
This is an old revision of the document!

Compiling polymake

This has been tested on Mac OS 10.11 and later.

Get the polymake sources (either the latest release, or do a checkout of the perpetual beta, see here for links). If you used a tar ball unpack it and switch into the polymake directory. If you use the perpetual beta, switch into the directory trunk. Now issue


If you do not want to install into /usr/local (or you don't have sudo rights), then add


to configure, where '$HOME/polymake-install' can be any directory in your $HOME folder.

If you have never used java before you will get a popup window that asks you to install java. Please do so and rerun the above command.

Once this has finished do

ninja -C build/Opt install

This will take a while. If you have not specified a local directory then you will need to call this with sudo. You can pass a


as option to use both cores for compiling. Your computer will probably become unresponsive for a while.

  • install/mac_compiling_homebrew.1563454809.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/07/18 13:00
  • by paffenholz