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install:macos [2024/04/11 15:55] – [Install a python dependence] paffenholz
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 +===== Install polymake on Mac OS =====
 +The latest release 4.9 should work on all Mac OS versions greater or equal to 11. The installation requires a couple of steps (of which you have maybe done some already for other reasons):
 +  * Install the xcode command line tools
 +  * install Homebrew
 +  * install Perlbrew
 +  * install some dependencies using Homebrew
 +  * install some dependencies using Perlbrew/cpanm
 +  * install a python dependence
 +  * download and install polymake
 +For all steps you need an open Terminal. You can find the Terminal app in the Subfolder //Utilities// of //Applications//.
 +If you don't want to install Homebrew, you can try to install dependencies yourself. Some instructions are [[install:macos:source|here]].
 +==== Install the Command Line Tools ====
 +In the terminal type
 +<code>xcode-select --install</code>
 +Either this tells you that your command line tools are installed or opens a small window that asks you whether you want to install them. Confirm. It also offers to install the full XCode IDE. This is **not** necessary and **not** recommended (you then need to install the command line tools on top from within XCode). 
 +==== Install Homebrew ====
 +Installation instructions are [[|here]]. In most cases it should be sufficient to copy and execute the first code line on that page into your terminal, that is:
 +/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
 +==== Install Perlbrew ====
 +Installation instructions are  [[|here]]. In most cases it should be sufficient to copy and execute the first code line on that page into your terminal, that is:
 +\curl -L | bash
 +We have to add some variables to the shell environment. Recent macs usually use ''zsh'' as their shell. You can check this with
 +echo $SHELL
 +If you use ''bash'', you have to 
 +  * replace ''.zshrc'' with ''.bashrc'' in the terminal commands below 
 +  * add <code>if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc; fi </code> at the end of the file ''$HOME/.bash_profile'' if it is not already present
 +Now add some paths to your Terminal config and reload the config. For an Intel Mac type the following lines in the terminal:
 +echo "export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5${PERL5LIB+:$PERL5LIB}" >> $HOME/.zshrc
 +echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> $HOME/.zshrc
 +echo 'export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64"' >> $HOME/.zshrc
 +source $HOME/.zshrc
 +and for a Silicon Mac use
 +echo "export PERL5LIB=$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5:$HOME/perl5${PERL5LIB+:$PERL5LIB}" >> $HOME/.zshrc
 +echo "source ~/perl5/perlbrew/etc/bashrc" >> $HOME/.zshrc
 +echo 'export ARCHFLAGS="-arch arm64"' >> $HOME/.zshrc
 +source $HOME/.zshrc
 +==== Install dependencies with Homebrew ====
 +Run the following lines in your terminal:
 +brew install gmp
 +brew install mpfr
 +brew install boost
 +brew install readline
 +brew install ppl
 +brew install flint
 +brew install singular
 +brew install python3
 +brew install ninja
 +brew install ccache
 +brew install mongo-c-driver
 +==== Install dependencies with Perlbrew ====
 +Run the following lines in your terminal:
 +yes N | perlbrew install-cpanm
 +cpanm --local-lib=~/perl5 local::lib && eval $(perl -I ~/perl5/lib/perl5/ -Mlocal::lib)
 +cpanm SVG
 +cpanm JSON
 +cpanm install Net::SSLeay
 +cpanm Term::ReadLine::Gnu
 +cpanm Term::ReadKey
 +cpanm XML::SAX
 +==== Install a python dependence ====
 +If you use pip for python dependencies, then do
 +pip3 install jupyter --user
 +This may complain about a path not being set. If so, add this to your $PATH-variable. 
 +If you use conda, then do
 +conda install jupyter-notebook
 +==== Download polymake ====
 +You find the sources [[download:start|here]]. Get the source tarball from the Linux section of that page. Download to //Downloads//.
 +In the terminal do
 +cd Downloads
 +tar -xvjf polymake-4.11.tar.bz2
 +==== Configure and install polymake ====
 +=== Compilation ===
 +Essentially, polymake is compiled and installed with the following commands. This will put the polymake binary into ''/usr/local''. You may have to use ''sudo'' for installing.
 +cd ~/Downloads/polymake-4.11
 +./configure --without-java
 +ninja -C build/Opt -j2 install
 +However, we recommend to install into a directory in your ''$HOME''-folder. For this, create a folder with
 +mkdir $HOME/<polymake_install_folder>
 +where ''<polymake_install_folder>'' is a name of your choice, e.g. ''polymake_bin''. Then compile and install with (replace with the correct folder name!)
 +cd ~/Downloads/polymake-4.11
 +./configure --without-java --prefix=$HOME/<polymake_install_folder>
 +ninja -C build/Opt -j2 install
 +You can then call ''polymake'' with
 +or add ''$HOME/<polymake_install_folder>/bin/'' to your path.
 +=== Configuration ===
 +If you use ''Safari'' as your default browser, then you need to switch to another one for polymake. Please do
 +set_custom $Visual::webbrowser=open -a "Firefox"
 +inside the polymake shell. Replace ''Firefox'' by ''Google Chrome'' if you prefer this browser.
  • install/macos.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/04/11 16:57
  • by paffenholz