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  173. Michael Joswig, Lars Kastner. New counts for the number of triangulations of cyclic polytopes (264–271). Cham: Springer, 2018. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-96418-8_31.
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  402. Hadrien Mélot. Facet defining inequalities among graph invariants: The system graphedron. Discrete Appl. Math (1875–1891). 2008. doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2007.09.005.
  403. Satyan Devadoss, Stefan Forcey. Marked tubes and the graph multiplihedron. Algebr. Geom. Topol (2081–2108). 2008. doi: 10.2140/agt.2008.8.2081.
  404. Stefan Forcey. Convex hull realizations of the multiplihedra. Topology Appl (326–347). 2008. doi: 10.1016/j.topol.2008.07.010.
  405. Peter Huggins, Bernd Sturmfels, Josephine Yu, Debbie S Yuster. The hyperdeterminant and triangulations of the 4-cube. Math. Comput (1653–1679). 2008. doi: 10.1090/S0025-5718-08-02073-5.
  406. Michael Armbruster, Christoph Helmberg, Marzena Fügenschuh, Alexander Martin. On the graph bisection cut polytope. SIAM J. Discrete Math (1073–1098). 2008. doi: 10.1137/060675253.
  407. Sven Herrmann, Michael Joswig. Splitting polytopes. Münster J. Math (109–141). 2008.
  408. Anders Björner, Gil Kalai, Günter M Ziegler. Geometric and topological combinatorics. Abstracts from the workshop held January 28 – February 3, 2007. 2007. doi: 10.4171/OWR/2007/04.
  409. J. Àlvarez Montaner, F. J. Castro-Jiménez, J. M Ucha. Localization at hyperplane arrangements: combinatorics and ( mathcal D )-modules. J. Algebra (662–679). 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.jalgebra.2006.12.006.
  410. Peter Huggins, Lior Pachter, Bernd Sturmfels. Toward the human genotope. Bull. Math. Biol (2723–2735). 2007. doi: 10.1007/s11538-007-9244-7.
  411. Weronika Buczyńska, Jarosław A Wiśniewski. On geometry of binary symmetric models of phylogenetic trees. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) (609–635). 2007. doi: 10.4171/JEMS/90.
  412. Bernd Sturmfels, Jenia Tevelev, Josephine Yu. The Newton polytope of the implicit equation. Mosc. Math. J (327–346). 2007.
  413. Michael Joswig, Bernd Sturmfels, Josephine Yu. Affine buildings and tropical convexity. Albanian J. Math (187–211). 2007.
  414. David Cox, Jessica Sidman. Secant varieties of toric varieties. J. Pure Appl. Algebra (651–669). 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.jpaa.2006.07.008.
  415. Günter M Ziegler. Convex polytopes: extremal constructions and (f )-vector shapes (617–691). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS); Princeton, NJ: Institute for Advanced Studies, 2007.
  416. Julie Christophe, Jean-Paul Doignon. The polytope of (m )-subspaces of a finite affine space. RAIRO, Oper. Res (317–344). 2007. doi: 10.1051/ro:2007026.
  417. Michael Joswig, Nikolaus Witte. Products of foldable triangulations. Adv. Math (769–796). 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.aim.2006.07.016.
  418. Michael Joswig, Thilo Rörig. Neighborly cubical polytopes and spheres. Isr. J. Math (221–242). 2007. doi: 10.1007/s11856-007-0044-4.
  419. Stephen E. Fienberg, Alessandro Rinaldo. Three centuries of categorical data analysis: Log-linear models and maximum likelihood estima -tion. J. Stat. Plann. Inference (3430–3445). 2007. doi: 10.1016/j.jspi.2007.03.022.
  420. Ulrich Derenthal. On a constant arising in Manin's conjecture for del Pezzo surfaces. Math. Res. Lett (481–489). 2007. doi: 10.4310/MRL.2007.v14.n3.a12.
  421. Sven Herrmann, Michael Joswig. Bounds on the $f$-vectors of tight spans. Contrib. Discrete Math (161–184). 2007.
  422. Niko Beerenwinkel, Lior Pachter, Bernd Sturmfels. Epistasis and shapes of fitness landscapes. Statist. Sinica (1317–1342). 2007.
  423. Stephen Fienberg. Expanding the statistical toolkit with algebraic statistics. Statist. Sinica (1261–1272). 2007.
  424. Peter Huggins. iB4e: a software framework for parametrizing specialized LP problems (245–247). Berlin: Springer, 2006. doi: 10.1007/11832225_24.
  425. Lars Schewe. Generation of oriented matroids using satisfiability solvers (216–218). Berlin: Springer, 2006. doi: 10.1007/11832225_19.
  426. Andreas Paffenholz, Axel Werner. Constructions for 4-polytopes and the cone of flag vectors (283–303). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2006.
  427. Iglesias, Andrés and Takayama, Nobuki (Eds.). Mathematical software – ICMS 2006. Second international congress on mathematical software, Castro Urdiales, Spain, September 1–3, 2006. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2006. doi: 10.1007/11832225.
  428. Ewgenij Gawrilow, Michael Joswig. Flexible object hierarchies in polymake. (Extended abstract) (219–221). Berlin: Springer, 2006. doi: 10.1007/11832225_20.
  429. Sonoko Moriyama, Masahiro Hachimori. (h )-assignments of simplicial complexes and reverse search. Discrete Appl. Math (594–597). 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.dam.2005.09.006.
  430. Eric H Kuo. Viterbi sequences and polytopes. J. Symb. Comput (151–163). 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.jsc.2005.04.007.
  431. Andreas Paffenholz. New polytopes from products. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A (1396–1418). 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.jcta.2005.12.008.
  432. Robert M. Guralnick, David Perkinson. Permutation polytopes and indecomposable elements in permutation groups. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A (1243–1256). 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.jcta.2005.11.004.
  433. Seth Sullivant. Compressed polytopes and statistical disclosure limitation. Tôhoku Math. J. (2) (433–445). 2006. doi: 10.2748/tmj/1163775139.
  434. Nicholas Eriksson, Stephen E. Fienberg, Alessandro Rinaldo, Seth Sullivant. Polyhedral conditions for the nonexistence of the MLE for hierarchical log-linear models. J. Symb. Comput (222–233). 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.jsc.2005.04.003.
  435. James Cruickshank, Séamus Kelly. Rearrangement inequalities and the alternahedron. Discrete Comput. Geom (241–254). 2006. doi: 10.1007/s00454-005-1199-6.
  436. Matthias Beck, Serkan Hoşten. Cyclotomic polytopes and growth series of cyclotomic lattices. Math. Res. Lett (607–622). 2006. doi: 10.4310/MRL.2006.v13.n4.a10.
  437. Michael Joswig, Marc E Pfetsch. Computing optimal Morse matchings. SIAM J. Discrete Math (11–25). 2006. doi: 10.1137/S0895480104445885.
  438. Manoj K. Chari, Michael Joswig. Complexes of discrete Morse functions. Discrete Math (39–51). 2005. doi: 10.1016/j.disc.2004.07.027.
  439. Karin Gatermann, Markus Eiswirth, Anke Sensse. Toric ideals and graph theory to analyze Hopf bifurcations in mass action systems. J. Symb. Comput (1361–1382). 2005. doi: 10.1016/j.jsc.2005.07.002.
  440. David Speyer, Lauren Williams. The tropical totally positive Grassmannians. J. Algebr. Comb (189–210). 2005. doi: 10.1007/s10801-005-2513-3.
  441. M. Beck, Jesús A. De Loera, M. Develin, J. Pfeifle, R. P Stanley. Coefficients and roots of Ehrhart polynomials (15–36). Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS), 2005.
  442. Steffen Schön, Hansjörg Kutterer. Using zonotopes for overestimation-free interval least-squares – some geodetic applications. Reliab. Comput (137–155). 2005. doi: 10.1007/s11155-005-3034-4.
  443. Bernd Sturmfels, Josephine Yu. Classification of six-point metrics. Electron. J. Comb (research paper r44, 16). 2004.
  444. Lior Pachter, Bernd Sturmfels. Parametric inference for biological sequence analysis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (16138–16143). 2004. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0406011101.
  445. Florian Pfender, Günter M Ziegler. Kissing numbers, sphere packings, and some unexpected proofs. Notices Am. Math. Soc (873–883). 2004.
  446. Michael Joswig, Günter M Ziegler. Convex hulls, oracles, and homology. J. Symb. Comput (1247–1259). 2004. doi: 10.1016/j.jsc.2003.08.006.
  447. Julian Pfeifle, Günter M Ziegler. On the monotone upper bound problem. Exp. Math (1–11). 2004. doi: 10.1080/10586458.2004.10504519.
  448. Alexander Schwartz, Günter M Ziegler. Construction techniques for cubical complexes, odd cubical 4-polytopes, and prescribed dual manifolds. Exp. Math (385–413). 2004. doi: 10.1080/10586458.2004.10504548.
  449. Julian Pfeifle, Jörg Rambau. Computing triangulations using oriented matroids (49–75). Berlin: Springer, 2003.
  450. Volker Kaibel, Alexander Schwartz. On the complexity of polytope isomorphism problems. Graphs Comb (215–230). 2003.
  451. Michael Joswig. Beneath-and-beyond revisited (1–21). Berlin: Springer, 2003.
  452. Volker Kaibel, Marc E Pfetsch. Some algorithmic problems in polytope theory (23–48). Berlin: Springer, 2003.
  453. Martin Grötschel, Martin Henk. The representation of polyhedra by polynomial inequalities. Discrete Comput. Geom (485–504). 2003. doi: 10.1007/s00454-003-0782-y.
  454. M. M. Bayer, A. M. Bruening, J. D Stewart. A combinatorial study of multiplexes and ordinary polytopes. Discrete Comput. Geom (49–63). 2002. doi: 10.1007/s00454-001-0051-x.
  455. Michael Joswig. Software integration and computer proofs (15–28). Singapore: World Scientific, 2002.
  456. Joachim Hornegger, Volkmar Welker, Heinrich Niemann. Localization and classification based on projections. Pattern Recognition (1225–1235). 2002. doi: 10.1016/S0031-3203(01)00122-4.
  457. Christian Haase, Günter M Ziegler. Examples and counterexamples for the Perles conjecture. Discrete Comput. Geom (29–44). 2002.
  458. Günter M Ziegler. Face numbers of 4-polytopes and 3-spheres (625–634). Beijing: Higher Education Press; Singapore: World Scientific/distributor, 2002.
  459. Michael Joswig. Projectivities in simplicial complexes and colorings of simple polytopes. Math. Z (243–259). 2002. doi: 10.1007/s002090100381.
  460. Michael Joswig, Volker Kaibel, Marc E. Pfetsch, Günter M Ziegler. Vertex-facet incidences of unbounded polyhedra. Adv. Geom (23–36). 2001. doi: 10.1515/advg.2001.002.
  461. Kalai, Gil and Ziegler, Günter M (Eds.). Polytopes - combinatorics and computation. DMV-seminar Oberwolfach, Germany, November 1997. Basel: Birkhäuser, 2000.
  462. Ulrich Reitebuch. Icosidodecahedron. Electronic Geometry Model. 2000.
  463. Ulrich Reitebuch. Rhombicosidodecahedron. Electronic Geometry Model. 2000.
  464. Ulrich Reitebuch. Rhombitruncated icosahedron. Electronic Geometry Model. 2000.
  465. Ulrich Reitebuch. Soccer ball. Electronic Geometry Model. 2000.
  466. Ulrich Reitebuch. Truncated dodecahedron. Electronic Geometry Model. 2000.
  467. Oswin Aichholzer. Extremal properties of 0/1-polytopes of dimension 5 (111–130). Basel: Birkhäuser, 2000.
  468. M. Joswig, G. M Ziegler. Neighborly cubical polytopes. Discrete Comput. Geom (325–344). 2000. doi: 10.1007/s004540010039.
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