
This page summarizes properties and methods defined for lattice polytopes in polymake. For an introductory example see here.

Up to release 2.14, a lattice polytope in polymake used to be a subclass of a rational polytope, and all basic properties were derived from that. Starting with release 2.15 (or 3.0, not decided yet), there is no distinct type LatticePolytope anymore. A lattice polytope is an instance of rational polytope having the property LATTICE=1. All properties and methods described below have not changed.

As facet inequalities are standardized automatically, they usually do not appear as integer vectors. polymake provides the primitive(Vector) to transform a rational or integral vector into an integral vector such that the gcd of all entries is 1 (as a return vector, the input remains unchanged). primitive(Matrix) applies this function to all rows of the matrix.

Name Description
LATTICE The polytope has integer vertices
LATTICE_POINTS List of lattice points in the polytope
N_LATTICE_POINTS Number of lattice points in the polytope
INTERIOR_LATTICE_POINTS List of lattice points in the interior of the polytope
N_INTERIOR_LATTICE_POINTS Number of lattice points in the interior of the polytope
BOUNDARY_LATTICE_POINTS List of lattice points on the boundary of the polytope
N_BOUNDARY_LATTICE_POINTS Number of lattice points on the boundary of the polytope
HILBERT_BASIS The Hilbert Basis of the cone spanned by P x {1}
N_HILBERT_BASIS Number of elements of the Hilbert Basis
MINKOWSKI_SUMMAND_CONE the cone of all Minkowski summands of P. This has connected user_methods MINKOWSKI_SUMMAND_COEFF and MINKOWSKI_SUMMAND_POINT. The first returns the polytope correspondong to a point in the cone given by coefficients in the rays, the second for a point given in the coordiantes of the ambient space.
Name Description
REFLEXIVE The polytope and it's dual have integral vertices
GORENSTEIN A dilation of the polytope is reflexive up to translation
GORENSTEIN_INDEX If P is Gorenstein, then this is the integer k such that the dilation k*P is reflexive
GORENSTEIN_VECTOR If P is Gorenstein, then this is the unique interior lattice point in k*P
CANONICAL There is exactly one interior lattice point
TERMINAL There is exactly one interior lattice point and all other lattice points are vertices
LATTICE_EMPTY The polytope contains no lattice points other than the vertices
LATTICE_VOLUME The normalized volume of the polytope VOLUME * dim!
LATTICE_DEGREE The degree of the h*-polynomial or Ehrhart polynomial
LATTICE_CODEGREE dim+1-degree or the smallest integer k such that k*P has an interior lattice point
EHRHART_POLYNOMIAL_COEFF The coefficients of the Ehrhart polynomial starting at the constant coefficient
H_STAR_VECTOR The coefficients of the h*-polynomial starting at the constant coefficient
NORMAL The cone spanned by P x {1} is generated in height 1
FACET_WIDTHS The integral width of the polytope with respect to each facet normal
FACET_WIDTH The maximal integral width of the polytope with respect to the facet normals
FACET_VERTEX_LATTICE_DISTANCES The matrix of lattice distances between facets and vertices, rows: facets, columns: vertices
SMOOTH The associated projective variety is smooth; the determinant of the edge directions is +/-1 at every vertex
VERY_AMPLE The Hilbert Basis of the cone spanned by the edge-directions of any vertex lies inside the polytope
GRAPH.LATTICE_EDGE_LENGTHS the lattice lengths of the edges of the graph
Name Description
N_LATTICE_POINTS_IN_DILATION(n) The number of lattice points in the n-th dilation of the polytope
FACET_POINT_LATTICE_DISTANCES(Vector<int>) The lattice distance of an integral vector from the facets of the polytope
Name Description
ambient_lattice_normalization(Polytope) transforms a LatticePolytope into a full dimensional polytope in the lattice given by the intersection of Zn and the affine hull
vertex_lattice_normalization(Polytope) transforms a LatticePolytope into a full dimensional polytope in the lattice spanned by the vertices of the polytope
induced_lattice(Polytope) returns a basis of the lattice spanned by the vertices of the polytope
lattice_pyramid(Polytope) returns a pyramid over the polytope where the apex sits at a lattice point at height one above the base
lattice_bypyramid(Polytope) returns a lattice bipyramid over the polytope with apices at height one above the base (this does not work for a simplex without interior lattice points)
transportation_polytope(row_margin,column_margin) returns the transportation polytope defined by the given row and column margins
lattice_isomorphic_smooth_polytopes(Polytope,Polytope) checks for two smooth polytopes whether they are lattice equivalent in the ambient lattice
Name Description
HILBERT_BASIS The Hilbert Basis of the cone C
N_HILBERT_BASIS Number of elements of the Hilbert Basis
SMOOTH_CONE true, if the primitive generators of the cone are a basis of Z^n
Q_GORENSTEIN_CONE true, if all primitive generators of the cone lie in an affine hyperplane spanned by a lattice functional in the dual cone (but not in the lineality space of the dual cone
Q_GORENSTEIN_INDEX the height of the primitive generators, if the cone is Q_GORENSTEIN
GORENSTEIN true, if Q_GORENSTEIN with index 1
HOMOGENEOUS true if the primitive generators of the rays lie on a hyperplane
Name Description
SMOOTH_FAN true, if all cones are smooth
Q_GORENSTEIN_CONE true, if all maximal cones are Q_GORENSTEIN
Q_GORENSTEIN_INDEX the lcm of the indices of all maixmal cones
GORENSTEIN true, if Q_GORENSTEIN with index 1
  • user_guide/lattice_polytopes_doc.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/01/29 21:46
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