(String s) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
SPECIAL_POINT | topaz | property of HyperbolicSurface | no category |
SPHERE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
sphere(Int d) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
spherize(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
SPLIT | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
SPLIT_COMPATIBILITY_GRAPH | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
SPLIT_COMPATIBILITY_GRAPH | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
split_compatibility_graph(Matrix splits, Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
SPLIT_FLACETS | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
split_polyhedron(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
SPLITS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
SPLITS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Combinatorics |
splits(Matrix V, Graph G, Matrix F, Int dimension) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
splits_in_subdivision(Matrix vertices, Array<Set<Int>> subdivision, Matrix splits) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
splitstree(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | fan | Functions | Visualization |
spring_embedder(GraphAdjacency<Undirected> graph) | graph | Functions | Visualization |
sqr(Vector<Scalar> v) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
SQUARED_DETERMINANT | polytope | property of AffineLattice | no category |
SQUARED_EDGE_LENGTHS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
SQUARED_RELATIVE_VOLUMES | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
squeeze | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
squeeze | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
squeeze | common | method of SparseMatrix | no category |
squeeze_cols | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
squeeze_cols | common | method of SparseMatrix | no category |
squeeze_isolated | common | method of GraphAdjacency | no category |
squeeze_rows | common | method of IncidenceMatrix | no category |
squeeze_rows | common | method of SparseMatrix | no category |
stabbing_order(GeometricSimplicialComplex P) | topaz | Functions | Other |
stabilizer_of_set(PermutationAction a, Set S) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
stabilizer_of_vector(PermutationAction a, Vector v) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
stable_set(Graph G) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
stack(Polytope P, Set<Int> stack_facets) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
STACKY_F_VECTOR | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
STACKY_FACES | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
stacky_fundamental_domain(DisjointStackyFan F) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
stacky_le_fan(Cone C) | fan | Functions | Symmetry |
stacky_le_fan(Curve G) | tropical | Functions | Weights and lattices |
staircase_weight(Int k, Int l) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
stanley_reisner(SimplicialComplex complex) | topaz | Functions | Other |
star_at_point(Cycle<Addition> C, Vector<Rational> v) | tropical | Functions | Local computations |
star_at_vertex(Cycle<Addition> C, Int i) | tropical | Functions | Local computations |
star_deletion(SimplicialComplex complex, Set<Int> face) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
star_of_zero(GeometricSimplicialComplex C) | topaz | Functions | Other |
star_shaped_balls(GeometricSimplicialComplex P) | topaz | Functions | Other |
star_subcomplex(SimplicialComplex complex, Set<Int> face) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
static(Visual::Object vis_obj) | common | Functions | Visualization |
STEINER() | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
STEINER() | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
STEINER_POINT | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
steiner_point(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
STEINER_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
stellar_all_faces(Polytope P, Int d) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
stellar_indep_faces(Polytope P, Array<Set<Int>> in_faces) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
stellar_subdivision(SimplicialComplex complex, Array<Set<Int>> faces) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
stellar_subdivision(SimplicialComplex complex, Set<Int> face) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
STIEFEL_WHITNEY | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
stiefel_whitney(Array<Set<Int>> facets) | topaz | Functions | Other |
stregular(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
STRICT_GAMMOID | matroid | method of Matroid | Advanced properties |
String | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
STRONG_COMPONENTS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
STRONG_GENERATORS | group | property of PermutationAction | no category |
STRONGLY_CONNECTED | graph | property of Graph | no category |
SUBCOMPLEX(String PROPERTY_NAME) | topaz | method of Visual::SimplicialComplex | no category |
SUBCOMPLEX(String property) | topaz | method of Visual::SimplicialComplexLattice | no category |
subcone(Cone C) | polytope | Functions | Producing a cone |
subcramer(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> m, Set<Int> J, Set<Int> I) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
SUBDIVISION | matroid | property of ValuatedMatroid | Combinatorics |
SubdivisionOfPoints<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Geometry |
SubdivisionOfVectors<Scalar> | fan | Objects | Geometry |
SUBRIDGE_SIZES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
substitute | common | method of UniPolynomial | no category |
substitute | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
sum(ARRAY array) | common | Functions | Utilities |
sum_curves(RationalCurve An, Vector<Rational> v) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
sum_of_square_roots_naive(Array<Rational> input_array) | common | Functions | Arithmetic |
SUM_PRODUCT_GRAPH | polytope | property of PropagatedPolytope | no category |
sum_triangulation(GeometricSimplicialComplex P, GeometricSimplicialComplex Q, IncidenceMatrix WebOfStars) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
support(Vector v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
SUPPORT | fan | property of HyperplaneArrangement | Input property |
SURFACE | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Topology |
surface(Int g) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
suspension(SimplicialComplex complex, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
svg(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
SWITCH_TABLE | group | property of PermutationAction | Orbits |
SwitchTable | group | Property_types | no category |
Symmetric | common | Property_types | Artificial |
SYMMETRIC_FACETS | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
symmetric_group(Int d) | group | Functions | Producing a group |
SYMMETRIC_RAYS | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
SYMMETRIZED_COCIRCUIT_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
SYMMETRIZED_COCIRCUIT_EQUATIONS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Symmetry |
symmetrized_cocircuit_equations<Scalar>(Cone P, Set<Int> comps) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
symmetrized_foldable_max_signature_ilp(Int d, Matrix points, Rational volume, Array<Array<Int>> generators, SparseMatrix symmetrized_foldable_cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
symmetrized_foldable_max_signature_upper_bound(Int d, Matrix points, Rational volume, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
SymmetrizedCocircuitEquations | polytope | Objects | Symmetry |
SYMMETRY_GROUP | polytope | property of QuotientSpace | Combinatorics |
t8_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
take(String property_name, Any value, Int temp) | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
TAXA | graph | property of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
tdehomog(Matrix<Rational> A, Int chart, Bool has_leading_coordinate) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
tdet(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
tdet_and_perm(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
tdet_and_perms(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
tdiam(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
tdist(Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> v, Vector<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> w) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
TDivisor | fulton | Objects | no category |
tensor(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
TERMINAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
TERNARY | matroid | property of Matroid | Realizability |
TERNARY_VECTORS | matroid | property of Matroid | Realizability |
testFourPointCondition(Vector<Rational> v) | tropical | Functions | Abstract rational curves |
tetrahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
Text | common | Property_types | Basic Types |
thomog(Matrix<Rational> A, Int chart, Bool has_leading_coordinate) | tropical | Functions | Affine and projective coordinates |
thrackle_metric(Int n) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
threejs(Visual::Object vis_obj) | common | Functions | Visualization |
TIGHT_SPAN | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
tight_span_envelope(SubdivisionOfPoints sd) | polytope | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
tight_span_max_metric(Int n) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
tight_span_min_metric(Int n) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
tight_span_thrackle_metric(Int n) | fan | Functions | Finite metric spaces |
tikz(Visual::Object vis_obj) | common | Functions | Visualization |
TILING_LATTICE | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
tiling_quotient<Coord>(Polytope P, Polytope Q) | fan | Functions | Producing a polyhedral complex |
toMatrix<Scalar>(IncidenceMatrix M) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
TOP_NODE | graph | property of PartiallyOrderedSet | Combinatorics |
topcom_all_triangulations(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
topcom_fine_and_connected_triangulations(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
topcom_fine_and_regular_triangulations(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
topcom_fine_triangulations(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
topcom_input_format(Cone P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
topcom_regular_and_connected_triangulations(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
topcom_regular_triangulations(PointConfiguration pc) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
TORIC_IDEAL | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | no category |
TORIC_IDEAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
torsion() | common | method of SmithNormalForm | no category |
torsion() | topaz | method of HomologyGroup | no category |
torus() | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
TORUS_COVECTOR_DECOMPOSITION | tropical | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
torus_subdivision_as_complex(Int chart) | tropical | method of Polytope | Geometry |
TOTAL_LENGTH | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
TOTAL_SPACE | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Algebraic Geometry |
totally_dual_integral(Matrix inequalities) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
totally_unimodular(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
toTropicalPolynomial(String s, String vars) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
toVector<Scalar>(Set S, Int d) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
TOWARDS_FAR_FACE | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
tpluecker(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition>> M) | tropical | Functions | Other |
trace(Matrix<Scalar> M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
TRANSFORM | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
transform(Polytope P, Matrix trans, Bool store) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
TRANSLATE | tropical | property of Morphism | Defining morphisms and functions |
translate(Polytope P, Vector trans, Bool store) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
TRANSLATIONS | polytope | property of PropagatedPolytope | no category |
transportation(Vector r, Vector c) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
transpose(IncidenceMatrix A) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
transpose(Matrix M) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
TRANSVERSAL | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
TRANSVERSAL_PRESENTATION | matroid | property of Matroid | Input properties |
TRANSVERSAL_SIZES | group | property of PermutationAction | no category |
TRANSVERSAL_VALUATED_MATROID | matroid | property of ValuatedMatroid | Valuation |
TRANSVERSALS | group | property of PermutationAction | no category |
tregular(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
triang_neighborhood(SimplicialComplex complex, Rational width) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
TRIANGLE_FREE | graph | property of Graph | no category |
TRIANGLE_FREE() | polytope | method of Cone | Backward compatibility |
TRIANGLES | fulton | property of VersalComponent | Combinatorics |
triangulate_cycle(Cycle<Addition> F) | tropical | Functions | Basic polyhedral operations |
TRIANGULATION(Array<Set<Int>> t) | polytope | method of Visual::PointConfiguration | no category |
TRIANGULATION(Array<Set<Int>> t) | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
TRIANGULATION | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
TRIANGULATION | polytope | property of Cone | Triangulation and volume |
TRIANGULATION | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
TRIANGULATION_BOUNDARY() | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
TRIANGULATION_BOUNDARY() | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
TRIANGULATION_BOUNDARY_SOLID() | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
TRIANGULATION_INT | polytope | property of Cone | Triangulation and volume |
TRIANGULATION_INT_SIGNS() | polytope | method of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
trivial() | common | method of Polynomial | no category |
TRIVIAL | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
trivial_valuation<Addition, Scalar>(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
trop_witness<Addition, Scalar>(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> m, Array<Int > t, Int start) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
trop_witness<Addition, Scalar>(Matrix<TropicalNumber<Addition,Scalar>> m, Array<Int > t, Int start) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
tropical_median(Matrix V) | tropical | Functions | Phylogenetics |
tropical_median_consensus() | tropical | Functions | Phylogenetics |
TropicalNumber<Addition, Scalar> | common | Property_types | Arithmetic |
TropicalRationalFunction<Addition> | tropical | Objects | no category |
truncated_cube() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
truncated_cuboctahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
truncated_dodecahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
truncated_icosahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
truncated_icosidodecahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
truncated_octahedron() | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
truncated_orbit_polytope(Polytope P, Scalar eps) | polytope | Functions | Symmetry |
truncation(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
truncation(Polytope P, Set<Int> trunc_vertices) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
tsgn(Matrix<TropicalNumber> matrix) | tropical | Functions | Tropical operations |
tubes_of_graph(Graph G) | fan | Functions | Other |
tubes_of_tubing(Graph G, Graph T) | fan | Functions | Other |
tubing_of_graph(Graph G) | fan | Functions | Other |
tutte_lifting(Graph G) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
TUTTE_POLYNOMIAL | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
TWO_FACE_SIZES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
two_sum(Matroid m_1, Int e_1, Matroid m_2, Int e_2) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
type | core | method of Core::BigObject | no category |
UNBALANCED_FACES | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
UNBOUNDED_FACETS | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
unconfigure(String rulename) | core | Functions | Interactive |
UNDETERMINED_SOLIDS | topaz | property of GrassPluckerCertificate | Geometry |
Undirected | common | Property_types | Artificial |
UndirectedMulti | common | Property_types | Artificial |
UNIFORM | matroid | property of Matroid | Advanced properties |
uniform_linear_space<Addition>(Int n, Int k, Integer weight) | tropical | Functions | Creation functions for specific cycles |
uniform_matroid(Int r, Int n) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
UNIMODULAR | topaz | property of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
UNIMODULAR | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
union(Matroid M) | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from matroids |
union(SimplicialComplex complex1, SimplicialComplex complex2) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
union_of_cones(Cone C …) | fan | Functions | Producing a fan |
UniPolynomial<Coefficient, Exponent> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
unirand(Polytope P, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
unit_matrix<Element>(Int d) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
unit_vector<Element>(Int d, Int pos) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
universal_polytope<Scalar>(PointConfiguration<Scalar> PC) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
universal_polytope(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
universal_polytope(Polytope P, Array<Set> reps, SparseMatrix cocircuit_equations) | polytope | Functions | Triangulations, subdivisions and volume |
unknot(Int m, Int n) | topaz | Functions | Producing from scratch |
update_one | common | method of PolyDB::Collection | no category |
upper_bound_theorem(Int d, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
user_exists(String username) | common | method of PolyDB::Client | Database Administration |
val() | common | method of PuiseuxFraction | no category |
VALID_POINT | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VALID_POINT | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
validate(Any primitive) | core | method of Schema | no category |
validate_moebius_strip(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Consistency check |
validate_moebius_strip_quads(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Consistency check |
validate_self() | core | method of Schema | no category |
ValuatedMatroid<Addition, Scalar> | matroid | Objects | no category |
valuation(Rational x, Integer p) | common | Functions | Utilities |
VALUATION_ON_BASES | matroid | property of ValuatedMatroid | Valuation |
VALUATION_ON_CIRCUITS | matroid | property of ValuatedMatroid | Valuation |
vamos_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
Vector<Element> | common | Property_types | Algebraic Types |
vector2col(Vector v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
vector2row(Vector v) | common | Functions | Data Conversion |
VECTOR_ACTION | group | property of Group | Symmetry |
VECTOR_AMBIENT_DIM | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
VECTOR_AMBIENT_DIM | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
VECTOR_DIM | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
VECTOR_DIM | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Geometry |
VectorConfiguration<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | Geometry |
VECTORS | matroid | property of Matroid | Realizability |
VECTORS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfVectors | Geometry |
VECTORS | polytope | property of VectorConfiguration | Input property |
VECTORS_ORBITS | group | property of MatrixActionOnVectors | Symmetry |
VERSAL_COMPONENT | fulton | property of CyclicQuotient | Algebraic Geometry |
VERSAL_COMPONENTS | fulton | property of CyclicQuotient | Algebraic Geometry |
VersalComponent | fulton | Objects | no category |
VERTEX_BARYCENTER | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTEX_COLORS(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::SchlegelDiagram | no category |
VERTEX_COLORS(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::PolytopeGraph | no category |
VERTEX_COLORS(LinearProgram lp) | polytope | method of Visual::Polytope | no category |
vertex_colors(Polytope P, LinearProgram LP) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
VERTEX_DEGREES() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
VERTEX_DEGREES() | polytope | method of Cone | Combinatorics |
vertex_figure(Polytope p, Int n) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
VERTEX_IN_DEGREES() | polytope | method of LinearProgram | no category |
VERTEX_INDICES | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
VERTEX_LABELS | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
VERTEX_LABELS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Visualization |
VERTEX_LABELS | fan | property of DisjointStackyFan | Symmetry |
VERTEX_LABELS | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
vertex_lattice_normalization(Polytope p) | polytope | Functions | Transformations |
VERTEX_MAP | topaz | property of SimplicialComplex | Combinatorics |
VERTEX_MAP | polytope | property of Polytope | Unbounded polyhedra |
VERTEX_NORMALS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTEX_OUT_DEGREES() | polytope | method of LinearProgram | no category |
VERTEX_POINT_MAP | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | no category |
VERTEX_POINT_MAP | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Geometry |
VERTEX_SIZES | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
VERTEX_VALUES | tropical | property of TropicalRationalFunction | Defining morphisms and functions |
VERTEX_VALUES | tropical | property of Morphism | Defining morphisms and functions |
VERTEX_WEIGHTS | tropical | property of Curve | Weights and lattices |
VERTICES | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Geometry |
VERTICES | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTICES | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTICES | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
VERTICES_ACTION | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
VERTICES_ACTION | polytope | property of Polytope | Symmetry |
VERTICES_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
VERTICES_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
VERTICES_GENERATORS | fan | property of PolyhedralComplex | Symmetry |
VERTICES_GENERATORS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
VERTICES_IN_FACETS | polytope | property of Polytope | Combinatorics |
VERTICES_IN_INEQUALITIES | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTICES_IN_POINTS | tropical | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTICES_IN_RIDGES | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
VERTICES_ORBITS | polytope | property of Polytope | no category |
VERY_AMPLE | fulton | property of TDivisor | Algebraic Geometry |
VERY_AMPLE | polytope | property of Polytope | Lattice points in cones |
VF_MAP | fan | property of PlanarNet | Combinatorics |
VF_MAP_INV | fan | property of PlanarNet | Combinatorics |
vietoris_rips_complex(Matrix D, Rational delta) | topaz | Functions | Producing a simplicial complex from other objects |
vietoris_rips_filtration<Coeff>(Matrix D, Array<Int> deg, Float step_size, Int k) | topaz | Functions | Other |
VIEWPOINT | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
VIF_CYCLIC_NORMAL | fan | property of PlanarNet | Combinatorics |
VIF_CYCLIC_NORMAL | polytope | property of Polytope | Visualization |
violations(Cone P, Vector q) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
visible_face_indices(Cone P, Vector q) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
visible_facet_indices(Cone P, Vector q) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
VISUAL() | topaz | method of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
VISUAL() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
VISUAL() | fan | method of SubdivisionOfPoints | Visualization |
VISUAL() | fan | method of PlanarNet | Visualization |
VISUAL() | fan | method of PolyhedralComplex | no category |
VISUAL() | fan | method of HyperplaneArrangement | Visualization |
VISUAL() | fan | method of PolyhedralFan | Visualization |
VISUAL | graph | method of PhylogeneticTree | no category |
VISUAL() | graph | method of Graph | Visualization |
VISUAL() | graph | method of PartiallyOrderedSet | Visualization |
VISUAL | tropical | method of CovectorLattice | Visualization |
VISUAL() | tropical | method of RationalCurve | Visualization |
VISUAL() | tropical | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL | tropical | method of VoronoiDiagram | no category |
VISUAL() | tropical | method of TropicalRationalFunction | Visualization |
VISUAL() | tropical | method of Morphism | Visualization |
VISUAL() | tropical | method of Cycle | Visualization |
VISUAL() | polytope | method of VectorConfiguration | Visualization |
VISUAL() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL() | polytope | method of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
VISUAL() | polytope | method of Cone | Visualization |
VISUAL() | polytope | method of PointConfiguration | Visualization |
Visual::Cone | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::Container | common | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::Gale | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::Graph | graph | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::Lattice | graph | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::Object | common | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::PlanarNet | fan | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::PointConfiguration | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::PolyhedralFan | fan | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::Polytope | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::PolytopeGraph | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::PolytopeLattice | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::SchlegelDiagram | polytope | Objects | Visualization |
Visual::SimplicialComplex | topaz | Objects | no category |
Visual::SimplicialComplexLattice | topaz | Objects | no category |
VISUAL_BOUNDED_GRAPH() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_CRUST() | polytope | method of VoronoiPolyhedron | Visualization |
VISUAL_DUAL() | graph | method of PartiallyOrderedSet | Visualization |
VISUAL_DUAL() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_DUAL_FACE_LATTICE() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_DUAL_FACE_LATTICE() | polytope | method of Cone | Visualization |
VISUAL_DUAL_GRAPH() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
VISUAL_DUAL_GRAPH() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_FACE_LATTICE() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
VISUAL_FACE_LATTICE() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_FACE_LATTICE() | polytope | method of Cone | Visualization |
VISUAL_GRAPH() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
VISUAL_GRAPH() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_HYPERPLANE_ARRANGEMENT() | tropical | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_METRIC_TIGHT_SPAN() | fan | method of PolyhedralComplex | no category |
VISUAL_MIXED_GRAPH() | topaz | method of SimplicialComplex | Visualization |
VISUAL_NN_CRUST() | polytope | method of VoronoiPolyhedron | Visualization |
VISUAL_NOP(ARRAY colors_ref, ARRAY trans_ref) | polytope | method of Polytope | Symmetry |
VISUAL_NOP_GRAPH(String filename) | polytope | method of Polytope | Symmetry |
VISUAL_ORBIT_COLORED_GRAPH() | fan | method of PolyhedralComplex | Visualization |
VISUAL_ORBIT_COLORED_GRAPH() | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_POINTS() | polytope | method of PointConfiguration | Visualization |
visual_splitstree(Matrix<Rational> M) | fan | Functions | Visualization |
VISUAL_SUBDIVISION() | tropical | method of Polytope | Visualization |
VISUAL_VORONOI() | polytope | method of VoronoiPolyhedron | Visualization |
visualize_in_surface | tropical | Functions | Visualization |
vlabels(Matrix vertices, Bool wo_zero) | polytope | Functions | Visualization |
VOLUME | topaz | property of GeometricSimplicialComplex | no category |
VOLUME | polytope | property of Polytope | Triangulation and volume |
VORONOI_DIAGRAM | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
VORONOI_GRAPH | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
VORONOI_VERTICES | polytope | property of VoronoiPolyhedron | no category |
VoronoiDiagram | tropical | Objects | no category |
VoronoiPolyhedron<Scalar> | polytope | Objects | no category |
WEAKLY_CENTERED | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
WEAKLY_CONNECTED | graph | property of Graph | no category |
WEAKLY_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS | graph | property of Graph | no category |
web_of_stars(Array<Int> poset_hom, Array<Set<Set<Int>>> star_shaped_balls, Array<Set<Int>> triang) | topaz | Functions | Producing a new simplicial complex from others |
wedge(Polytope P, Int facet, Rational z, Rational z_prime) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
WEIGHT_CONE | fulton | property of NormalToricVariety | Combinatorics |
WEIGHT_CONE | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
weight_cone(Cycle X, Set<Int> negative) | tropical | Functions | Weight space |
WEIGHT_SPACE | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
WEIGHT_SYSTEM | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
weighted_digraph_polyhedron(Matrix encoding) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from graphs |
weighted_projective_space(Vector<Int> a) | fulton | Functions | Producing a normal toric variety |
WEIGHTS | fan | property of SubdivisionOfPoints | Geometry |
WEIGHTS | tropical | property of Cycle | Weights and lattices |
WEIGHTS | polytope | property of Cone | Geometry |
WEIGHTS | polytope | property of PointConfiguration | Triangulation and volume |
wheel4_matroid() | matroid | Functions | Producing a matroid from scratch |
wheel_graph(Int n) | graph | Functions | Producing a graph |
wreath(Polytope P1, Polytope P2) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from polytopes |
write_foldable_max_signature_ilp(Polytope P, String outfile_name) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
write_quotient_space_simplexity_ilp | polytope | Functions | Quotient spaces |
write_simplexity_ilp(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
write_simplexity_ilp_with_angles(Polytope P, String outfile_name) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
write_stl(String filename) | polytope | method of Polytope | Visualization |
write_symmetrized_simplexity_ilp(Polytope P, Set<Int> isotypic_components, String outfile_name) | polytope | Functions | Optimization |
wronski_center_ideal(Matrix<Int> L, Vector<Int> lambda) | polytope | Functions | Other |
wronski_polynomial(Matrix<Int> M, Vector<Int> lambda, Array<Rational> coeff, Rational s) | polytope | Functions | Other |
wronski_system(Matrix<Int> M, Vector<Int> lambda, Array<Array<Rational>> coeff_array, Rational s) | polytope | Functions | Other |
wythoff(String type, Set rings) | polytope | Functions | Producing regular polytopes and their generalizations |
x3d(Visual::Object vis_obj …) | common | Functions | Visualization |
zero() | common | method of TropicalNumber | no category |
ZERO | ideal | property of Ideal | Commutative algebra |
zero_in_matroid_ring<Addition>(Int n) | tropical | Functions | Matroid ring cycle arithmetics |
zero_matrix<Element>(Int i, Int j) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
zero_vector<Element>(Int d) | common | Functions | Linear Algebra |
zonotope(Matrix<Scalar> M) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
ZONOTOPE_INPUT_POINTS | polytope | property of Polytope | Geometry |
zonotope_tiling_lattice(Polytope P) | polytope | Functions | Geometry |
zonotope_vertices_fukuda(Matrix M) | polytope | Functions | Producing a polytope from scratch |
ZOOM | polytope | property of SchlegelDiagram | no category |
- documentation/release/4.13/index.txt
- Last modified: 2024/09/24 09:59
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