
This tutorial is probably also available as a Jupyter notebook in the demo folder in the polymake source and on github.

Different versions of this tutorial: latest release, release 4.11, release 4.10, release 4.9, release 4.8, release 4.7, release 4.6, release 4.5, release 4.4, release 4.3, release 4.2, release 4.1, release 4.0, release 3.6, nightly master

This tutorial was written by Michael Schmitt, a student of the course “Discrete Optimization”.

Branch & Bound

In this Tutorial, I like to describe, how one can implement the Branch & Bound Algorithm for polytopes using polymake.

This preamble must be integrated in every script file, so that we can use the polytope functionalities of polymake.

> use application "polytope";

At first we create some global variables that keep track over the best integer solution, that has been discovered so far.

> declare $z = -10000;
> declare $x_best;

I introduce a subroutine, that returns the non-integer part of some rational number.

>     sub f {
>         my $x=shift;
>         my $denom = denominator($x);
>         my $nom = convert_to<Integer>($denom * $x);
>         my $remainder = $nom % $denom;
>         if($remainder < 0){
>           $remainder += $denom;
>         }
>         return new Rational($remainder, $denom);
>     }

It follows the main routine, that will call itself recursively. The parameters that are passed to this function are:

  • The objective function as an Vector
  • A list of inequalities that define the currently examined polytope
> sub branchnbound {
> # The following line gets the parameters.
>     my $objective = shift;
>     my @ineqs = @_;
>     my $mat = new Matrix<Rational>(@ineqs);
>     #print "Current Inequalities: \n", $mat, "\n";
>     my $p = new Polytope<Rational>;
>     $p->INEQUALITIES = $mat;
> ### Feasibility check
> # Let's check, whether the polytope is empty or not.
> # If it is empty, we can stop examining this branch of the B&B Tree.
>     if(!$p->FEASIBLE){
>         print "EMPTY!\n";
>         return;
>     }
> ### Solving the relaxation
> # We look for the optimal solution of the linear relaxation.
>     $p->LP = new LinearProgram<Rational>(LINEAR_OBJECTIVE=>$objective);
>     my $x = $p->LP->MAXIMAL_VERTEX;
>     my $ctx = $p->LP->MAXIMAL_VALUE;
>     print "Relaxed solution: ", $x, " -> ", $ctx,"\n";
> ### Pruning
> # And if that is already worse then the best integer solution so far,
> # we can prune this branch.
>     if($ctx <= $z){
>         print "is pruned, because <= $z\n";
>         return 0;
>     }
> ### Check for integer solution
> # In the following loop, we find the first coordinate of the solution vector,
> # that is not integer.
>     my $i = 0;
>     for(my $k=1; $k<$x->dim(); $k++){
>         if(f($x->[$k]) != 0){
>             $i = $k;
>         }
>     }
> #If we didn't find any, we have found an integer solution and possibly a new best solution.
> #In the case of an integer solution, we can stop here.
>     if($i == 0){
>         print "Solution is Integer.\n";
>         # Update the best solution
>         if($ctx > $z){
>             $x_best = $x;
>             $z = $ctx;
>             print "Solution is better then the last optimum.\n";
>         }
>         return;
>     }
> ### Branching
> # Now lets create some new inequalities.
> # At first round the not integer coordinate of x up and down.
>     #Round up and down:
>     my $x_i_down = $x->[$i] - f($x->[$i]);
>     my $x_i_up = $x_i_down + 1;
> # To generate P_1, add the inequality x_i <= x_i_down.
>     my @ineq_to_add_1 = ($x_i_down);
>     for (my $k = 1; $k<$x->dim(); $k++){
>         if($k == $i){
>             push @ineq_to_add_1, -1;
>         }else{
>             push @ineq_to_add_1, 0;
>         }
>     }
> # To generate P_2, add the inequality x_i >= x_i_up.
>     my @ineq_to_add_2 = (-$x_i_up);
>     for (my $k = 1; $k<$x->dim(); $k++){
>         if($k == $i){
>             push @ineq_to_add_2, 1;
>         }else{
>             push @ineq_to_add_2, 0;
>         }
>     }
> # Now add the new inequalities to the old ones ...
>     my @new_ineqs_1 = @ineqs;
>     push @new_ineqs_1, \@ineq_to_add_1;
>     my @new_ineqs_2 = @ineqs;
>     push @new_ineqs_2, \@ineq_to_add_2;
> # And do the recursive calls.
> # Here I added some printouts, that give an inorder traversal of 
> # the B&B tree and the edges that are used for that.
>     print "Set x$i <= $x_i_down\n";
>     branchnbound($objective, @new_ineqs_1);
>     print "Forget x$i <= $x_i_down\n";
>     print "Set x$i >= $x_i_up\n";
>     branchnbound($objective, @new_ineqs_2);
>     print "Forget x$i >= $x_i_up\n";
> }

Finally, the first call of the Routine:

> @ineqs = ([14,-7,2],[3,0,-1],[3,-2,2],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]);
> $objective = [0,4,-1];
> branchnbound($objective, @ineqs);
> print "The solution is: $x_best with the optimal value $z\n";
Relaxed solution: 1 20/7 3 -> 59/7
Set x1 <= 2
Relaxed solution: 1 2 1/2 -> 15/2
Set x2 <= 0
Relaxed solution: 1 3/2 0 -> 6
Set x1 <= 1
Relaxed solution: 1 1 0 -> 4
Solution is Integer.
Solution is better then the last optimum.
Forget x1 <= 1
Set x1 >= 2
Forget x1 >= 2
Forget x2 <= 0
Set x2 >= 1
Relaxed solution: 1 2 1 -> 7
Solution is Integer.
Solution is better then the last optimum.
Forget x2 >= 1
Forget x1 <= 2
Set x1 >= 3
Forget x1 >= 3
The solution is: 1 2 1 with the optimal value 7
  • user_guide/tutorials/release/4.3/branchnbound.txt
  • Last modified: 2020/12/15 22:36
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