
This is an old revision of the document!

We have prepared a Makefile that does a loacl installation of polymake resolving all dependencies. It is available from github. You can also do this yourself. In this case you need the following steps:

  • Add the location of XML-LibXSLT to the environment variable PERL5LIB if it is in a non-standard path.
  • Call ./configure in the root folder of polymake You will have to pass several options to configure to tell it about the additional software you installed. The following list contains the standard ones. For version specific issues check below before calling configure. You might not need all of the options, if you have installed dependencies into their default location.
    • –without-fink: Switch off detection of fink. Also necessary if fink is not installed.
    • –with-gmp=/path/to/your/gmp: Specify the folder you installed gmp into.
    • –with-mpfr=/path/to/your/mpfr: Specify the folder you installed mpfr into.
    • –with-boost=/path/to/your/boost: Specify the folder you unpacked boost into
    • –with-readline=/path/to/your/readline: Specify the folder you installed readline into.
    • –with-ppl=/path/to/your/ppl: Specify the folder you installed ppl into.
    • –with-ant=/path/to/your/ant: Specify the folder you unpacked ant into.
    • –with-singular=/path/to/your/singular: Specify the folder you installed singular into. This is optional.
    • –with-java=/usr/bin/java: Path to java (this might be unnecessary for you)
    • –with-jni-headers=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers: If this fails then check the path. Names of directories may vary slightly.

      Your command could now be similar to the following (still replace paths!):
      ./configure --with-boost=<path> --with-java=/usr/bin/java --with-jni-headers=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Headers --without-fink --with-gmp=<path> --with-mpfr=<path> --with-readline=<path> --with-ppl=<path> --with-ant=<path> --with-singular=<path> --prefix=<path-if-not-to-usr-local>
  • Once configuration has succeeded, do
    ninja -C build/Opt -j2 install

    in the terminal.

Note that you might need additional options if your setup differs from a standard one.

  • install/mac_compiling_nofink.1558006805.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/05/16 11:40
  • by paffenholz